Yep SR you are correct...Tells u all u need about this fake plandemic
all was busted when Floyd had the funeral
A nationwide mask mandate would help. Also hard lockdowns. And locking up covidiots in isolation.
"As the virus rages, President-elect Biden plans to announce his Covid-19 task force on Monday."
"As the United States recorded over 100,000 new coronavirus cases for the fourth straight day, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. said in a victory speech on Saturday evening that he would announce a Covid-19 task force on Monday."
A drug addicted porn star SCUMBAG who died of a drug overdose deserved TWO fucking memorials with 100s of People in attendance including plenty of demoscum...
But a friends WWII veteran grandfather who probably did more on his death bed than scumbag floyd did his entire worthless life was NOT allowed to have any type of funeral...
Fucking disgusting...
This idiot here. Lmao!
This is the guy who says he leaves his house maybe once a day for 30 minutes.
So obviously, I can see he would support some major lockdown. Doesn’t affect his life.
His entire thinking and any response is 100% dependent upon (google search) insert link to some article. Because if there is one thing we can trust it’s some Media or Newspaper.
Has little to no critical thinking ability. Relays all information or opinion through “well I read or saw in” (insert media article source) and attempts to enlighten others of what’s factual.
I will say I 100% agree with his lockdown. I say lock it all down for 2 weeks. Hospitals, Grocery, Fire, Police, you name it you lock it down. Then see how people really feel about that.
If authorities and leaders agreed to what?
You think the Governors for the states of North and South Dakota would agree to a national mask mandate?
This shows how small minded you really are.
Stick to Canadian politics. In fact, stick to anything that doesn't involve the RX and please do it with a mask on. You're a cancer.
Fact Check, many many many more people support NO lockdown. Majority wins just like the election, Biden 2020