Yeah, but the stats I just graded were for his butt-boy, Mr. Clutch, not ND.he still posts his picks in the site promotions forum
Curious why you lads didn't post your comments, regarding his plays last night, in the same area Nostradamus post his plays. :think2:
I should add that anyone who wagers on the AFL (Absolute Foolish League), deserves their fate. It's a garbage league made strictly for losers!
i did and my posts were removed - borderline fascism. it's a sad day when you can't call a tout out.
no i think its just you dont know how to read
there has been the site promos rule forever that all services deserve the right to their own thread w/o univited comments
your comments were used to begin a new thread in s promos, and are still visible to everyone
Cards - win +100
Yanks - lose -180
Cleve - lose -110 did not cover
Ariz - losing -110 if loses or not cvers
looking at 1-3 evening -300
Somebody please give me his address so I can send my 200 dollars for a lifetime of 1-3 picks.
do you really expect a tout to have a winning day 365 days a year?
and you never answered my question of why you think he's not honest