Nobel "Peace" prize winner Obomber the war-monger has now Bombed 7 Muslim Countries


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
ISIS Terror Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Was Released By Obama from Camp Bucca in 2009

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, June 12, 2014, 7:23 PM
Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has transformed a few terror cells on the verge of extinction into the most dangerous militant group in the world.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or Abu Dua was once held by the US in Camp Bucca Iraq.

(The Telegraph)

But the Obama administration shut down the Bucca prison camp and released its prisoners, including Abu Dua in 2009.

The Telegraph

The FBI “most wanted” mugshot shows a tough, swarthy figure, his hair in a jailbird crew-cut. The $10 million price on his head, meanwhile, suggests that whoever released him from US custody four years ago may now be regretting it…

…Well-organised and utterly ruthless, the ex-preacher is the driving force behind al-Qaeda’s resurgence throughout Syria and Iraq, putting it at the forefront of the war to topple President Bashar al-Assad and starting a fresh campaign of mayhem against the Western-backed government in Baghdad.

On Tuesday, his forces achieved their biggest coup in Iraq to date, seizing control of government buildings in Mosul, the country’s third biggest city. Coming on top of similar operations in January that planted the black jihadi flag in the towns of Fallujah and Ramadi, it gives al-Qaeda control of large swathes of the north and west of the country, and poses the biggest security crisis since the US pull-out two years ago…

…“This guy was a Salafi (a follower of a fundamentalist brand of Islam), and Saddam’s regime would have kept a close eye on him,” said Dr Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

“He was also in Camp Bucca for several years, which suggests he was already considered a serious threat when he went in there.”
That theory seems backed by US intelligence reports from 2005, which describe him as al-Qaeda’s point man in Qaim, a fly-blown town in Iraq’s western desert.

“Abu Duaa was connected to the intimidation, torture and murder of local civilians in Qaim”, says a Pentagon document. “He would kidnap individuals or entire families, accuse them, pronounce sentence and then publicly execute them.”

Why such a ferocious individual was deemed fit for release in 2009 is not known. One possible explanation is that he was one of thousands of suspected insurgents granted amnesty as the US began its draw down in Iraq. Another, though, is that rather like Keyser Söze, the enigmatic crimelord in the film The Usual Suspects, he may actually be several different people.

Al-Qaeda ISIS members from ISIS celebrate in Diyala Province, Iraq.

Democracy Now added this on the closing of Camp Bucca in 2009.

The US meanwhile has closed Camp Bucca, once its largest prison in Iraq. The Pentagon says it’s transferred Bucca’s remaining 180 prisoners to two jails near Baghdad. US Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King said the prison’s closure comes as part of the US-Iraq security deal.

Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth King: “As a show of progress for the security agreement and moving forward the government of Iraq, we’re going to put the theater internment facility as a piece of history. And we’re going to — it will be history, and we’ll move forward from here and progress.”

Camp Bucca once hosted thousands of prisoners without charge, with many allegations of torture and abuse by US guards.



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
ISIS plotting ‘imminent’ attacks on subways in US, Paris: Iraq’s PM

By Jamie Schram, Rebecca Harshbarger, Larry Celona and Marisa Schultz

September 25, 2014 | 11:34am

Photo: Reuters

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-AbadiPhoto: AP

Islamic State terrorists are plotting an attack on US and Paris subway systems, Iraq’s prime minister warned Thursday morning at the United Nations.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he was told of the plot by his intelligence in Baghdad, and that it was from foreign ISIS fighters in Iraq, according to the Associated Press.

“I’m receiving accurate reports from Baghdad that there were arrests of a few elements and there were networks from inside Iraq to have attacks … on metros of Paris and US,” he said.

He said the attacks had not been thwarted yet, and he had alerted the United States.

Al-Abadi made the claim at a meeting with reporters at a gathering of world leaders at the General Assembly.

The prime minister said that their intelligence division has captured several ISIS fighters, who revealed during interviews that French and Americans had been recruited by the Islamic State and are plotting hits on metro systems in Paris and the United States.

He also said President Obama had been informed of the threat.

But a senior administration official told the Post the Iraqi government had not raised that threat to them.

“No one in the U.S. government is aware of such a plot, and it was not raised with us in our meetings with Iraq officials here in New York,” said that official.

A White House National Security Council spokeswoman said the plot has not been confirmed yet, and they are reviewing information from their Iraqi partners.

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The MTA has increased uniformed cops by 30 to 50 percent at high-volume stations, is increasing random bag checks and is closely watching high-profile locations on security video.Photo: Getty Images

Govs. Andrew Cuomo of New York and Chris Christie of New Jersey had said Wednesday there will be a surge of law enforcement, as well as the military, at major transit hubs due to heightened Middle East tensions.

But they did not mention any specific threats by terror groups.

On Thursday, Cuomo said that they were aware of the report, and are coordinating with the local, state, and federal government.

“I want to assure the people of New York that we are monitoring these reports closely, and are in close communication with officials in Washington,” he said.

The NYPD and FBI said they were aware of what Iraq’s prime minister said, and are assessing whether the threat is valid.

“The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, along with the New York City Police Department, remains committed to protecting this city,” said assistant director-in-charge George Venizelos in a statement.

The MTA has increased its uniformed cops by 30 to 50 percent at high-volume stations, has boosted random bag checks, and is closely watching high-profile locations on security video.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Because having stabilizing military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to rout out small rogue terrorists cells (before they metastasised into organized global threats) and locking up jihadist scum at GITMO was just so...horrible and unbearable.

"We're not like them!" :neenee:

Now look what we're dealing with.

"You accepted shame to avoid war. Now you will have both" -- Winston Churchill (what a pussified foreign policy gets you every time)


Aug 6, 2006
Somehow I don’t think Putin takes Obama seriously.

Well, he bashed Putin in his speech yesterday and an hour later Russia voted with him in the UN.

Obama has made many missteps both here and abroad. I don't think any of those would stop a dickhead like Putin from swinging it around his neck.

Aug 6, 2006
We're going to be hearing a lot of rumors about who is helping, who is doing the fighting, suspected terrorist plots etc. It's going to be tough to figure out all that is really happening. Heck 7 days ago had anyone here ever heard of Khorasan? Were we already targeting them or did we get a lucky break and just happen to find them on our radar while mining for ISIS hideouts? Two things I'm confident, or more upbeat about. Sunni armies are fighting Sunni terrorists. I think the US is getting more help from these countries then we're even stating now, as some of it is on the quiet from countries who have hostages held by ISIS. Also I believe Obama is giving more weight to the advice of the generals and giving them more leeway regarding deciding when to strike at terror targets. Just speculating....

Aug 6, 2006
Well, looks like my friend disagrees with me:

"To quote Joan Rivers, Can we talk?
1. I dont really get this whole concept of being 'proud' to fight beheaders by allying yourself with states that behead people. Like I dont understand how that's an actual thing.Unless you dont really have an issue of them beheading people, just that they do it on youtube.
2. Obama said, "Above all, the people and governments in the Middle East are rejecting ISIL [Islamic State] and standing up for the peace and security that the people of the region and the world deserve."
What in the world is he talking about? Women can't drive in Saudi Arabia and Qatar funds terror gangs. None of these groups actually stand up "for peace and security" of their people. They are standing up to ensure their own states do not get taken over. Argh, the hypocrisy of it all!"

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Posted on Sep 22, 2014 at 7:35 PM in Politics | 109 Comments

By The Right Scoop

After doing some research Allen West says he agrees with a retired Marine Corp General’s comments that Obama’s ISIS plan doesn’t even stand a snowball’s chance in hell of being successful. He explains why below and also gives his prediction on what’s going to happen:

Read more:
Oct 30, 2006
ISIS plotting ‘imminent’ attacks on subways in US, Paris: Iraq’s PM

By Jamie Schram, Rebecca Harshbarger, Larry Celona and Marisa Schultz

September 25, 2014 | 11:34am

Photo: Reuters

Modal Trigger
Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-AbadiPhoto: AP

Islamic State terrorists are plotting an attack on US and Paris subway systems, Iraq’s prime minister warned Thursday morning at the United Nations.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said he was told of the plot by his intelligence in Baghdad, and that it was from foreign ISIS fighters in Iraq, according to the Associated Press.

“I’m receiving accurate reports from Baghdad that there were arrests of a few elements and there were networks from inside Iraq to have attacks … on metros of Paris and US,” he said.

He said the attacks had not been thwarted yet, and he had alerted the United States.

Al-Abadi made the claim at a meeting with reporters at a gathering of world leaders at the General Assembly.

The prime minister said that their intelligence division has captured several ISIS fighters, who revealed during interviews that French and Americans had been recruited by the Islamic State and are plotting hits on metro systems in Paris and the United States.

He also said President Obama had been informed of the threat.

But a senior administration official told the Post the Iraqi government had not raised that threat to them.

“No one in the U.S. government is aware of such a plot, and it was not raised with us in our meetings with Iraq officials here in New York,” said that official.

A White House National Security Council spokeswoman said the plot has not been confirmed yet, and they are reviewing information from their Iraqi partners.

Modal Trigger
The MTA has increased uniformed cops by 30 to 50 percent at high-volume stations, is increasing random bag checks and is closely watching high-profile locations on security video.Photo: Getty Images

Govs. Andrew Cuomo of New York and Chris Christie of New Jersey had said Wednesday there will be a surge of law enforcement, as well as the military, at major transit hubs due to heightened Middle East tensions.

But they did not mention any specific threats by terror groups.

On Thursday, Cuomo said that they were aware of the report, and are coordinating with the local, state, and federal government.

“I want to assure the people of New York that we are monitoring these reports closely, and are in close communication with officials in Washington,” he said.

The NYPD and FBI said they were aware of what Iraq’s prime minister said, and are assessing whether the threat is valid.

“The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, along with the New York City Police Department, remains committed to protecting this city,” said assistant director-in-charge George Venizelos in a statement.

The MTA has increased its uniformed cops by 30 to 50 percent at high-volume stations, has boosted random bag checks, and is closely watching high-profile locations on security video.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Just like he did with healthcare and economy at home, Obama completely FUBARED the middle east abroad.

If he had supported the Iranian uprising early in his presidency, left Libya contained in its box (remember, thanks to the leadership of Bush and Blair, Gaddafi surrendered his WMDs and severed its ties with terrorists), and kept stabilizing forces in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of pandering to far anti-war nut jobs, this thread wouldn't exist. No ISIS (at least, nothing more than "jv team") and no embarrassing (and emboldening) debacle in Benghazi.

The Kenyan created this mess (some would argue by design) strengthening and emboldening the greater evil - radical Islam.

Its too late to roll back the clock now, but suffice it to say more American blood WILL be lost in the future (more terror attacks at home, more military blood spilled abroad) because too many fools drank the Kool-Aid and elected this ineligible, incompetent buffoon.

Vaporizing the rodents from the air won't work, so the next POTUS is going to have their work cut out for them.
It would if we were willing to accept massive collateral damage. If we did a saturation bombing campaign much like Dresden in WWII it would break there will.

We need to become more barbaric than they are. If not we’ll be dicking around with those people for decades to come.

It’s probably going to take attacks here at home before we wise up and even then I’m not sure we have the stomach to do what needs to be done.

Aug 6, 2006
We're going to be hearing a lot of rumors about who is helping, who is doing the fighting, suspected terrorist plots etc. It's going to be tough to figure out all that is really happening.

Right on cue. Turns out the 'Subway Plot' flouted by the Iraqi PM was pure nonsense.
Sep 21, 2004
How come none of you liberal maggots are screaming that Obama is running an illegal war in Syria and Iraq? He didn't get congressional approval.

Where the fuck are Cindy Sheehan and all the other anti-war protesters?

Oh what, Barrack Hussein is a Democrat.



New member
Oct 29, 2010
How come none of you liberal maggots are screaming that Obama is running an illegal war in Syria and Iraq? He didn't get congressional approval.

Where the fuck are Cindy Sheehan and all the other anti-war protesters?

Oh what, Barrack Hussein is a Democrat.


You righties are you want him to keep killing terrorists or not? I know you guys like to own both sides of every issue so I'm not expecting a clear answer but think about it.

Aug 6, 2006
You righties are you want him to keep killing terrorists or not? I know you guys like to own both sides of every issue so I'm not expecting a clear answer but think about it.

I want multiple reviewers to post "Nailed It!" memes for my spot on posts in this here entire thread!

Jul 4, 2012
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) staff were shot at from the air while fleeing a hospital in northern Afghanistan that was hit by US air strikes a month ago, the charity says.
In a report MSF said there were no weapons or fighting inside the compound in Kunduz before the bombing started.

Obama is the 1st nobel peace prize winner in the history of the prize to blow up a hospital.

Sep 21, 2004
It's hysterical to see the same suspects who criticize Obama for not going after terrorists and Muslims, criticize him for going after Terrorists and Muslims. Being the sick, Vermin, anti Obama no matter what, hypocrites they are, I'd expect nothing less. I've been criticizing Obama for his War Mongering policies for years. He's not W, or MCcain, or Hillary, but he's pretty bad.
Sep 21, 2004
You righties are you want him to keep killing terrorists or not? I know you guys like to own both sides of every issue so I'm not expecting a clear answer but think about it.

It's really very simple, though I can see that both you and dumb-fuck Guesser are too stupid to understand
the simple concept involved.

#1. OScumma needs to do things legally, and go through Congress

#2. If the anti-war maggots really were concerned about their cause, they'd be camping on OScumma's front lawn, like they
did with Bush. But, since OScumma is a DemoScum, they don't. Epitome of hypocrisy

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