No one wants to work anymore?


Oct 21, 2005
yup ship sailed No can do. The western world will need immigration to prevent us from becoming Japan. People will realize in due time
Congrats you received $20,000, I honestly hope it worked for your business.

I knew a guy that used the money and bought his wife Breast Implants, I guess that's what sours some.

Jan 13, 2019
I dont know how it is up north where the unions are strong, but down south all of the big jobs are exclusively illegals doing almost all the work, electrical, plumbing HVAC too. The large contractors that get the large jobs usually dont hire anyone under the foreman level. They sub all the labor work out, and the subs hire almost nothing but illegals, most of them cant even speak english. In the long run this is going to really fuck this country!

Oct 12, 2008
I dont know how it is up north where the unions are strong, but down south all of the big jobs are exclusively illegals doing almost all the work, electrical, plumbing HVAC too. The large contractors that get the large jobs usually dont hire anyone under the foreman level. They sub all the labor work out, and the subs hire almost nothing but illegals, most of them cant even speak english. In the long run this is going to really fuck this country!
that aint good,lol. im not clear -- do they have US citizens to fill the job spots? or are they choosing illegals over US citizens so as to circumvent taxes?

my neck of the woods have, for some time, introduced the trades in HIGH School. Also, grants given to kids--fuckin paying them to be a trades person! still short of people

Dec 27, 2011
I dont know how it is up north where the unions are strong, but down south all of the big jobs are exclusively illegals doing almost all the work, electrical, plumbing HVAC too. The large contractors that get the large jobs usually dont hire anyone under the foreman level. They sub all the labor work out, and the subs hire almost nothing but illegals, most of them cant even speak english. In the long run this is going to really fuck this country!

great point .. so true about the diff between east coast and south west

Jan 13, 2019
that aint good,lol. im not clear -- do they have US citizens to fill the job spots? or are they choosing illegals over US citizens so as to circumvent taxes?

my neck of the woods have, for some time, introduced the trades in HIGH School. Also, grants given to kids--fuckin paying them to be a trades person! still short of people
There are US citizens who would do a lot of the jobs, but not for the subs who hire the illegals. They dont pay enough and dont offer jobs to US citizens. Young people who do not want to go to college are not getting opportunities to learn the trades around here. I am in the Houston area, and have worked all over the state and in other states as a superintendent or foreman, before having my own electrical business. It has been like this for quite sometime. I retired last year.

Oct 12, 2008
'Young people who do not want to go to college are not getting opportunities to learn the trades around here.'

that's unfortunate. I dont understand, texas has a ton of trade schools, no? -- the problem at the high school level not providing it as an option/lack of guidance? or no apprenticeships available?

I do like what my province has done with its high school curriculum, adapting to the times, Someone with common sense stepped in. Kids have the option of taking trade classes (plumbing, carpentry, electrical,barber etc ), even offering co-ops for the enthused. Get their feet wet , see if its an area they enjoy. No need to take calculus if you're not mathematically inclined...... might as well provide kids with hands-on workforce options! Kudos to common sense. Also, i have no problem with govt incentivizing students to fill provincial job needs. Why not? .....we have had these programs in place for awhile and still have shortages in the trades!

during high school and paid for, what more does a kid want?

congrats on retirement. My brother-in-law is an electrician. Over 25 yrs experience. Left Ontario to head a project in British Columbia few yrs ago and basically never came back, lol. 6 mths in beautiful BC and unless who have ties, ya aint coming back to Ontario

Jul 23, 2020
I agree, it's just seeing them buy booze and smokes with cash and swipe that food stamp card, for better food then I have eats at me sometimes.
I think HSG might be turning conservative before our eyes..

Better late than never, pal. ??

Nov 1, 2007
Never been an easier time in the history of the world to survive. Every generation creates new technologies to make life easier and then life gets easier and someone from the next generation becomes the celebrity food blogger of their time. It's only going to get easier.

Dec 27, 2011
Never been an easier time in the history of the world to survive. Every generation creates new technologies to make life easier and then life gets easier and someone from the next generation becomes the celebrity food blogger of their time. It's only going to get easier.

my grand parents and aunt worked in a factory .. and my grand mother wore mink coats ..

owned a home , paid it off .. and added a vacation home in Florida to it .

they were immigrants and one of them spoke very limited English

how easy would that be to do now ?

my less successful grandparents never worked , at least not by the time I was of age to remember

they wernt very sophisticated or educated other than in the ways of the world

and they owned their own tenement building

I dont know .. seems to me they achieved the American dream

when I see the neighborhood now that all of them lived in ..

there isnt any factories within walking distance and there isnt anyone
with an entry level job that can afford town a tenement there

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
“One of the most important lessons I've learned in the past two years, is just how malleable the human mind can become under the right conditions.

It took decades to brainwash society into a bunch of lazy and materialistic fools who subconsciously rejected the truth and became complacent with the denegration of our country and its founding principles.

However once FEAR was introduced into the equation, it took just three months to send the entire planet into a blind panic.

Although the majority of humanity has figured it out by now and many more will continue to do so, roughly 5% are broken forever.

Broken forever over the rebranding of influenza.

Fear is a helluva drug....and it spreads faster than any disease ever could.”

Nov 1, 2007
my grand parents and aunt worked in a factory .. and my grand mother wore mink coats ..

owned a home , paid it off .. and added a vacation home in Florida to it .

they were immigrants and one of them spoke very limited English

how easy would that be to do now ?

my less successful grandparents never worked , at least not by the time I was of age to remember

they wernt very sophisticated or educated other than in the ways of the world

and they owned their own tenement building

I dont know .. seems to me they achieved the American dream

when I see the neighborhood now that all of them lived in ..

there isnt any factories within walking distance and there isnt anyone
with an entry level job that can afford town a tenement there
I live in an area where I know dozens of HS drop outs who make six figures + in oil and gas and own homes, boats, big trucks with balls on them, etc. The dudes typically work 70-80 hours a week and have 3am shifts on Christmas and shit. When you propose these jobs to some folks, they scoff at the idea so they're left behind. My late teen daughters work at a smoothie shop and Target and make $14-16/hour. Around here, an entry level 2 bed apartment runs around $1,500. My first jobs I was making $6-10/hour. Those same apartments were $800-1000/month in the days I was working those types of jobs 25 years ago - more difficult to afford than they are now. The local paper runs stories on FB about building contracts and people complain that there is "no affordable housing" and yet, a track of about 600 homes starting in the low $400s was built over the course of the last 2-3 years less than a mile from me and there is not a house for sale in the whole hood. They got snagged up as soon as the foundation was set - so obviously it's "affordable" for someone.

The biggest difference now is that people have a platform to complain and they do that all day instead of working to save up for a home for their family.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
I live in an area where I know dozens of HS drop outs who make six figures + in oil and gas and own homes, boats, big trucks with balls on them, etc. The dudes typically work 70-80 hours a week and have 3am shifts on Christmas and shit. When you propose these jobs to some folks, they scoff at the idea so they're left behind. My late teen daughters work at a smoothie shop and Target and make $14-16/hour. Around here, an entry level 2 bed apartment runs around $1,500. My first jobs I was making $6-10/hour. Those same apartments were $800-1000/month in the days I was working those types of jobs 25 years ago - more difficult to afford than they are now. The local paper runs stories on FB about building contracts and people complain that there is "no affordable housing" and yet, a track of about 600 homes starting in the low $400s was built over the course of the last 2-3 years less than a mile from me and there is not a house for sale in the whole hood. They got snagged up as soon as the foundation was set - so obviously it's "affordable" for someone.

The biggest difference now is that people have a platform to complain and they do that all day instead of working to save up for a home for their family.
Sounds like you live in Katy Texas

Oct 12, 2008
good post CowboyT

There is significant truth in metro's post. Certain regions in N America cannot replicate what previously landed immigrants enjoyed, the affordable opportunities they had. A blue-collar immigrant from Edinburgh landing in Seattle?

freshly listed........

not going to happen

to your point, work ethic finds a way . Times have changed ,gotta be fluid. My area is the opposite of your area , polar opposite. You would be floored at some of the prices, $400,000? not even fuckin close. This can skew views, mindset.

positivity is a lot healthier choice to negativity, kudos to you

Apr 30, 2009
$400,000 now gets you a war time house in Hamilton....maybe.

Nov 1, 2007
Thanks Ricboff. And I know every area has different challenges, but some folks are also focused on the wrong thing. Let's say a hypothetical area has 95 homes and 100 families needing homes, leaving 5 families without affordable housing. It doesn't matter if those people are paid $5/hour or $15 or $100, there still won't be houses for 5 families. That area just needs 5 or (even better) 10 more houses. The most important thing to create affordable living standards is increasing supply. If you take all of the money from all of the billionaires and spread it evenly, we'll still have the same problem - not enough "x" to go around. We need more supply - and therefore, we need more people working. More people building homes makes jobs for the people and pricing on existing homes to become more affordable.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I still remember growing up my parents had appliances that lasted ages

These days, you are lucky if you can get 7 years out of anything
i purchased 3 dishwashers, all broke around the 5 year mark after warranty, so now just do dishes by hand. Bosch, GE, and Whirlpool were equally garbage. now we use it to store pots, pans, spatulas, and can openers. I'd have been happy to make the 7-yr mark

Dec 27, 2011
i purchased 3 dishwashers, all broke around the 5 year mark after warranty, so now just do dishes by hand. Bosch, GE, and Whirlpool were equally garbage. now we use it to store pots, pans, spatulas, and can openers. I'd have been happy to make the 7-yr mark

lmao theres a brand new dishwasher in a box being waiting to be installed where the one I bought 2 years ago was
just removed from.

between the cost of the parts, dealing with the manufacturer and trying to find a local appliance handyman too install said part

it was worth more to me , to pay hundreds more gross, with the net win being not having the hassle of all the above

Oct 21, 2005
Does anyone do dishes by hand, then throw them in the dishwasher?

Old lady gives me hell about it, she is very lazy will throw them in caked with shit and the dishwasher never seems to clean them.

I have always hand washed them, then through them in the dishwasher.

I know waste of water.

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