MLB Has Blown Its Chance to Return in Celebratory Fashion by July 4
Absolutely nothing should surprise you at this point, including the fact that MLB had upwards of two months to get its ducks in a row for a July 4 launch and because of pride, incompetence, and greed, they’ve blown it.
The latest on the steaming pile of shit that has become MLB’s “negotiation” efforts:
When you have 30 owners on one side, who don’t precisely all stand for the same thing, and you’ve got players, agents, and a union on the other side, who don’t precisely all stand for the same thing, you can understand how this moment might be challenging. How there would be fights. How the leadership on each side would struggle to deal with all the conflicting inputs.
And yet you’d also think, as we observe this situation from the outside, that everyone involved would appreciate that they and they alone are torching so much value for their industry right now. They are all standing around a house fire, each unwilling to be the one to turn on his hose first. So the house burns. And the rest of us watch, thinking, “But I could’ve stayed in that house … ”
The result, for now, is that the timeline won’t permit a deal to be finished in time for Spring Training Part Two begin early enough that a July 1-4 season launch is possible. They have effectively shredded that plan, despite how good it could have been for the sport and the fans.
Heck, the sides are still writing each other piss letters, a couple days apart. It’s just unbelievable that they are operating this way, holding the players and the fans hostage.