lets go game for game BIG SHOT!! you cant pick your nose, how woulf you know i pay for touts? and why would i since i can bury you in about 2 weeks of head to head
your already stuck in we arent outta the 1st week LOL
here ya go you losers!! get Syracuse TEAM TOTAL UNDER 27
GFY! illl bury u, son
lets go game for game BIG SHOT!! you cant pick your nose, how woulf you know i pay for touts? and why would i since i can bury you in about 2 weeks of head to head
your already stuck in we arent outta the 1st week LOL
here ya go you losers!! get Syracuse TEAM TOTAL UNDER 27
GFY! illl bury u, son
Man this guy again, I have no idea who you are and why picked me to troll but ur a bitch ass loser troll scum and you don't have a big enough shovel to bury me clown. Go away, can a mod take care of this harassment?