Football wagers pale in comparison. Please wish my best to both your son and your family. High school athletics are great and so beneficial, hopefully your son will recover speedily and be okay.
Same best wishes for your son...hope things turn out well
hope your son is well.
Always appreciate your posts and knowledge L2KA. Thoughts and prayers for your boy and your family with his injury.
I sincerely appreciate it. It's been a tough few days. He made a tackle on defense and one of his players knee hit the back of his neck and he went limp and had paralysis for about 5 minutes on the field. Code 3 ambulance ride to the nearest trauma hospital. Doing a little better now but day by day. Home with a neck brace and pain meds. So far just significant swelling and strained ligaments in his neck C3-C4 vertebrae.Kick A.........hope your son is better buddy....
prayers are with your and family for a speedy recovery.......indy