Jealousy/hate mixed with no more Bonus Plays is my assumption of anyone who hates the move of Lewis trying to make $…
I have never tailed anyone
Always a bad idea
In fact never have I played one of his games because it is his game
he has had a great year
He has always seemed like a good guy and never an asshole to anyone
Free to do whatever
But I have no idea whether he is good at any other sport
No idea whether this was a good year and most others have not been
Many people who go tout now have free money and do not continue the same passion
For me it is an overall situation
Not specifically Lewis anyway
But someone brought it up
I just think as a whole it is bad for the board
If he makes tons of money, good for him
But we are all here at the forums
We are not all here specifically for Lewis and his plays
Just the broader point
Gl to him
No hate on him specifically just the general rule of thumb of people turning tout even though some continue contributing