Show me the last time i've bashed you????????????? Its all compliments and thanks until you get nasty with your crybaby name calling and trying to dictate who can and can't post in your threads.
I can dictate who can and can't post in my threads. Because I created the thread and if I don't like the vibe and the way things are being handled I will dictate it by not posting anymore. That is how I dictate it and it is no threat at all to anyone. Call it being a " baby" but I don't seeing you posting any plays. I call it doing what I say and staying true to my word. So like I said this is an ultimatum.
I don't know why the mods are letting his posts go through in my thread. Regardless if I was on post review or not... I never go into an O.P's thread to bash them personally or for their play. Yet this has gone on for years at this forum with Loomis coming into my thread after a loss and bashing me.. Now that I win a lot the last couple of years...we are suppose to be cool and friends all of a sudden? If you can't understand that I think that is some sideways shit then you are a fuck. I'm getting tired of you playing dumb.
Hilarious with all the shit talking you did to me over the years you are begging to be friends now, fucking loser. At least MattyMatt was real enough to squash shit and put our issues to rest. We talked it out with respect through PM here. Your fake ass Loomis will talk all the shit on here but then PM me saying, "you would be really cool to get a beer with." So why the two sided fake bullshit on the forums Loomis? Your way of squashing past issues is wait until I start providing winners and then act like you didn't go three years on here talking shit to me.
Now I got to find out why this clowns posts are still getting through......
Basically what you are saying is I can go into all of Incupisses threads and start stalking him "again" and hit him with subtle shots and tell him I am on the opposite side of his bet. All of that stuff... if that is the situation then we can do that. I just need to know the new rules here since they change every week. But yall know my history with Incupiss and the mods(except for reno) should know my history with looser loomis..... I prefer not do have to resort to that but I will if it is being done in my threads and nothing changes.