-You must have gotten confused with your months, Its Thanksgiving season not Christmas... JK but thanks for the bombs throughout this week and good luck today my man
-You must have gotten confused with your months, Its Thanksgiving season not Christmas... JK but thanks for the bombs throughout this week and good luck today my man
Yeah Buddy - If you ever go, pass on the casino called El Dorado. I use to live in Vegas and also in Illinois and would always shoot dice, but never have I ever got bruised and battered at a casino, like the El D. I went next door to Sam's Town and got it all back on $25 blackjack and made a little extra on the roulette wheel. My girlfriend drug me out kicking and screaming at about 1:00 AM - up $300 or so, from a $1,200 down from El D. - NEVER GO THERE . . . . But when I saw Oklahoma up by a million and Oregon just runnin away in the Civil War, I knew my money was made elsewhere