1. They changed all the rules to make it less like football and more like knitting. Part of the appeal was the violent nature of the game. The inbalance is awful.
2. ESPN is endless in its politicizing nature on every issue with an extremely left leaning perspective. The largest demographic of NFL and sports in general is White Males who overwhelmingly have a right leaning perspective
3. No one is different. I can tune in to a college game and watch a Baylor style spread offense in the morning, the option in the afternoon and a bama smashmouth game at night. The NFL is basically every team running the same plays and it is a matter of who executes it better. Yawn.
4. I sat in a bar recently with three tv's on three different nfl games. Guy sitting at the bar knew every player in the league it seems but he wasn't watching the games..... he was watching his phone for fantasy football updates because he is in five leagues. He doesn't care who wins, just that his player gets points. This is another reason people like the red zone channel.