Really good info Dr. Kevin, and we can take this chat over to the college FB forum as to not clog the newsletter forum...use the newsletter publications for INFORMATION...not ATS picks. Only thing I would add to what you are saying is this: I firmly believe that if you know football; like really know the game of football and the nuances within it, either from playing at the college level or higher, scouting, studying, betting, should be able to pick out stats, situations, tendencies, series history, etc. and improve the odds in your favor greater than 50/50. If you know what you are doing, 50/50 isn't the benchmark. In otherwords, over 100 plays I know I am going to go 55-57% ATS or slightly higher, so my 50/50 is not going 50%, it is more like 50/50 on if I go over or under 57%...Ive Moved the math in my favor substancially. How do I do this.
by betting every sport I can and being in expert in hockey, NFL, MLb...nope...JOKE. ITs by avoiding all of those leagues. I dont (I mean DO NOT) bet NFL, or MLB, NBA, hockey, golf, cricket, soccer, F1, tennis, horse racing, etc...I DO NOT DO IT. I focus 100% of my time and attention on the college leagues, spending countless hours digesting, formulating, line tracking, watching injuries, beat reporters, coach weekly pressers, practice performance, tendencies, blah blah bllah. and I have Strict money management where my bankroll consists of enough money for 70-100 "units" and 75% + of my bets are "ONE UNIT" 7-10% are 2 unit, 7-10% are .5-.75unit...maybe 3-5% of my best are 3-4 units. nothing above that.
specialization, being in the trenches doing the grunt work, and money management can move the odds in your favor to greater than 50/50...there is NO OTHER WAY, including fading or playing the newsletters.