News Anchor who broke Clinton Tarmac story Dead at 45. Nothing to see here...


Oct 12, 2008
Actually, growing the economy is the only chance we have to reduce the deficit. Career politicians simply don't have the backbone nor the intelligence to make difficult decisions. Collectively, them and the media are the biggest scumbags on this planet

Trump had the economy humming, implementing the policies I've been begging for since I was in high school (even though I was a democrat at the time)

Joe Biden is delusional, and that's his strength

HE convienently forgot about the other side of the equation and increased spending. His policies increased the deficit faster than if said policies werent implemenetd

its nice to see 'fiscal' conservatives blinded by it all . He neutered them.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
HE convienently forgot about the other side of the equation and increased spending. His policies increased the deficit faster than if said policies werent implemenetd

its nice to see 'fiscal' conservatives blinded by it all . He neutered them.

What part of "economic growth" did he conveniently forget about again?

I want to reduce the deficit and debt, I have zero faith in any career politician to do so. They don't have the backbone, they don't have the character, and the liberal spin makes it political suicide. They all like their do nothing jobs, the worst of them believe they're the solution

Rand Paul, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich are the only people in DC that actually tried to control the deficit. Certainly not one democrat in DC has in my lifetime. Although Clinton eventually signed Newt's budget, and now the democrats who fought that budget to the very end take credit for it today, and their media enables the rewriting of history. Bubba even shut down the government in an attempt to stop Newt, who became the antichrist

Oct 12, 2008
r u being intellectually dishonest? i said nothing about the economic growth

the economic growth part was a good good , Willie. No doubt.

HE had (early on) control of senate and house and could have reigned in the other side of the equation. HE didnt, did the opposite. You r blaming these career politicians yet none of them were the President. It was never a prority for trump and his poliices increased the deficit . Cmon man , dont grant the guy immunity , he was the president

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Intellectually dishonest? When I talked about economic growth, you quoted me, highlighted "economic growth", and said he "conveniently forgot about the deficit". Seemed as if you were somehow trying to disagree with me

Lower taxes, decreased regulations, low energy costs and better trade deals is what encouraged companies to grow in the states. Stated differently, he was the anti-Obama. Biden is turning back towards Obama era policies. White men are evil, corporations are evil, low energy costs are undesirable, higher taxes are the solution and the government is your salvation

PS: It's career politicians who have created the deficit we have today, not Trump. And he could not get them to reduce spending, he can't create a budget with an executive order, and he was fighting career politicians on multiple fronts. Did you miss my comment about not having the backbone to commit political suicide?

DC is a swamp

Oct 12, 2008
My bad with the ambiguity, my point should be clear nonetheless

The deficit was never a priority for Trump, actually he took the debt ceiling off the table lol

With a cool dose of massive spending under his watch the deficit rose - the exact opposite of what he said he'd do.(pre covid to be fair)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
OK, I'm not going to pretend he worked to reduce the deficit. I will argue he worked to improve our lives

He actually worked to keep most of his promises, certainly not all of them. In DC, fighting to keep even one big promise is unusual

The norm is what John McCain did in his last election. Campaign tirelessly about repealing Obamacare, then cast the vote that saves it. Now that's a microcosm of DC. It also speaks volumes about having control to change things

Oct 12, 2008
i give him props for quite a bit, willie .Not the demeanor/personality for a leader of a country, imo. Am a fiscal conservative, and if u want to see a true fiscal shit show? look north of the border. The idiot in charge should be in jail, he'll be re-elected in Oct. Fun fact-- he has collected more debt during his reign than ALL previous prime ministers COMBINED. Let that sink in. The idiot replaced our finance minister with a former journalist with degrees in russian history and a masters in slavonic studies,....... im serious .People voted for this guy over Harper , fuckin' surreal. Harper ran a surplus his last yr and wasnt enough, voters booted him out. Even pre-covid that idiot was spending recklessly , covid unleased the true moron. Canada is NOT the land it use to be.

Jul 4, 2012
So... you think the Clintons had something to do with it..
They've been able to run this ring of killers for years without being caught? two huge politicians, killing without ever being detected?. Got it.

You don't have plenty of company, fact is you and the fellas are in the fringe minority..again.
I'm going to help you out here and bring this back around to 2016 and again say attacking the Clintons in 2020 was a big orange fail.

Nobody was attacking the Clintons in 2020.

Dec 13, 2007
Take the blinders off, clown. Read post #8 in this thread.

I'll waste no more time with you. There are NONE SO BLIND,

I could say the same about those who don't read.
That's cool I don't like responding to you anyway but I did.


No loss here .

Jul 4, 2012
Still stuck on Bill and Hillary?..Meanwhile in the real world the DOJ was turned into a vehicle for personal vendettas..
But yeah the 4 years spent trying to tree Hillary like a bunch of hillbilly squirrel hurters has broadened the GOPs voter base.
The Clintons are political history at this point and completely irreverent .

What ever happen to policy when it comes to the GOP?

The GOP is in big trouble and it's not just a shifting demographics problem.

Of course Republicans didn't run against the Clintons in 2020 and the election was actually a disaster for Democrats.


1. The current President may not finish his term and will not run for reelection
2. The Vice President is an unpopular and unelectable imbecile
3. The Democrats dumped $26 million into the KY senate race and lost
4. The Democrats dumped $18 million into the Maine senate race and lost
5. The Democrats performance in the House elections was an utter disaster and they will lose control in 2022.
6. Every Republican Gov up for re-election won, and the R's gained a Gubernatorial seat (in MT) - R's control more Governorships than Democrats do
7. Republicans gained seats in state legislatures and of course control more state legislatures than Democrats (despite Democrats being so popular) - In 22 states, Republicans hold unified control over the governor’s office and both houses of the legislature.

Your "demographics" comments are chimpanzee level stuff.

‘A decade of power’: Statehouse wins position GOP to dominate redistricting

‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage

Dec 13, 2007
Of course Republicans didn't run against the Clintons in 2020 and the election was actually a disaster for Democrats.


1. The current President may not finish his term and will not run for reelection
2. The Vice President is an unpopular and unelectable imbecile
3. The Democrats dumped $26 million into the KY senate race and lost
4. The Democrats dumped $18 million into the Maine senate race and lost
5. The Democrats performance in the House elections was an utter disaster and they will lose control in 2022.
6. Every Republican Gov up for re-election won, and the R's gained a Gubernatorial seat (in MT) - R's control more Governorships than Democrats do
7. Republicans gained seats in state legislatures and of course control more state legislatures than Democrats (despite Democrats being so popular) - In 22 states, Republicans hold unified control over the governor’s office and both houses of the legislature.

Your "demographics" comments are chimpanzee level stuff.

‘A decade of power’: Statehouse wins position GOP to dominate redistricting

‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage

Georgia and Arizona both show changing demos...Florida and Texas will fall too in the next 10 years.

Demos are changing..better keep up slub.

I'd think MitchLandia( KY )is safe

KY has the leading amount of people on welfare per capita..winning... go red states.
Nov 8, 2012
Of course Republicans didn't run against the Clintons in 2020 and the election was actually a disaster for Democrats.


1. The current President may not finish his term and will not run for reelection
2. The Vice President is an unpopular and unelectable imbecile
3. The Democrats dumped $26 million into the KY senate race and lost
4. The Democrats dumped $18 million into the Maine senate race and lost
5. The Democrats performance in the House elections was an utter disaster and they will lose control in 2022.
6. Every Republican Gov up for re-election won, and the R's gained a Gubernatorial seat (in MT) - R's control more Governorships than Democrats do
7. Republicans gained seats in state legislatures and of course control more state legislatures than Democrats (despite Democrats being so popular) - In 22 states, Republicans hold unified control over the governor’s office and both houses of the legislature.

Your "demographics" comments are chimpanzee level stuff.

‘A decade of power’: Statehouse wins position GOP to dominate redistricting

‘Dumpster fire’: House Democrats trade blame after Tuesday’s damage

Just curious how the 2020 election was a disaster for the democrats when they took over the Presidency and the Senate?

I'll hang up and listen

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