Tell your wife I think I'm in love.....:nohead:Joey, to be honest I don't know how but TTinCO will be around soon and he might be able to resize it or we can just delete the big photo now that you have resized it yourself and reposted a smaller one.
Post here what you want me to do.
VD - my wife says you look thinner. :lol:
I actually took her (a Tica) to the Black Pearl in January of 2006, of course we ate indoors back then. She loved the food like most people.
Viejore, you DID lose weight! Must be those smaller portions of healthy food over there in Thailand.
Actually found a new concept and tried it....called the gymnasium...besides I was always chasing my female caddies around the course five days a week also....and I wanted to look thinner when I get my picture taken with Greendoberman in August...:lol:
VD- Glad to hear you are having a great vacation. Your old team Time Out Tavern put up a good fight in your absence, 3rd place of 18, losing by less than a stroke.
Since you are in Rhode Island, you might want to give Al The Blade a call. He is in the Providence area I think. I have his phone number if you e-mail me. He would love to hear from you or see you. Don't know where Newport is in relation but Rhode Island ain't that big!
By the way, changed my mind and am heading to Thailand in August for 2 months. We have time for a few rounds after your return to CR in July. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and the Red Sox game. Let us know which game and we will watch it at Time Out and look for you! Too bad the new 42 inch plasmas won't be installed in time. Football season.