New Years Gift


Dec 18, 2017
Doc wrote...

capped it perfect buddy. Burns you up!!!!!

Doc Sent ^ it to my PM. LOL.
Doc Im not burned up - Im pointing out that you said the game wins by 2 scores. Then you PM me this shit above today tell me you Quote: "capped it perfect buddy"!.UnQuote LOL

If it was capped perfect then why didnt you bet the spread and cover the 4.5 points with the win by your "perfectly capped" 2 score prediction???

OOOORRRR, Why didnt you bet the dog with the 5 points and win both ways. LOL.
Or how about a LIVE bet getting Points withGA when they were losing 38-24 before the 4th quarter?
Shit man - didnt your connections call you and say get down on the" plus points" now and the Live Dog"Money Line" again -which was plus +190.
Im sure the connections you have all loaded up knowing they were going to WIN even more!????

A perfectly capped game is when the favorite wins and covers BOTH lines. ML and the spread.

You likely played the spread and since you dont play with real money, and didn't lay the -255 yesterday.(How many units?) LOL.
You just posted the game with the ML along with that sad story of having "connections" and Inside Info" LOL.
What happed to your "connections" on the other 13 games that Georgia had this year??? LOL.
Where are those games posted with the Connections Quotes"

Im sure when someone has "Connections and Inside Info", that the source youre connected to - wouldn't hold back all the other games they have...LOL.

Saying you have inside info and saying you have connections is more radical than when a Poster calls his play a LOCK that YOU personally attacked this week> See what a Hypocrite you are?

Here are some of your quotes in LSU Pete's Lock post in college. That you bashed him for - in saying he wanted attention and sells picks...LOL

Doc's Quote; ""
lol is all I can say to this post. Pete hasn’t posted here in years. He had a good run a few years back. Tried to sell his bowl picks for a price I certainly wouldn’t pay and I assume most others didn’t. He wasn’t ran off by post like this.

but, the fact this was posted in a cfb forum screams “I want attention

I’ll say again when you quit coming to forums looking for winners and start coming to forums looking for fades you’ll do much better. This post alone should have made you look hard at the opposite side, not run to blindly throw your money on the “lock”

Doc';s Quote "

Really? A post with that title. Posted in a forum that is getting all the traffic this time of year.

what would my paragraph had said? I personally don’t care what Pete or anyone else for that matter calls a lock I welcome those picks.

the post was directed to the person that claims we run people off by responding in such way. If someone wants to post a pick in this fashion, they need to prepare for the backlash when it goes bad.

Pete wasn’t ran off these forums because people post Ill will nor was anyone else EVER. They leave because they do something like this, or try to sell picks, or brag about their wins to a point that when they lose.. they can’t handle the blowback"

Doc's Quote:
Case in point had Pete jsut posted this in the CBB forum. Where it belongs. And even posted it has a 10 star. Not used the word lock or any of the other jazz…..

Half this blowback if not all of it… doesn’t happen.

People post it in this way to get attention when it hits. Which again I’m fine with, just answer the bell when it loses. Or run…. Guess we’ll see what the OP does..UNQUOTE"

Hey Doc...Yesterday you probably had your door "wide open" just before OSU missed the game winning FG...LOL
STFU and go away.

Sep 21, 2004
Doc made a good call. like harry the hat says..just win .
Sep 21, 2004
Right. The line moved from 7 to 6 because people are betting uga right? If they needed OSU money they’d raise that line back to 7. They don’t. Money all over OSU and it’s foolish to think that only the wise guys are causing this. Again go look at forums and social media, scamdicappers. Probably 4/5 to 1 people on OSU.

also line didn’t go from 7 to 6. It went from 7 to 6.5 then to 6. Now at most places osu is juiced at 6.

OSU is a brand. Uga has handled Oregon LsU Tennessee amongst others and haven’t been less than 10 pt favs all year. What exactly has OSU done to 1) earn getting in the playoffs 2) deserve this line? The answer is nothing.

after this game people will likely be wondering why Alabama wasn’t in. This OSU team just isn’t elite.
You are a tool, sir. Clueless about how gambling lines work. A simple google search would have told you that the bets were all on UGA and sharps were the only ones on OSU. Books made a fortune on this game.
Sep 21, 2004
Lines move on sharp action regardless of the risk involved for the books on any one game. This is gambling 101.
Sep 21, 2004
The line movement down is a direct result of the PUBLIC. And like I said this morning, people would take OSU at 3.

public has seen the newsletters and social media people and ran to take OSU bc of the brand. They think osu has the athletes and all that.

line moves like it has been moving since it’s come out and now it’s due to sharp money. Makes zero sense. Sharp money might have moved it off 7. But it’s not betting it down to 4.5 or 5. Sharp money will jump uga before kick.
Lmao. Need a bookie?
Sep 21, 2004
I’ll post this last thing and leave it be:

most of the public money is bet on game day. Rarely do public bettors/Recreational bettors bet a game early.

the fact this line has dropped nearly 2 to 2.5 points on game day shows you where the money is going and it’s not sharp money. Again sharp money doenst take bad lines, that’s why it’s sharp. Shape bettors wanting uga will come in late and you’ll see the line climb back that way a tick or two
Damn, you run your mouth a lot on shit you have no clue about. On and on and on.
Sep 21, 2004
New Year’s gift of free money is laying -250 on a bet that’s +450 in the 4Q and -130 with 8 seconds left.

Yep, a gift.

Jan 12, 2019
Love a thread getting bumped that resulted in me winning a huge bet. And like I posted in the thread, I added to that bet after uga fell behind 7-0.

can a mod step in and tell gman and his buddy to quit being so obsessed, again a thread that got 100 posts and 5k views shouldn’t be ruined

Jan 12, 2019
New Year’s gift of free money is laying -250 on a bet that’s +450 in the 4Q and -130 with 8 seconds left.

Yep, a gift.
You and gman seem a lot alkke

new years gift if playing the ML on a bet that was posted on the ML hours before kick time. The Ml was never -250, could be found at 195-225 at multiple sites.

guess you didn’t know that ML bets don’t get paid out until the full 60 minutes are played?????

I cashed out big. And for anyone that took my advice and played the ML you got a nice new years gift as well.
Sep 21, 2004
Congrats on your $400 win. I’m sure your expert analysis and education on line moves convinced everyone to jump in and receive this gift.

Dec 18, 2017
Love a thread getting bumped that resulted in me winning a huge bet. And like I posted in the thread, I added to that bet after uga fell behind 7-0.

can a mod step in and tell gman and his buddy to quit being so obsessed, again a thread that got 100 posts and 5k views shouldn’t be ruined
LOL..Whos Counting? LOL
Like I said you disnt have the solid info to bet live and bet the dog ML if you capped it so perfectly.
The only reason I posted again is because YOU decided to PM me to try and say how good you are...LOL.
I dont care if you go 50-0 but your lies about connections are just so bad that only a hypocrite like you would bash others for what you did with YOUR Inside Info and connections! LOLOLOLOLOL.

And NO Doc. If the bets were needed on OSU then you didnt pay attention to the percentages here and else where that the public was 83% on GEORGIA! They moved the line down to draw masses on Georgia. They likely has it fuigured that OSU would cover or Win SU. They killed it. All the Georgia betters...all 83% of then got hosed.
JUST LIKE Last Year when you told to whole Forum to fade me. And I said then - that they lowered the Line on Georgia vs Alabama to suck more people on Bama by dropping the line because THAT was the overwhelming mass betting on them against Georgia/..
They did it - including sucking you in - because your ea Bama resident and fan and it Killed you then that I was right.
Dont PM me anymore. Just quit lying about connections and inside info. Its worse that yelling LOCK in a thread...Grow up.

Jan 12, 2019
Gman stay out of my threads. As you could see. This thread was probably the best discussion of bowl season until you brought your kindergarten attitude in.

you are right. I’m an idiot moron. You are the best. I don’t know anything. You are the almighty when it comes to Vegas and gambling!!!!!! There is that what you wanted?????

unreal. I post a ML bet. It wins. Thread is great and someone you come in and try to make it all about you.

Jan 12, 2019
Congrats on your $400 win. I’m sure your expert analysis and education on line moves convinced everyone to jump in and receive this gift.

it was actually only quarters. No way can I afford 400.. lol… funny thing is the analysis I gave produce a winner. Capping it perfect or being on the right side of a bad beat or what not doesn’t matter a winner is a winner.

maybe next time you’ll catch this post a little early and jump in and fade me. No way my education and analysis can produce another big winner.

happy new year to you. You and gman have a lot in common. Be sure to check in and read his threads

Dec 15, 2017
Tough loss as a Buckeye fan, but they didn’t deserve to win. I was happy with effort but can’t have that many defensive breakdowns and expect to beat the #1 team basically playing a home game

Feel bad for the kicker but shouldn’t have come down to that

Good hit for OP

Dec 18, 2017
Tough loss as a Buckeye fan, but they didn’t deserve to win. I was happy with effort but can’t have that many defensive breakdowns and expect to beat the #1 team basically playing a home game

Feel bad for the kicker but shouldn’t have come down to that

Good hit for OP
Why not? They lost their best WR for the entire 4th qtr.

Georgia coach said this.
"Ohio State probably deserved to win the game but we never quit," Georgia coach Kirby Smart said. "We didn't play our best game. Maybe they didn't either."

--Field Level Media

Jan 12, 2019
Tough loss as a Buckeye fan, but they didn’t deserve to win. I was happy with effort but can’t have that many defensive breakdowns and expect to beat the #1 team basically playing a home game

Feel bad for the kicker but shouldn’t have come down to that

Good hit for OP
Deserved is a word that can be taken many different ways, but I tend to agree. OSU had caught some breaks to be up late and couldn’t finish it off. Some questionable play calling and some sloppy play and break downs cost them. As good as stroud played, Bennett outplayed him, led his team to an TD when it mattered.

And like Kirby said, I don’t either team played their best game. some good and bad fortune for both teams throughout but uga played better over the course of the full 60 minutes IMO

Jan 12, 2019
As for my information. I was told 35+ on the scoreboard for UGA from someone who knows. I’ll just leave it at that. It wasn’t so and so had a cold or the game plan is this or we are going to unleash a secret weapon.

Uga got to 42. Now before anyone starts saying how lucky they were or whatever. Game is a full 60 minutes. Plus two missed FGs in their uga could have gotten to 48.

nothing is ever a lock. Hence why I didn’t post it as a lock, but using that information my thought process was this:

1) thinking uga would score 35+ I didn’t think OSU would score as much as they did. Stroud himself accounted for the first 21 before uga could adjust. After that the uga played relatively solid (4 of final 9 possessions were 3 and outs) However I was worried about a backdoor cover. So that was one reason I didn’t like the line but the ML

2) if it did get into a shoot out I liked uga offense more, posted that above as well. So I felt like if the game got crazy uga would win but reason 2 why i liked the ML more.

3) I felt like osu would come out guns blazing, hence why I posted if they scored first I’d add to my money line bet. Didn’t want to put my bet into a position of chasing a win and chasing chalk. That was reason 3 i liked the ML

and frankly I liked the ml better. That’s why the entire post was about the ml. Never told anyone to bet the line. And I felt very strongly about the ml and bet it accordingly. I felt like it would be a two score game and had it not taken uga so long to adjust it might have been. But just like the last 8 mins can’t be taken away neither can the first 8 minutes.

anyway I’ll put this thread to bed. The people that had mature discussion again it was great. For the kindergartner that showed up, I have no more words.

New member
Sep 18, 2022
congrats on the win doc, looks like there is a jealous poster in here. Look forward to future plays!

Oct 31, 2004
Always nice to know we have someone with inside info that knew OSU was going to miss that kick at the end of the game .

Jan 12, 2019
Always nice to know we have someone with inside info that knew OSU was going to miss that kick at the end of the game .
Had no clue how the details of the game was going to play out. But felt strongly about uga winning outright. explained my thought process. That happened.

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