i asked if english wasn't your first language because you simply don't write well. i'm sorry, but i'm a writer, and that's just the truth. you're difficult to understand with your various capitalization, punctuation, and misplaced diction.
i'm not trying to attack to you, i was just trying to understand why it is you've been so hostile towards me.
sure, i figured i'd enter the contest and see how i did. i've posted at other gambling forums "across the street" as everyone says and they graciously waved the post-count-minimum rule and allowed me to enter the contests. it's not like it cost anybody anything for me to submit my picks in that contest.
as for the post count bump i was doing in this thread; i haven't seen any rules that suggest i can't do that. i was doing it in an isolated thread on a forum that very few visit, and figured it was more efficient than simply going around and posting a "good luck!" in various people's threads.
as for comments i ever made to you; i'm sorry if you don't understand sarcasm but i haven't really said anything too incredibly offensive. i'm sorry if you've misunderstood anything and feel otherwise.
i'm not the joker. i've said it repeatedly and i'll say it again. he is my roomate, living in the same house as me and using the same wireless internet router. i didn't even know he had that account here until i asked him about it last night following the accusations by you and barman.
i'm not trying to hide the fact that i'm in nebraska. but i'm also not going to actively tell people who i am and where exactly i live. that's incredibly stupid on an open forum like this. besides, like i've explained, my username here is simply a tribute to a tv show. it doesn't mean anything. you really are dense if you think i'm actually trying to "trick" somebody by making anybody believe i'm "matt saracen" from the hit tv show "friday night lights".
anyway, i'll refrain from the post count bump. i look forward to eventually getting the necessary post count though and participating in some contests. it's the best thing this site has going for it.