Actually fuck that, I change my mind. I'm not gunna let a few people shit on my record keeping change a no bets into a loss, if I count that as a loss it will screw up my internal record keeping and this record won't match and that's gunna bother me. Sorry, if anyone wants to come in and recorrect it everytime feel free, but it wasn't a loss I hedged and warned 4 hours before the bet. Wont happen again, plays coming later today, Thanks Guys
Here's the problem with what you just said. You said you hedged it. Which means you would have then taken OVER 150 and hoped it didn't land at 148 or 149 (not smart to do anyway) which means that OVER should have become a play so that you could get rid of your UNDER bet. I understand that you have a system and I'm guessing once that line moved to 150, it wasn't a part of your system. That's fine. But you can't just cancel it. To "get off" that bet you must take the other side of it and post that if you want to be taken seriously. So that if people are following you they can get off the game as well. I said nothing bad about your 5-0 day yesterday. I want nothing but success for everybody on here, we all do, but by "cancelling" that bet you should post the other side to get off of it if it becomes not a play in your system.
Your record yesterday should have been 6-1 which is still a very, very, very good day! Therefore your overall record should be 17-9-1 which is still awesome! Just keep updated think I like posting 13-13 for my year to date? Hell no! But I'm putting in hard work for long term results and being truthful every step of the way. That's all people want on here! Best of luck to you the rest of the way!