It seems that Zylbert has a profile at linkedin. In it he says he is a writer and handicapper for VI. Come on Zylbert, update your profile. You have been FIRED.
Something very similar to what he had here, Over/Unders something. Same exact posting style, same crazy references about being the best in the world, buying points, essay responses, yet he is claiming not to be Zylbert. There are a couple of posters over there just killing him, it's hilarious.
And the lies and deceit continue lmao. Claiming he isn't zylbert, no idea who that person is, etc, etc... guess if you are a piece of shit, you cant change that.
Now his blog looks even more stupid with his statements, "Zylbert, who's that. Whoever that guy is" crap. He really thinks he can just lie and nobody will catch him. I guess that is why he is a fired fraud/tout.
Mannnn lmao. That kid is fuckin sad. He's about to run out of forums to post at. I'm not a member or poster anywhere else. I looked at the thread over there though. That site is slow as a mfer. I don't have the patience to wait for something to load at dial up speed.
Zilbert is sad. His posts are sad. It is like he is talking to himself. Big long-winded posts but no one responds. If was too funny when he got busted. That did not take long.
did anyone notice who has a story on stephen strasburg on's MLB baseball link under his own name?
same old bio, but at least he is not listed (as of yet) as one of the 'expert' baseball cappers.
i like a number of the cappers on VI but think a little less of the site after seeing Zilbert's name appear again. I thought they had 'come to a parting
of the ways' last summer