You think the average bettor, the guy everyone on here dreams of fading and then wallowing in their riches, is betting these games 6-7 days before the game at places like cris, bookmaker, heritage etc??
Keep an eye on the injury status of Broncos CB Chris Harris. He went for an MRI this morning and odds are he's probably done for the year. It was no coincidence that once Harris went down Rivers was able to open the floodgates, absuing a washed up Quintin Jammer. Its another big blow to an already depleted Denver D.
"Ouch"......this will hurt.
Sharps haven't laid $$$ yet and the Books aren't's laughable how bad the opening line was. how stupid are the books for thinking that the sharps would lay -6' with Denver? now they're buried with Pats money and the squares are following the sharps on NE.. that sets up for a major blood bath. the fact is, books weren't confident with Denver to begin with, and now they need them in the worst way possible. the line should've opened at -3 or -3' max to generate any semblance of balanced action.