For the people here who don't think Corona Virus is a serious health problem
Yes thats me. I don't think it is. Here is my state. FACT: 1200+ deaths DUE TO COMPLICATIONS OF. 900+ in long term hospice. Average age 83. Here is what a medical professional emailed me when I asked their thoughts.
#1) I repeat #1) masking and other precautions were put in place to SLOW the spread of the virus. It’s a virus. There is not a cure. Expect everyone to be exposed to it.
#2) Elderly population is most at risk because of normal co-morbidities. ie heart disease, lung disease, suppressed immune systems. All of these things make them equally susceptible to the common cold, gi flu, influenza, etc. Many elderly lives, no matter what the underlying disease are lost due to complications of the disease, not the disease itself. Pneumonia is a common example.
#3) There is not a cure, there is also not a treatment. Ventilators are not treatments or cures. Merely life assisting measures. Medications aren’t proven.
#4) in my opinion, sanitizing all the germs out of anyone’s life is a mistake. We have an immune system for a reason. Let it work. I believe the elderly population believes this as well. It’s old school common sense. And frankly, I believe the elderly have earned the right to make the decision that’s right for themselves. If it’s their time, they’re ok with that.
#4.5) You can not get Covid when you’re in your car by yourself or walking down the street by yourself or by being in the bathroom by yourself. Please don’t wear a mask.
#4.75) Wearing gloves is the absolute most useless thing you can do. Don’t wear gloves.
#5) Disclaimer: #1-#4.75 with the exception of #4 are fact.
Fuck corona flu give me the motherfucker I'll kick its ass and be done with it. If everyone had that attitude we would be going about our lives as normal. Bunches of people die the the US every day. Bunches are also born each day. When your number is up you die. Its part of life and this shutdown bullshit isn't changing a fuckin thing about that fact. So is this a serious health problem? Not to me.