have a rational mind and aren't lock-step with the D's on everything they tell you to think. You can actually think for yourself. A few posters on here can't.
I don't think anyone in this country will sympathize with a lifelong bureaucrat who says she's struggling to get by on a paltry $100 million. Give me a fucking about out of touch.
To be honest I don't hear what a politician says and say that's my opinion too. My opinions I have had probably for a long time now.
I personally like the idea of universal health care, I do not necessarily like the way it's going about now. I think Obama was out of touch with the pricing? He ran on it and pushed it too quickly.
Gay Marriage: I support gay marriage. I know a lot of gay people, they are just people. Why should I care?
Man Made Climate Change: Skeptical but siding with it, only because it makes some sense to me logically and explained to me by a friend so maybe biased that way but not politically induced. I do think we maybe wasting time throwing money into all this climate crap. It does get old and sickening. I mean if the rest of the world isn't on board then what's the point? I believe this to be a personal conquest for Obama. He wants his legacy to be the president who gained affordable health care for everyone and be the president who turned the environment around for the future. He maybe biting off way more than he can chew