Need opinions from rubber room regulars


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tokens're situation is way too close to my heart. You see, I'm Brandon. My ex-wife is Satan. My friends are "we wanted to talk you out of it"

I've been divorced from Satan now for six years. In that time I've spent at least six figures on lawyers, child support, bogus alimony...and the bitch took me to court again last year for more money....five years AFTER the divorce was finalized. If we hadn't had the coolest kid on the planet it would be six years of what should have been the best time of my life that I shoveled into a diarhea filled trough in Tijuana.

Unfortunately you can only learn from an experience like that. There really is nothing you can say to your friend that will make him change his mind. But you should at least speak your piece and give him something to think about.

I'm now married to Angel. And while there is no such thing as a perfect woman (just as there is no such thing as a perfect man), you know inside when it's a right really do. For example...I don't think about killing myself everyday. I don't think about killing her everyday. It's all good.

I wish your friend luck....hell awaits and it hath no mercy.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Illini, this is a great thread. You won't change his mind probably. I've seen this happen too much.

BUT you still have to tell him in the best way that you know how, "Man, you are marrying the wrong one and it is a big mistake in my honest opinion."

He will always appreciate your honesty. If it hurts your friendship with him I still think you have to do the right thing.


Sep 25, 2006
As a friend, if you feel strongly about his situation, you have to talk to him. I'm in the somewhat of the same situation as you are in cept he says he's done with her, yet she is always next to him. The girl is nice and fun but I hate the bitch. She is not right for him by any means. She's not even attractive - she's fucken ugly. I brother wants to throw up everytime she comes over the house. I feel like I have to clean my whole house and get it disinfected everytime she comes over. She's short, stubby, and fat - no joke. I say she is about 5' 3" and weighs about 190lbs - fucken gross.

I've known my best friend since I was in 2nd grade and now we're 26. But this girl who he's with, will drag him down to the gulf's of hell. I tell him every time we talk about girls..leave her ass. He always say yea, its over and she knows it...but he's action doesnt show that. THE BITCH CLINGS ON to him like a fucken TICK. He is very motivated and determined to do big things with his life. He and I are thinking about going into to Real Esate business together. And her parents call this man, like its their fucken son-in-law. I'm talking about everyday. From picking up her lil sister from daycare to going to their family reunion. I lost this battle, but I havent given up. Hope your battle goes well.
Sep 21, 2004
This girl is such a bitch, and so selfish. Brandon's brother has severe depression and has attempted suicide twice in the last year. About 4 months ago, Brandon and her went to go see him in the hospital, after he tried to overdose on pills. Brandon was so upset after seeing him, that he told her that he was just gonna sleep in the next day and wasn't gonna go to her nephew's baptism. Satan got pissed about this. Unbelieveable. Brandon's brother didn't just talk about suicide, but actually attempted it, and this bitch wants him to just shake it off and go to a baptism of a baby, which means about as much as an NBA preseason game.
Sep 21, 2004
GreenDoberman said:
Several years ago I was in this situation. Lucky enough, I realized it before it was too late. I had some doubts and "tested" how much she really was into me and she failed miserably.
A few of my friends were up front and told me she was a bitch, a few told me afterwards. The ones that told me before, even though I brushed them off at the time, were right and stayed my true friends.
How did you test her?

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
Illini said:
This girl is such a bitch, and so selfish. Brandon's brother has severe depression and has attempted suicide twice in the last year. About 4 months ago, Brandon and her went to go see him in the hospital, after he tried to overdose on pills. Brandon was so upset after seeing him, that he told her that he was just gonna sleep in the next day and wasn't gonna go to her nephew's baptism. Satan got pissed about this. Unbelieveable. Brandon's brother didn't just talk about suicide, but actually attempted it, and this bitch wants him to just shake it off and go to a baptism of a baby, which means about as much as an NBA preseason game.

They are all selfish! And all bitches. Devil created the Cuntry.
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for all of the responses so far. Viking and I have talked about it, and we both have the exact same take. She's a bitch, a terrible match for our boy, and we hope he doesn't go through with this. I think the best way to approach this will be to get drunk together, if she ever lets him out of the house again, and just talk about cold feet. Ask him if he's nervous, can he really see himself with one girl forever? I don't think it's gonna change anything, but you guys are right, we have to at least say something.

New member
Oct 1, 2006
kingbill said:
Bachelor Party + Booze + Hookers + Video Camera = You got your friend back

There are subtle mental tactics you can use to plant and magnify doubts in your friends mind but if they are misused you could have your friend turn against you and make his bond with the woman much stronger, which is something you don't want.

This one is pretty tame so you could try this with out much fear of it going wrong.

"It must be wonderful to know you have found someone with no faults, who satisfies you in every way, If you thought for a moment I bet you couldn't even imagine any areas where she is not the perfect person for you, not one fault that would bother you increasingly more and more as your marriage goes on through the years."

It works on the inability of the subconscious to process a negative. Your friend will inevitably think of a fault, something small at first with proper nudging it can grow bigger in his mind.
Like if I said to you don't think of an elephant, your brain has to think of an elephant to not think of an elephant.

There is my 3 minute response...a better one would cost you :103631605

this is freaking works when I have a skin riding on hole at the golf course. If there is water on the hole, you subtly tell your buddy " can make a birdie on this hole, just dont hit it in the water"

Ball goes into the water everytime.

New member
Jun 21, 2000
Illini said:
he's just *****-whipped.

Yeah, unfortunately you can't fight nature. Years from now, he will realize that he made a mistake and :nohead: . or he will re-marry again. :missingte :missingte :dancefool


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