Thanks everyone. Please, I just want posters who have never stopped in my threads, not to stop in and tell me I'm having bad night. That makes me feel bad, as if I already feel bad enough when I lose, let alone think I'm causing other people to lose. I bet reasonably or what I can afford to bet so it doesn't hurt my family or my budget. This gambling can hit cold streaks as you all know. It's a grind!
I don't have to spend hours typing up my reasons and thoughts on games. I do it because I have been successful at it over the long haul (GRIND) I'm 61 now and have been betting since 16 years old. I had to borrow money from my friends, sell my baseball cards, I was pretty stupid when I was young.
Point is: I try do my homework. I just retired early in August as wife has been fighting cancer (winning to) and their are more important things in life. She is back to work and now that I've retired from my main job, plus coaching hoops, and moved back from Jasper to Terre Haute, I obviously have to much free time to be typing all of this.
Just trying to help. You don't have to follow in the blind. Do your own research, compare, but most of all, don't tell me when I'm losing. I think I can figure that out for myself.
Sorry for the lecture, but do feel better to get it out to fellow gamblers, (more important things in life)