
Jun 22, 2009

Active member
Sep 26, 2005


HOW at NCCU12:00 PMNCCU -2.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
LAS at FOR12:00 PMFOR -5.0
U 145.0
+500 +500
MARQ at HALL12:00 PMMARQ -5.0
U 144.0
+500 +500
DEP at GTWN12:00 PMGTWN -6.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
UMASS at UNH12:00 PMUMASS -1.0
O 151.5
+500 +500
RUTG at IOWA12:00 PMIOWA -7.0
U 152.5
+500 +500
UNC at CLEM12:00 PMCLEM -3.5
U 157.5
+500 +500
PITT at LOU12:00 PMPITT -9.0
O 145.5
+500 +500
MSST at SCAR12:00 PMMSST -3.0
O 134.0
+500 +500
UK at FLA12:30 PMUK +3.0
O 170.5
+500 +500
SFPA at WAG01:00 PMWAG -3.5
O 129.5
+500 +500
MER at VMI01:00 PMMER -5.0
O 141.5
+500 +500
MILW at DETU01:00 PMMILW -8.0
O 150.5
+500 +500
COLG at NAVY01:00 PMCOLG -6.5
U 132.0
+500 +500
SJU at VILL01:00 PMVILL -4.0
U 142.5
+500 +500
BRY at UMBC01:00 PMUMBC +5.5
O 173.5
+500 +500
SAM at CIT01:00 PMSAM -5.5
O 153.5
+500 +500
UGA at MIZZ01:00 PMMIZZ -5.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
HC at ARMY01:00 PMARMY -6.0
U 126.0
+500 +500
LAF at BU01:00 PMBU -6.0
O 128.0
+500 +500
WRST at PFW01:00 PMPFW -1.5
O 163.5
+500 +500
UNCW at TOWS02:00 PMUNCW -1.0
O 131.5
+500 +500
DREX at CWM02:00 PMCWM +7.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
CAMP at HAMP02:00 PMHAMP -2.0
O 141.0
+500 +500
DEL at HOF02:00 PMDEL +5.5
U 144.0
+500 +500
DART at PENN02:00 PMPENN -7.5
U 134.5
+500 +500
NIU at OHIO02:00 PMOHIO -7.0
O 154.5
+500 +500
HARV at PRIN02:00 PMPRIN -15.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
MURR at EVAN02:00 PMMURR +1.5
O 150.5
+500 +500
TCU at KU02:00 PMKU -9.0
O 151.5
+500 +500
AMER at BUCK02:00 PMAMER -1.0
O 132.0
+500 +500
AUB at ARK02:00 PMAUB -2.5
U 156.5
+500 +500
JAC at STET02:00 PMSTET -8.0
O 148.0
+500 +500
SLU at GMU02:00 PMGMU -8.5
U 143.0
+500 +500
UVA at NCST02:00 PMUVA +2.0
O 128.0
+500 +500
WMU at BUFF02:00 PMBUFF -3.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
CMU at BALL02:00 PMBALL -7.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
WVU at HOU02:00 PMWVU +21.5
U 134.0
+500 +500
UNCA at PRE02:00 PMUNCA -5.5
O 144.5
+500 +500
MCNS at TAMCOM02:00 PMMCNS -12.0
U 133.5
+500 +500
ALBY at NJIT02:00 PMALBY -3.5
O 152.5
+500 +500
ME at UVM02:00 PMME +9.0
O 133.5
+500 +500
PROV at CREI02:00 PMCREI -10.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
WEBB at HP02:00 PMHP -7.5
O 151.0
+500 +500
LIU at STONE02:00 PMSTONE -4.5
U 143.5
+500 +500
TULN at UNT02:00 PMUNT -4.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
NEB at WIS02:15 PMNEB +6.5
O 143.5
+500 +500
MIA at WAKE02:15 PMWAKE -4.5
U 159.5
+500 +500
JMU at USM03:00 PMJMU -7.5
O 157.5
+500 +500
BAY at OKST03:00 PMBAY -5.0
O 148.5
+500 +500
ODU at ARST03:00 PMARST -10.0
U 150.5
+500 +500
TNST at MORE03:00 PMMORE -9.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
UTA at SFA03:00 PMSFA -6.5
O 148.0
+500 +500
SH at MW03:00 PMMW -4.5
O 133.5
+500 +500
UTSA at RICE03:00 PMRICE -8.5
O 153.5
+500 +500
UND at NAU03:00 PMNAU -1.5
U 141.5
+500 +500
GASO at ULM03:00 PMULM -3.5
U 140.0
+500 +500
CHSO at LONG03:00 PMLONG -15.0
O 134.5
+500 +500
WIGB at OAK03:00 PMOAK -7.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
KENT at EMU03:30 PMKENT -9.5
O 145.5
+500 +500
ALCN at JKST03:30 PMJKST -7.5
O 151.5
+500 +500
ALA at VAN03:30 PMVAN +13.5
O 158.5
+500 +500
NICH at HCU03:30 PMNICH -6.0
U 150.5
+500 +500
GW at VCU04:00 PMVCU -11.5
U 156.5
+500 +500
GSU at USA04:00 PMUSA -4.5
O 146.0
+500 +500
MORG at UMES04:00 PMUMES -3.0
O 145.0
+500 +500
FAMU at COOK04:00 PMCOOK -5.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
FAU at CHAR04:00 PMFAU -8.5
O 138.0
+500 +500
SBON at RICH04:00 PMRICH +1.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
NORF at SCST04:00 PMNORF -6.5
O 146.5
+500 +500
COPP at DSU04:00 PMCOPP +10.5
O 130.5
+500 +500
STAN at USC04:00 PMSTAN +4.5
U 151.5
+500 +500
EIU at UALR04:00 PMUALR -9.0
U 146.5
+500 +500
VT at FSU04:00 PMVT -1.5
U 144.5
+500 +500
UCD at UCI04:00 PMUCD +9.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
WIN at SCUS04:00 PMSCUS +7.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
DUQ at L-IL04:00 PML-IL +1.5
U 142.0
+500 +500
ETSU at UNCG04:00 PMETSU +6.5
O 139.5
+500 +500
LIP at BELL04:00 PM

LIP -4.0
O 146.
+500 +500
BC at GT04:00 PMBC +2.0
O 146.0
+500 +500
WOF at WCU04:00 PMWCU -6.5
O 151.0
+500 +500
SUU at UVU04:00 PMUVU -6.5
U 147.5
+500 +500
UNLV at SDSU04:00 PMSDSU -9.0
O 139.0
+500 +500
MOSU at BRAD04:00 PMBRAD -4.5
O 138.5
+500 +500
APP at TROY04:30 PMTROY +4.0
O 144.5
+500 +500
LNDNWD at WIU04:30 PMWIU -8.5
U 136.0
+500 +500
LEH at L-MD05:00 PMLEH -2.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
QNC at KENN05:00 PMKENN -8.0
O 176.0
+500 +500
MRSH at TXST05:00 PMTXST +1.5
U 140.5
+500 +500
FIU at JVST05:00 PMJVST -6.0
U 138.5
+500 +500
PV at GRAM05:00 PMGRAM -3.5
O 136.0
+500 +500
SELA at UNO05:00 PMUNO -2.0
O 140.0
+500 +500
NDSU at EWU05:00 PMEWU -9.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
MTST at SDST05:15 PMSDST -12.5
U 146.0
+500 +500
LT at SHSU05:30 PMLT -7.0
O 136.0
+500 +500
ISU at OKLA06:00 PMOKLA -2.5
O 139.5
+500 +500
ORST at WASH06:00 PMWASH -12.5
U 145.0
+500 +500
DUKE at ND06:00 PMDUKE -14.5
O 133.5
+500 +500
UCF at KSU06:00 PMKSU -5.0
U 139.5
+500 +500
CALBA at SEA06:00 PMSEA -6.5+500
LIB at WKU06:00 PMLIB -3.0
O 144.0
+500 +500
MISS at TENN06:00 PMMISS +12.0
O 138.5
+500 +500
AMCC at IW06:00 PMIW +2.0
O 149.5
+500 +500
UTRGV at ACU06:00 PMACU -10.0
U 157.5
+500 +500
TXSO at SOU06:30 PMSOU -5.0
U 143.5
+500 +500
AAMU at ARPB06:30 PMARPB -3.5
O 167.0
+500 +500
COFC at STON06:30 PMCOFC -6.0
U 153.0
+500 +500
NCAT at ELON07:00 PMELON -5.0
O 158.0
+500 +500
ALST at MVSU07:00 PMALST -11.5
O 128.5
+500 +500
UCRV at LBSU07:00 PMLBSU -7.5
U 155.0
+500 +500
NWST at LAM07:00 PMLAM -10.5
U 153.0
+500 +500
SIU at ILST07:00 PMSIU -2.0
U 132.0
+500 +500
UNF at FGCU07:00 PMUNF +8.0
O 140.5
+500 +500
PEAY at EKY07:00 PMPEAY +4.5
U 142.5
+500 +500
FUR at CHAT07:00 PMCHAT -2.0
O 156.0
+500 +500
NEV at FRES07:00 PMNEV -6.5
U 139.0
+500 +500
PAC at PORT08:00 PMPORT -10.0
U 148.5
+500 +500
TTU at TEX08:00 PMTTU +6.5
O 141.0
+500 +500
PRST at KC08:00 PMPRST -2.5
O 139.0
+500 +500
HAW at CSN08:00 PMHAW -2.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
VALP at UIC08:00 PMUIC -12.0
U 137.5
+500 +500
COLO at ASU08:00 PMASU +3.0
U 145.5
+500 +500
CSUS at STT08:00 PMSTT -10.0
U 132.0
+500 +500
CCU at ULL08:00 PMULL -10.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
UTAH at ARIZ08:00 PMARIZ -13.0
O 164.0
+500 +500
NEOM at IDST08:00 PMNEOM +2.5
U 138.5
+500 +500
DEN at UNCO08:00 PMUNCO -3.5
O 168.0
+500 +500
WEB at ORU08:00 PMWEB -4.0
O 143.5
+500 +500
OSU at IND08:00 PMOSU -1.5
U 148.5
+500 +500
CARK at NORAL08:15 PMNORAL -10.0
U 151.5
+500 +500
LSU at TAM08:30 PMLSU +12.0+500
TNTC at SIND08:30 PMSIND -3.0
U 140.0
+500 +500
USD at GONZ09:00 PMGONZ -22.5
O 157.5
+500 +500
SMC at LMU09:00 PMSMC -9.5
U 129.5
+500 +500
SDAK at MONT09:00 PMMONT -12.5
O 153.5
+500 +500
UCSD at CSF09:00 PMCSF +1.5
U 136.5
+500 +500
GRC at UTECH09:00 PMGRC -12.0
O 148.0
+500 +500
CSU at USU09:00 PMCSU +2.0
U 151.0
+500 +500
SCU at PEPP10:00 PMPEPP +3.5
O 149.5
+500 +500
ORE at WSU10:00 PMORE +1.0
O 139.5
+500 +500
CAL at UCLA10:00 PMUCLA -6.5
U 136.0
+500 +500
CIN at BYU10:00 PMBYU -9.0
U 152.0
+500 +500
WYO at UNM10:00 PMUNM -16.5
O 154.0
+500 +500
UCSB at CP10:00 PMUCSB -8.0
U 138.0
+500 +500

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

01/06/2024....................41 - 33 ..................55.40%.....................+ 23.50
01/05/2024.......................8 - 8...................50.00%......................- 4.00
01/04/2024....................20 - 27...................42.55%......................- 48.50
01/03/2024.......................0 - 2...................00.00%.....................- 11.00
01/02/2024....................19 - 14...................57.57%.....................+ 18.00
01/01/2024.......................1 - 4...................20.00%.....................- 17.00

TOTALS..........................89 - 88...................50.28%.....................- 39.00

Active member
Sep 26, 2005

01/06/2024....................41 - 33 ..................55.40%.....................+ 23.50
01/05/2024.......................8 - 8...................50.00%......................- 4.00
01/04/2024....................20 - 27...................42.55%......................- 48.50
01/03/2024.......................0 - 2...................00.00%.....................- 11.00
01/02/2024....................19 - 14...................57.57%.....................+ 18.00
01/01/2024.......................1 - 4...................20.00%.....................- 17.00

TOTALS..........................89 - 88...................50.28%.....................- 39.00

Active member
Sep 26, 2005
Sunday’s 6-pack:
Most foul shots made, amongst active NBA players:
8,227— Lebron James (73.5%)
7,484— James Harden (86%)
6,826— Kevin Durant (88.5%)
5,856— DeMar DeRozan (84%)
5,768— Russell Westbrook (77.6%)
4,764— Chris Paul (87%)

Quote of the Day
“Why would you want to dance with somebody who doesn’t want to dance with you?”

Adam Sandler, The Wedding Singer
Sunday’s quiz
Who was the Houston Texans’ QB, the last time they played in a playoff game, in 2019?

Saturday’s quiz
Alex Ovechkin (26) has scored the most overtime goals in NHL history.

Friday’s quiz
Jeff Fisher was coach of the LA Rams, just before Sean McVay.


Sunday’s Den: Wrapping up a busy Saturday……..

Steelers 17, Ravens 10
Game was 7-7 after three quarters, on a cruddy, rainy day.
Rudolph threw a 71-yard TD pass on first play of 4th quarter.
Rudolph is now 8-4-1 as an NFL starter.
Pittsburgh finishes 10-7; they need help to make the playoffs.
Steelers won seven of last eight series games.
Total yardage: Steelers 289, Ravens 224
Backup QB Huntley was 15-28/146 passing in his 9th (3-6) NFL start
Ravens are the #1-seed in the AFC; they have next week off.

— Texans 23, Colts 19
Houston makes the playoffs, with a rookie QB/rookie head coach.
WR Collins caught nine passes for 195 yards and a TD.
Last seven games, Texans are +7 in turnovers (10-3).
Texans are 8-1 ATS in last nine AFC South road games.
Colts converted only once on 11 third down plays.
Indy ran ball for 227 yards, but threw ball on decisive 4th-and-short play.
Favorites covered nine of Colts’ last ten games.
Colts are 13-15 ATS in last 28 games with spread of 3 or less.

— Troy Aikman came up with a great nugget during this game; apparently Brett Favre was a high school coach in Mississippi after his playing days were done. His team won a state title in his second year on the job, with their only loss that season against a team whose QB was Gardner Minshew.

Kentucky 87, Florida 85- Gators led by 5 with 6:34 left to play.
Alabama 78, Vanderbilt 75- Bama led by 18 midway thru first half.
Tennessee 90, Ole Miss 64- First loss for Rebels, who played schedule #235

Big X
Kansas 83, TCU 81- Jayhawks survived being minus-9 (18-9) in turnovers.
Baylor 75, Oklahoma State 70, OT- Teams combined to shoot 6-35 on the arc.
Cincinnati 71, BYU 60- Teams are in same league, despite being 1,670 miles apart.

Big East
Seton Hall 78, Marquette 75- Kolek scored only 5 points (1-6 from floor)
St John’s 81, Villanova 71- Pitino’s Red Storm is 11-4, vs schedule #33.
Creighton 79, Providence 70- Friars’ F Hopkins is out for the year, big loss.

North Carolina 65, Clemson 55- Tigers shot 1-18 on the arc, at home.
Wake Forest 86, Miami 82 OT- Eight players in this game played 38:00+.
Boston College 95, Georgia Tech 87- Tech led by 16 early in second half.

Upsets of the Day:
LSU (+11.5) 68, Texas A&M 53
George Washington (+11.5) 84, VCU 82
Eastern Michigan (+10.5) 71, Kent State 69 OT
Cincinnati (+9.5) 71, BYU 60
Charlotte (+8.5) 70, FAU 68
Texas-San Antonio (+8.5) 89, Rice 82 OT
Eastern Illinois (+8.5) 90, Little Rock 88
Southern Miss (+7.5) 81, James Madison 71

Baseball Fact of the Day: Francisco Rodríguez holds the record for most saves in one season; he saved 62 games for the 2008 Angels.

— There were 24 college basketball games Saturday, where the team that won trailed by 10+ points in that game.

Cal 66, UCLA 57- Bruins are in freefall, losing nine of last 11 D-I games.
Arizona State 76, Colorado 73- ASU is 4-0 in Pac-12; they were 6-5 in pre-conference games.
Oregon 89, Washington State 84- Ducks made 14-24 shots on the arc.

Saint Mary’s 68, LMU 64- Gaels won 8 of last 9 games, after a 3-5 start.
Santa Clara 78, Pepperdine 72- Junior F Bal had 28 points, one assist- his job is to shoot.

Sun Belt
Southern Miss 81, James Madison 71- First loss of the season for the Dukes.
Troy 66, Appalachian State 62- Troy in 3-0 in Sun Belt, after a 6-6 pre-conference mark.
Marshall 79, Texas State 75- Bobcats led by 11 points early in second half.

Big Sky went 6-3 against the Summit League Saturday; they win the two-night challenge between the two leagues, 11-7.

Mountain West
Utah State 77, Colorado State 72- Aggies were 20-23 on foul line, Colorado State 4-11.
Nevada 72, Fresno State 57- Wolf Pack is 14-1; they’re #6 experience team in country.
San Diego State 72, UNLV 61- Aztecs led 25-9 early, coasted home from there.

Forum statistics

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