NCAA Football '07 XBOX 360


That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Tokens said:
if you werent such a big ***** we could prove that i was your little bitch...but

you are afraid to go to one on one. you wouldn't make it on the playground.

head to head anytime

(ill even spot a few units):puppy:

Beating, you having a GOY today???

I see one that is probably all over your radar......

New York Yankees +1.5 -358

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Rawpimple said:
Beating, you having a GOY today???

I see one that is probably all over your radar......

New York Yankees +1.5 -358

This looks like a good 50-unit martingale system play for With his garbage man's salary, he can easily afford betting $20,000 if they lose the bet.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
Get a fuckin cockerspaniel. I hear they are loving creatures, that can provide you all of the attention and emotional support you need. Mental Disneyland.

can I borrow that Box....

shit was tight:drink:

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Kodiak7 said:
Now this makes since this is the under 16 room....

fvcking unreal... must be nice to play xbox oline all day kids...

ISN'T There a XBOX forum for these girls??? Why are many even here???

Maybe if you spent your life trying to make something of yourself instead of scamming people out of money, you'd have some free time to enjoy what you want to do.

Funny to criticize someone for having their shit together so they can do what they want.

Nov 20, 2000
^ lmao... sure boxslayer whatever you say.... Keep telling all of us online you got your shit together when your living in your mom's basement..

lmao... fvckin TOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!

gonna play some cfb 07 online tonight biatches.... Well, right after mom's potroast


Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Man, I just had a friend pull a ***** move last night while we were playing. He called out Michigan St. last night and I laid into his ass like you wouldn't believe. I'm up 42-7 and threatening again to score in the second qtr and he fucking goes to the Quit option and quits the fucking game as I take a swig of my brew. I told him that shit is cool if you have players waiting to play and you have skunk rules and shit but that shit wasn't cool whatsoever since we use the results for ammunition in future games and it was just us playing. I hate that shit! Can people do that punk shit on XBox 360 online when playing against someone like they use to do on PS2 online?

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Kodiak7 said:
^ lmao... sure boxslayer whatever you say.... Keep telling all of us online you got your shit together when your living in your mom's basement..

lmao... fvckin TOOOOOO FUNNY!!!!

gonna play some cfb 07 online tonight biatches.... Well, right after mom's potroast


You can make up whatever fairytale's you want to about me to justify the fact that you are the scum of this planet.

I live with my girlfriend in our own place in an entirely different city from my mom. FACT.

I am the founder of my own business that is doing VERY well. FACT.

You are a scam artist, ironically, the kind of person that young kids are warned about at a young age - and you ironically, apparently happen to be a Little League coach. FACT

Also ironically, you continue to call other people losers, when it is you, in fact, who has done so poorly with his life he needs to supplement his income by stooping to scamming people to pay him for sports picks. FACT

"Moms pot roast", "moms basement", "nobody reads your posts", it's all very cute. But none of it is true. (I see a pattern developing here between Kodiak and the truth, stop me if you know it already).

Now that Im done with that cancer..... Back to the thread....

A side note about video games, since this is a video game thread, something that I play maybe once a week at the most for 1-2 hours (1 or 2 games).

They arent marketed for little kids and they arent made for little kids. The games are realistic. The average age of a video game player is probably in the low 20's. All people that grew up on Atari and Nintendo, that still play. The controller has 8+ buttons, which requires very good hand eye coordination, something most kids cant develop yet.

The playbooks and strategy are geared towards educated sports fans. No kid knows what a Cover 2 defense is, what role each defender plays in that defense and what offensive plays it should counter. No kid knows what the Mike or Sam linebackers are, so wouldnt understand a Cover 2 Sam Blitz. This defense is one of the most basic defenses in these games, and a kid just doesnt understand it. (Older adults approaching elderly status also dont understand it, nor do they try to. It's this stubborn type of thinking that probably lead to your career demise and forced you to become a scandicapper. Instead of forcing the times and the world to adjust to you, maybe you should have went the Mark Cuban route and adjusted to them. Maybe you wouldnt be a low-life degenerate selling gambling picks.)

Finally, going through the UF athletic department, we have a chance to share a weightroom, study hall etc with all other sports, including football. In my time at UF before I graduated, I had a chance to become friends with Chris Leak his freshman year. Did you know that he privately credits a big portion of his success of his transition from high school to college his 1st year to Madden Football and NCAA Football? Other players, even at the NFL level have publicly stated that these games are so realistic, and the defenses play out so realistically, that they play them in their spare time just to see how the defense reacts to different offensive sets and plays.

Jul 22, 2005
boxslayer you are as stupid as they fucking cum...

kids cant use a 8 button control.

my kid is 3 and uses a laptop, plays games all damn day. maybe in the hood if your dumbass nephews would put down the weed, drop the gun, and go buy their own video games, maybe they could use 8 buttons. 9/10 kids in day care are already playing video games.

wow , founder of your own company. fucking joke. remember you need to turn the sign over so it says closed. your mommy might get pissed when someone pulls into the drive to buy lemonade at 10pm.

i dont know who is bigger joke here...wc bias, your sorry ass, little tits, gynopussy, pussyinthewind, the list is just to fucking long

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Tokens said:
boxslayer you are as stupid as they fucking cum...

kids cant use a 8 button control.

my kid is 3 and uses a laptop, plays games all damn day. maybe in the hood if your dumbass nephews would put down the weed, drop the gun, and go buy their own video games, maybe they could use 8 buttons. 9/10 kids in day care are already playing video games.

wow , founder of your own company. fucking joke. remember you need to turn the sign over so it says closed. your mommy might get pissed when someone pulls into the drive to buy lemonade at 10pm.

i dont know who is bigger joke here...wc bias, your sorry ass, little tits, gynopussy, pussyinthewind, the list is just to fucking long,

Once again you cease to amaze me. You're reading comprehension is terrible, your ability to draw conclusions is terrible, your knowledge of human development is terrible, your grammar once again is terrible, your "scientific" reasoning is terrible, your understanding of marketing or intentions of a business by looking at their product is terrible, you are one of the reasons the school system was invented because it's just too dangerous to society's development to have a guy like you teaching our future anything, and you are proof that you should need a license to have a child.

Well let's throw the whole theory out the window because's son can use a laptop. That's it. I'll let all of the scientists and researchers know. Look, I'm sure your son is a bright person. And congratulations on being a father. But you need to look up sample size on the internet and let me know what you find. I'm sure in this particular case, however, you are Forrest Gump, and your son is the genius child.

Anyway, ask your kid what a Cover 2 is and each defender's responsibility, and let me know what he says. Also, go to your local high school (I think you should be there anyway as schools starts back up pretty soon for you....big senior year coming up?), and ask the average student what a Cover 2 defense is and what each defender's responsibility is.

Of course kids can play video games. Of course they use the control. Are they any good at it? Nope. Not at all. Not at a game that requires the use of all 8 buttons, anyway. When your kid gets to be 9 years old, let him play Madden every single day of his life for 1 year, I'll buy it out of the box, play for 4 days to learn the controls and kill him. Why? Because I have better hand eye coordination to use the controller and I understand what the defenses are and do, because I understand football. Like every young kid of that age, he twists and turns that control with his tongue sticking out the side, understanding the main objective of the game, but thats about it. They even make games for kids, that require less buttons to use. Why wouldnt they? Its extra money and kids love video games, they just arent good enough to play a game like Madden or NCAA Football that requires tons of advanced fine motor skill. But they can play Kirby's Playhouse or some crap. They can play, jump. Run, jump.

Let me know how a 3-year olds handwriting is as evidence of this. He'll have beginning stages of motor skill, but you can't operate a 10 button controller efficiently using all of the required buttons. He'll use 2-4 of them all of the time.

Your post above was just trash. Lots of pointless cursing, anger, terrible grammar (as always), ignorant comments, and bashing. You make everyone dumber by listening to your babble.

Another classic by the stupidest guy on the board. :103631605

New member
Oct 22, 2005
Once again Box you prove that Beating Vegas is a dumb fat lard ass piece of shit. Same goes for Kodiak as well, figured I would get that in also.
Jul 22, 2005
my kid is a girl...dumbass

it has nothing to do with age, it has to do with how much you play the game. you cant be this stupid. I regress, I have seen your plays.

unless you coach in the nfl or played in the league, you know shit. stop making it sound like you are coach DITKA.

just because you know what a cover 2 defense is, means you better than any child playing xbox.

stupid and conceded, dangerous combination. of coures we give black kids in the hood GUNS.:103631605


Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
passingthewind said:
Once again Box you prove that Beating Vegas is a dumb fat lard ass piece of shit. Same goes for Kodiak as well, figured I would get that in also.

Hate to let the facts get in the way of a good story/thread, but BV is in better shape than 90% of this forum.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Tokens said:
my kid is a girl...dumbass

it has nothing to do with age, it has to do with how much you play the game. you cant be this stupid. I regress, I have seen your plays.

unless you coach in the nfl or played in the league, you know shit. stop making it sound like you are coach DITKA.

just because you know what a cover 2 defense is, means you better than any child playing xbox.

stupid and conceded, dangerous combination. of coures we give black kids in the hood GUNS.:103631605


Dude, you continue to amaze me...really.

My kid is a girl dumbass? That's your basis for calling me stupid? That I'm not psychic? You made it sound like your kid was a boy. Sorry. I'm a terrible person.

It has nothing to do with age it has to do with the amount you play the game??
Are you serious? Once you get to a certain age, yes it is how much you play the game. (Some people have better hand eye coordination, too. So some people, no matter how much they play, will never be as good as someone who plays just as much who has better hand eye) But your 3 year old sucks at video games, I'm sorry to tell you. She just doesnt have good enough hand eye coordination yet. Please dont argue this, you're making yourself look really dumb.

You dont need to be "Coach Ditka" to know what a cover 2 is? I mean this is basic football. Have you ever played a day of organized sports in your life? I played some pee-wee football for 9 years, our coaches always used the real names of defense to teach us. Not "Lollipop defense". Sorry if I learned a few things along the way. You still with me?

Then, if you watch a little football in your life, you solidify these things and pick up new things. Its not difficult. And I'm hardly trying to act like a football coach. But, if your 3 year old girl happens to keep throwing post routes over the middle against me, I'll break out a Robber defense to cover the middle of the field. If I go 5 wideouts, she's probably picking goalline defense or a 4-3. This is basic stuff they dont understand yet. Not her fault. Give her time. She's young. Which is my point. I mean, does this really need to be explained to you? Geez you're dumb.

"Stupid and conceded is a dangerous combination"? That's funny because I was thinking illiterate and dumb was just as bad. What am I conceding to you? Ohhhhh, did you mean CONCEITED? I'm sorry, I don't speak Retard. I expect a few mistakes here and there and a few typos, everyone makes mistakes, but this just wasn't even close.

Finally, you break out racism. You're a sick person. It's one thing to playfully crack on someone's intelligence, and have these fun rubber room posts, but when you break out racism I have a problem with you.

Furthermore, I'm white. So, I don't know what you were trying to tell me with that post. It's actually you who is an idiot if you think I am black because Willie McGee is my avatar.

Fuck off. I should have known someone of your intelligence was a racist, too.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
FairWarning said:
Hate to let the facts get in the way of a good story/thread, but BV is in better shape than 90% of this forum.

In what sucking at life? Picking White Sox +1.5 -550? Not my style. And I'm doing just fine myself. Doesnt change the fact that he's dumb and a racist. From his attention whoring, his racism, his terrible literacy, he's one of the few people that this forum is a better place without. Don't let that fact get in the way.

Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
Boxslayer32 said:
Dude, you continue to amaze me...really.

My kid is a girl dumbass? That's your basis for calling me stupid? That I'm not psychic? You made it sound like your kid was a boy. Sorry. I'm a terrible person.

It has nothing to do with age it has to do with the amount you play the game??
Are you serious? Once you get to a certain age, yes it is how much you play the game. (Some people have better hand eye coordination, too. So some people, no matter how much they play, will never be as good as someone who plays just as much who has better hand eye) But your 3 year old sucks at video games, I'm sorry to tell you. She just doesnt have good enough hand eye coordination yet. Please dont argue this, you're making yourself look really dumb.

You dont need to be "Coach Ditka" to know what a cover 2 is? I mean this is basic football. Have you ever played a day of organized sports in your life? I played some pee-wee football for 9 years, our coaches always used the real names of defense to teach us. Not "Lollipop defense". Sorry if I learned a few things along the way. You still with me?

Then, if you watch a little football in your life, you solidify these things and pick up new things. Its not difficult. And I'm hardly trying to act like a football coach. But, if your 3 year old girl happens to keep throwing post routes over the middle against me, I'll break out a Robber defense to cover the middle of the field. If I go 5 wideouts, she's probably picking goalline defense or a 4-3. This is basic stuff they dont understand yet. Not her fault. Give her time. She's young. Which is my point. I mean, does this really need to be explained to you? Geez you're dumb.

"Stupid and conceded is a dangerous combination"? That's funny because I was thinking illiterate and dumb was just as bad. What am I conceding to you? Ohhhhh, did you mean CONCEITED? I'm sorry, I don't speak Retard. I expect a few mistakes here and there and a few typos, everyone makes mistakes, but this just wasn't even close.

Finally, you break out racism. You're a sick person. It's one thing to playfully crack on someone's intelligence, and have these fun rubber room posts, but when you break out racism I have a problem with you.

Furthermore, I'm white. So, I don't know what you were trying to tell me with that post. It's actually you who is an idiot if you think I am black because Willie McGee is my avatar.

Fuck off. I should have known someone of your intelligence was a racist, too.

Maybe his daughter is a shemale or something???? Well anyway don't sweat this punk. This thread is supposed to be about NCAA '07 not some queer who wants some attention. Fuck 'em bro. :103631605

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Boxslayer32 said:
In what sucking at life? Picking White Sox +1.5 -550? Not my style. And I'm doing just fine myself. Doesnt change the fact that he's dumb and a racist. From his attention whoring, his racism, his terrible literacy, he's one of the few people that this forum is a better place without. Don't let that fact get in the way.

Meaning physically only. Cannot fight for him on the rest. He's a big White Sox fan., what can I say.
Jan 19, 2006
There is not a 3 year old in the world that can play Madden any good.
That is just fact, the game is just too sophisticated for them.

New member
Aug 2, 2005
who cares whether someone plays video games or goes to the gym in their spare time (or something else)-- whats the big deal

happened to see this game at best buy on demonstration thought it looked pretty cool myself- may buy the xbox 360 as an extender to stream dvds from main storage pc

and at same time buy this game for a rainy day.
Jan 19, 2006
gbogo said:
who cares whether someone plays video games or goes to the gym in their spare time (or something else)-- whats the big deal

happened to see this game at best buy on demonstration thought it looked pretty cool myself- may buy the xbox 360 as an extender to stream dvds from main storage pc

and at same time buy this game for a rainy day.

Wow after all that we get back to the subject. :toast:

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