Briefly, a little about me. I'm not going to be dishonest and say I've been betting college basketball and studying the metrics for 30, 40, 50 years because i haven't. Honestly its been about 6 years and actual betting for about 2 years and quite successful at that. Considering its my hard earned money at risk i didn't throw myself into betting right away until I trusted my metrics and philosophy.
As mentioned prior, if you follow, very important to get these exact numbers. Every half point/full point matters on occasion for example, my most recent bet with Arizona. It could be the different between a win, push or loss. Sometimes it doesn't matter, about 75%-80% of the time it does. If you follow but don't bet on my side i would think long and hard about betting the game at all. Everyone has opinions that won't always agree and that's fine but just a word of caution.
I imagine there's a few good college basketball handicappers on this site that you may take their opinion into consideration when you bet and that's great. One thing I can tell you is the number is very important as is who you put your hard earned money on if you end goal is to build your account.
Best wishes.