NBA Drivel

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New member
Feb 2, 2006
Detroit -3 (1H)------HUGE

If you guys want to win money, you better start to follow my thread, and make the play as soon as possible, otherwise, don't regret.:dancefool

Also, SPURS ML looks good too.


New member
Mar 14, 2006
Glad I got up to see what was going on. Stunna the more you talk the more you make your self appear new at sports betting or just a plain idiot. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Just because you hide behind a computer, still TRY to show some class. Shut up and use Ace to your advantage just as we all do!! Fade his picks if it is in your best interest and you will disappear broke on your own!

New member
Feb 2, 2006
Forget ACE or anybody for MONDAY, check out my thread, and make the play NOW, throw your whole bankroll into my play will be one of the best thing you ever do to yourself.

Not only you, it should be ALL OF YOU.

I make them big, clear and standout, so that everybody can see it, it's not like that I want attention, it's just that I WANT HUGE ATTENTION.

New member
Mar 14, 2006
I think you got 2 good plays!!!!! Best of Luck as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New member
Feb 2, 2006
Just lost 35% of my bankroll playing BJ on pinnacles, now i feel like crap, and even if I hit all this three plays, I still feel like crap.

Lesson learned, never play online casino.....Yeah right, shoulda learned that 100000000000000 TIMES already.

May 1, 2006
teazeman said:
glad that was the one thing wrong with the post, as i said, who do you like tomorrow? please bestow the winners upon the members here, we await your winners "stunna"

2 team parlay pistons ml / indians
indians -1 runline
2 team teaser (5.5 pts / 7.5 total) pistons PK / pistons over 176

i love the pistons ml aswell as the indians tomorrow. however the chalk is too high and there is not value taking them like that. thats why i threw both of them together in a parlay. i also took the indians RL (down to -1). it knocked the chalk down to -150 from -198.
May 1, 2006
atlantic10 said:
Teazeman is correct for calling you out. Yes Ace had a losing day on Saturday. However its the big picture that is the bottom line, not a losing day that you are focusing on. Sure, if someone jumped on the train for the first time on saturday, lets hope that person used wise money management. If not, nobody to blame but himself. Marathon- not a sprint.

call me out all you want. i have nothing to hide. i call it the way i see it. i never once said ace sucked. as a matter of fact, i've said he is a good capper. i was merely stating that everyone still has losing days and on saturday, ace got owned. simple as that. i also never said it was a sprint! i know it's a marathon. my plays are posted. i may win, i may lose but i have nothing to add. so there you have it crybabies.
May 1, 2006
gatorhater said:
I love when people's only comeback is a spelling mistake...sorry most people do not spend a few extra mins. proofing their posts. From now on Stunna is the official RX secretary, all post must be approved by him for spelling and gramatical errors. Hopefully this post passes your strict standards of posting, you worthless ass-clown. If you do not like Ace's picks then don't follow them, and more importantly don't come in a thread bashing him, because people who know anything about this site know that Ace is great at capping games, and unfortunatly he will have some days when he loses. I would be willing to bet that over the span of his life he is further ahead than you are. From now on instead of crapping up perfectly good topics with your BS, start a thread called "Ace ACe sucks at capping" and see how many followers you have. For the most part here is Ace after a week of action:dancefool and here are people like Stunna:cryingcry so why dont you :nohead: and shut the fuck up.

:lolBIG: . basically all i saw was blah blah blah, i'm a sheep. :lolBIG: , stfu cum guzzler:finger:
May 1, 2006
heelman said:
Glad I got up to see what was going on. Stunna the more you talk the more you make your self appear new at sports betting or just a plain idiot. I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Just because you hide behind a computer, still TRY to show some class. Shut up and use Ace to your advantage just as we all do!! Fade his picks if it is in your best interest and you will disappear broke on your own!

hide behind a comp? jesus christ, are you that dumb? we are all behind a computer typing moron. next time, please think before you type idiot. :finger:
May 1, 2006
Numba 1 Stunna said:
2 team parlay pistons ml / indians
indians -1 runline
2 team teaser (5.5 pts / 7.5 total) pistons PK / pistons over 176

i love the pistons ml aswell as the indians tomorrow. however the chalk is too high and there is not value taking them like that. thats why i threw both of them together in a parlay. i also took the indians RL (down to -1). it knocked the chalk down to -150 from -198.

changed my mind and added pistons ml.

New member
Mar 14, 2006
One thing about Heelman, I have never said anything bad about anyone except you and the only reason I said anything about you is because Ace has lost before and he will lose again and so will you and so will I. However, when you lose or when I lose yheir will be no Barney Fife reporting and bashing it in the ground. We take our losses with class and dignity and feel really bad for any one who followed! Sometimes I follow Ace and sometimes I fade him as most all RX players do but we DO NOT TAKE CHEAP SHOTS AT A PROVEN WINNER AND A CLASSY GUY as well nor would we do the same to you if you prove over time not to be a ONE HIT WONDER!!!!!!!! Have a great day and good luck with your picks!

New member
May 15, 2006

<TABLE class=tborder id=post2870715 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_2870715>

Seems some people here took offense of your post Don? First off, if you're going to ride with Mr. ACE-ACE, I'd suggest you play ALL his plays including the first half plays. By playing only his "game" plays, you're limiting your (ACE-ACE) success rate. If you had been playing the first half plays ACE-ACE gives out, you'd be in much better shape this morning. Secondly, it sounds to me that you want to win most or all of the 5.65 units you are down in the Shitter in just one day. It aint gonna happen Captain. My advice would be cut back the dollar amount of your plays until ACE-ACE reaches his stride again. Don't be a fool by going for the Big Casino with the 2 units that are left in your coffee can. At least not until the time is right and even then, do it wisely.

I see a lot of people here sticking up for ACE-ACE and certainly with due respect. Something he said yesterday would concern me though, He "GUARANTEED" a split and that's what he got. I am always concrened when I see the word "Guarantee" that comes with any Cappers picks, free or paid for and especially on the heels of dropping a huge play the day before. I don't know how long Mr. ACE-ACE has been picking games with the winning percentages he has had this year but I wonder why he is an "Ex-Bookie"? Could it be that he got caught up in picking games and gambling while trying to book the games himself? A bookie that gambles is like a crack addict that smokes crack, he'll end up on his ass in the long run.

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New member
Sep 25, 2005
Numba 1 Stunna said:
call me out all you want. i have nothing to hide. i call it the way i see it. i never once said ace sucked. as a matter of fact, i've said he is a good capper. i was merely stating that everyone still has losing days and on saturday, ace got owned. simple as that. i also never said it was a sprint! i know it's a marathon. my plays are posted. i may win, i may lose but i have nothing to add. so there you have it crybabies.

You need to capitalize all first words in your sentences, not to mention the letter I. Also never end your sentences with a preposition. For all the complaining you did about someone not being able to spell, atleast he had full sentences. Anyways, take your NEWB ass home and lose your milk money from mommy.
May 1, 2006
gatorhater said:
You need to capitalize all first words in your sentences, not to mention the letter I. Also never end your sentences with a preposition. For all the complaining you did about someone not being able to spell, atleast he had full sentences. Anyways, take your NEWB ass home and lose your milk money from mommy.

once again, :lolBIG: . another sheep who can't think on his own. it's amazing how ignorant you rejects are. :lolBIG: , the minute someone says anything about ace losing, all i see is :cryingcry :cryingcry :cryingcry . keep crying sheep, i love it. cry me a river :lolBIG: . gatorhater, this is dedicated to you :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

New member
Sep 25, 2005
this has nothing to do with me following Ace or anyone here who only does what ace does and has everything to do with respect, something i am sure you and your cash money millionares dont know shit about. get a few more worthwhile post befor you start talking shi t

i wish your parents would have used one of these:condon:and we would have worthless fucks like you on the website
May 1, 2006
gatorhater said:
this has nothing to do with me following Ace or anyone here who only does what ace does and has everything to do with respect, something i am sure you and your cash money millionares dont know shit about. get a few more worthwhile post befor you start talking shi t

i wish your parents would have used one of these:condon:and we would have worthless fucks like you on the website

please cry more fucknut. your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. as a matter of fact, if you were to lose your job today, i would :lolBIG: . on that note, :finger: :finger: :finger: :finger: CRY ME A RIVER!
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