NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ---- Game of the Century

Jul 22, 2005
Game of the Century might be a little strong, but if my GOY are 10 units, and bowl plays have reached 15 units, I'm at a loss to call it anything but GOC.

After watching the bowl games pan out you have so shake your head alittle at the showing of the Pac ten..and amazed at the Big 12.

I have tosay without any doubt the Pac ten defenses are just terribble, somewhat above avg speed, but the tackling and physicality is :pucking: . USC defense has had some injuries for most of season, not being at 100 % will have an outcome.

Now before you say anything, ND and fresno st moved the ball at will vs the USC defense, TEXAS may never punt the football. Vince Young is a special player and the nation will see that on Wednesday.

The Texas Defense is fast, physical, and has seen passing offenses all season, granted the talent level no, but speed is nothing to Texas, they practice against it everyday. When your fourth string rb runs a 4.5, they have speed all over the place. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF HANDICAPPING CFB BOWLS..If you have the noticed the team with the most speed usually wins these big games....ohio st vs nd, bama vs tech, west va vs georgia goes on and on and on.






Sep 20, 2004
LOL...You cry about Touts...yet you use the same kind of Titles to hype up your game like they do....Thats classic!

Wait, is because you are giving your opinion on this game for Free that you can call it what you want to?

Like I mentioned in another thread...I seen many people in these forums take down just as much, maybe more people with their posting of plays...Not saying your doing this....But still am so curious as to why you need to use Big Titles like the Touts you dispise uses...

Why not just say I am playing this for this and its my biggest play in two years...Nothing wrong with leaving it at that....For Touts, I know scammers use their Titles to hype up or sucker in people...While others use it to represent a higher, stronger level or categorie of play for them....And it also is used in their advertisements as most businesses who advertise do all the time..

But, please tell me what is your reason for YOU using your big Titles like "GOY"...which you have almost every week....I can take it that for one, it doesnt represent accurate description of what the play really, Game of the year....or the one best play for the year.

So why are you copying the big Hype words that the Touts you bad mouth uses as well...This just doesnt make sense to do...But maybe you can clear it up for me....Thanks and GL with you play....

Oh, I just noticed something that seems to be alittle misleading as well...

You say this is a Game of the Century play for you....but then at the bottom of your post you state that this is the biggest bet you made in 2 years...Wait, sorry...I forgot that you probably have alot of GOC plays, just like those GOY plays you post....That would explain it.

Sep 20, 2004
bruce78 said:
Welp..USC is my pick of the millenium then...

Hey, long is a millenium anyways?...Oh, and is there anything larger then a millenium?:icon_conf

New member
Dec 12, 2005
You should get the line at Texas +7.5 if your putting 50 units on it atleast get it at 7.5
Jul 22, 2005
Co-Captain said:
LOL...You cry about Touts...yet you use the same kind of Titles to hype up your game like they do....Thats classic!

Wait, is because you are giving your opinion on this game for Free that you can call it what you want to?

Like I mentioned in another thread...I seen many people in these forums take down just as much, maybe more people with their posting of plays...Not saying your doing this....But still am so curious as to why you need to use Big Titles like the Touts you dispise uses...

Why not just say I am playing this for this and its my biggest play in two years...Nothing wrong with leaving it at that....For Touts, I know scammers use their Titles to hype up or sucker in people...While others use it to represent a higher, stronger level or categorie of play for them....And it also is used in their advertisements as most businesses who advertise do all the time..

But, please tell me what is your reason for YOU using your big Titles like "GOY"...which you have almost every week....I can take it that for one, it doesnt represent accurate description of what the play really, Game of the year....or the one best play for the year.

So why are you copying the big Hype words that the Touts you bad mouth uses as well...This just doesnt make sense to do...But maybe you can clear it up for me....Thanks and GL with you play....

Oh, I just noticed something that seems to be alittle misleading as well...

You say this is a Game of the Century play for you....but then at the bottom of your post you state that this is the biggest bet you made in 2 years...Wait, sorry...I forgot that you probably have alot of GOC plays, just like those GOY plays you post....That would explain it.

do not include me with your presence, first i pick winners, and 2nd i do not charge for information.

now if you want to send me 200 bucks, i will discuss this further with you. Until then your funky colors and aloha's don't impress me.

send me 250 bucks and i will give you a a few aloha, a couple of pineapples, and a loser. (same as you cocaptain, but i give pineapples with my selections) you pay for delivery of course

Member Emeritus
Sep 21, 2004
eternity, infinity....though I guess you can always do an infinity plus 1.

Yep the big 12 is mighty tough. Anyone remember last years Oklahoma mauling? This Texas squad is no Oklahoma, thats clear. But everyone forgets that USC endured the same rash of injuries NE did. They lost 4 or 5 corners and played 7 or 8 linebackers. So, yes the defense wasn't top 5. (it was 14th) but had they been healthy it would have been better.

The good news.......they have had several of those guys return. AND...Texas is a much less diverse team than SC. Easier to defend against. Great team speed.

My 2 cents says SC wins big. Along the lines of 45-21.

We'll see in 24 hours.


Sep 20, 2004
Tokens said:
do not include me with your presence, first i pick winners, and 2nd i do not charge for information.

now if you want to send me 200 bucks, i will discuss this further with you. Until then your funky colors and aloha's don't impress me.

send me 250 bucks and i will give you a a few aloha, a couple of pineapples, and a loser. (same as you cocaptain, but i give pineapples with my selections) you pay for delivery of course

No one asked you what you think you did....And bud, before you even came here I posted all my plays everyday in all sports for over 2 straight years at no charge...I dont have time to do that anymore, but still do when I do have some free time....But dont think that I havent given my share of Winners and a shit load of information...Between you and me, the totals arent even close....You dont get a post total over 9,000 by doing nothing my friend..

I asked you a question...simply because you like to go around bad mouthing people...with no facts to support you..and go on to tell everyone that they are scammers, etc.....Yet, you use the same type of HYPE Titles to post your plays...and YOU also abuse these Hype Titles even more than they do..with all your GOY...and now with your GOC play...

You can make all the funny remarks....but its all a way to avoid the fact that you should of watch out who you wanted to slander my friend....I see though, that you like to go into other threads and start talking shit...but yet when confronted about rely on being a commedian and running away..

Dont compare what I do and how I handicapp to you friend...So get a grip and stick to getting the facts and learn to own your respect based on your own merits...not by trying to talk shit about someone else...and then later running away making jokes and trying to be funny...

I love Pineapple baby...I can eat as much as I want to and not even have to pay for it..and the same goes with apple bananas, mountain apples, Mangos, Lychee, avacados, and many more tropical fruits....That is the privilege of living on a tropical island....And Aloha to me is just like Bye Mommy to you...its the same..but just words my friend..

So fail to see how you would think stating them would have such a negative impact on me....LOL...Stop assuming you know everyone and everything and get the facts before you talk shit..

I hope you will explain why all the need to copy and use all the Tout Hype tell everyone what your play is....

Aloooha from the islands, CC.
Jul 22, 2005
Co-Captain said:
No one asked you what you think you did....And bud, before you even came here I posted all my plays everyday in all sports for over 2 straight years at no charge...I dont have time to do that anymore, but still do when I do have some free time....But dont think that I havent given my share of Winners and a shit load of information...Between you and me, the totals arent even close....You dont get a post total over 9,000 by doing nothing my friend..

I asked you a question...simply because you like to go around bad mouthing people...with no facts to support you..and go on to tell everyone that they are scammers, etc.....Yet, you use the same type of HYPE Titles to post your plays...and YOU also abuse these Hype Titles even more than they do..with all your GOY...and now with your GOC play...

You can make all the funny remarks....but its all a way to avoid the fact that you should of watch out who you wanted to slander my friend....I see though, that you like to go into other threads and start talking shit...but yet when confronted about rely on being a commedian and running away..

Dont compare what I do and how I handicapp to you friend...So get a grip and stick to getting the facts and learn to own your respect based on your own merits...not by trying to talk shit about someone else...and then later running away making jokes and trying to be funny...

I love Pineapple baby...I can eat as much as I want to and not even have to pay for it..and the same goes with apple bananas, mountain apples, Mangos, Lychee, avacados, and many more tropical fruits....That is the privilege of living on a tropical island....And Aloha to me is just like Bye Mommy to you...its the same..but just words my friend..

So fail to see how you would think stating them would have such a negative impact on me....LOL...Stop assuming you know everyone and everything and get the facts before you talk shit..

I hope you will explain why all the need to copy and use all the Tout Hype tell everyone what your play is....

Aloooha from the islands, CC.

i rely on comedy because i am funny:missingte

see i read about 1/3 of what you wrote, because i can't ctand spend reading for 15 minutes per post, we would be here for 12 hours a day if everyone wrote as much junk as you do.

and once again, i'm really funny:missingte :missingte

Diagnosis Positive
Nov 10, 2005
Beating Vegas

I agree with you. I would definitely take the 7.5 here. USC wins this game by 7 or less, or worse which I'm starting to think is what is going to happen...lose outright. Too much hype on USC. Look what Ohio St. did to a Notre Dame team that USC barely got by. And we all know Texas went into Ohio St. and won. So as much as I'd like to say USC all the way. I'm definitely thinking +7 is the play and maybe something on the money line to make it interesting...
And you're absolutely right about speed. USC's speed destroyed Oklahoma last year. I think Texas is just as fast if not faster. If they can somehow contain Bush or at least slow him down, they will win.
Good Luck Vegas.


Sep 20, 2004
The Texas Defense is fast, physical, and has seen passing offenses all season, granted the talent level no, but speed is nothing to Texas, they practice against it everyday. When your fourth string rb runs a 4.5, they have speed all over the place. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF HANDICAPPING CFB BOWLS..If you have the noticed the team with the most speed usually wins these big games....ohio st vs nd, bama vs tech, west va vs georgia goes on and on and on.

Who are the passing offenses that Texas Defense has faced all season long like you stated they did?

You also claim speed is nothing to Texas, as they practice against it everyday...

Last time I checked, practicing against speed wont make you faster...and I think it is safe to assume that there is only one Reggie Bush and that a backup who plays Bush on the scout team, wont be able to fully duplicate his talent and athleticism....But your implying Texas has been able to do this with their backups?...Interesting.

Also, a 4th string RB who is timed at 4.5 fast, but remember he only had to run straight down the field for 40 yards...I think thats not to hard...But he is quick, I give him that....Still, dont you think that there is a reason why he is 4th string RB...Takes more than just speed to make you good...You also need to have talent and athleticism to go with that speed..not to mention, Heart and toughnest as well...

Do you even know what Reggie Bush ran his 40 at?...How about Lyndell, or the other WRs for USC?

Isnt it so incredible that teams dont run streak pass patterns in all their routes....I mean, I dont know any team that does that...And I have seen some solid big slow TEs, FBs, and even some small slotbacks impact a game and come up with big catches....Probably cause they attack space...or maybe they are good route runners...Or maybe they run misdirection routes.....Or, they may run routes based on the first move of defenders...And what about those slow receivers who run delayed routes after the zones have been cleared for them...Hmmm, I am sure its more to do then speed....Speed helps, but its not all about speed...but alot has to do with execution and that comes from athleticism...Does Texas backups have this to give their starters an accurate practice to what they will face in USC...Remember we are not running 40 yard dashes here.

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF HANDICAPPING CFB BOWLS..If you have the noticed the team with the most speed usually wins these big games....ohio st vs nd, bama vs tech, west va vs georgia goes on and on and on.

Hmmm, you say the most important part of handicapping CFB bowls are backing teams with the most speed and that they usually win, huh....Well, its has more to do than just speed friend...Oh St beat ND because of there balance on both sides of the ball...not just because of their speed.....WV beat Georgia..because of their execution running their spread type of rush attack..something that is not run by alot of teams and hard to defend....But I wouldnt go as far as to say Georgia has less speed then WV....Cause if you know WV Rodrigues and you were aware of the conferences they both come from..then you would know the SEC is a speed conf..and that WV's problem in the past was the fact that they could never beat the top teams from the ACC and SEC and it usually was due to lack of speed to matchup in the skill position...Hense last seasons lost to Fl St....Furthermore, WV on defense also runs a scheme not seen by teams in the SEC their 3-3-5 defense...Did you even know that this is what they ran?

If so, can you tell me what this 3-3-5 defense is strong at doing...and why a team like WV would run such a unique style of defense and find success doing it....WV's unique style of play on both sides of the ball cause Georgia problems...and took away their X-Factor.

Not only speed wins games friend....not even close...This is not a sprinting contest, so not so smart to make it sound as simple as that....Know what I mean....Hey, do you think Texas faced a passing scheme that has its roots in Coach Chows system?

Do you even know what USC's HC coaching strength is in?...Just curious as it will make a difference here..

You are right about SC defense being banged up....

But, remember Bama got a TD on a missed call...and they wasnt able to get another one....What would of happened if that play was called right???...Sure speed with athleticism on defense helped them to contain TT's offense...but without that gift, they still would of lost, cause they didnt even score a TD.

Hey if speed is the only real important thing in Capping did Navy win, Toledo, Nevad, Tulsa, BC, Neb, Auburn all lose?
Jul 22, 2005
for wisky calhoun was the fastest player on the field, toledo was a better football all around , col st couldn't stop navy at all, i think navy punted once (worst defense i have ever seen for a bowl team),

the others games the teams where about the same, no real significant difference that i could see

fresno st wasn't any faster than tulsa, pretty equal, nevada and cfu both had some speed at certain positions but once again we are talking about bad defense,

see the pattern here, bad defense, no speed=====loss

you are searching buddy, it was the clear that the ohio st and west va teams were much faster than the teams they played.

this is gonna cost you, your up to 50 bucks or 27 pineapples and you pay for shipping, i don't take credit cards
Jul 22, 2005
nd couldn't catch smith until about 10 and 15 yards later, ginn was the fastest player on the field, and both wr for nd were to slow to get open on a consistant basis, plus nd played like crap. if you couldnt tell that the ohio st defense was faster at just about every position than the nd offense...

and if you couldn't see the fact that once west va got around the corner on the georgia defense that georgia had no chance of catching them, you are a lot du____ than i thought.

your clients must be morans to listen to you .:sad3:
Jul 22, 2005
" its roots of norm chows system"


i promised that i would not bash anymore, so the only thing i have left to say is:missingte :missingte :missingte :missingte

Sep 20, 2004
Tokens said:
for wisky calhoun was the fastest player on the field, toledo was a better football all around , col st couldn't stop navy at all, i think navy punted once (worst defense i have ever seen for a bowl team),

the others games the teams where about the same, no real significant difference that i could see

fresno st wasn't any faster than tulsa, pretty equal, nevada and cfu both had some speed at certain positions but once again we are talking about bad defense,

see the pattern here, bad defense, no speed=====loss

you are searching buddy, it was the clear that the ohio st and west va teams were much faster than the teams they played.

this is gonna cost you, your up to 50 bucks or 27 pineapples and you pay for shipping, i don't take credit cards

I dont need to see patterns...I cap my games completely covering Fundamental, Situational, and statistical....then add in my own insight and past experiences as a coach, player, scout, etc...

You dont do this...and only are because I brought things up and that made you scrammble to find answers...Still, you didnt tell me or anyone anything...really easy to say what happened when the game is done...So no value in what you just posted...

But, some of your statements are rather ignorant and lack any facts to back up...

I dont know what you mean by I am not searching for anything....You make statements about me that is again ignorant...and I simply show you proof that you dont know shit when it comes to other people like you think you do....Here's one example that separates me from you...and what you think you know...


Ohio St -4 (buy .5pt) (EZ 34-20 WINNER!)

*Short/Quick write-up on this one.....

-No, ND doesnt have the offense and Ohio St has the defense....No, this one is not as simple as others want you to think.....Oh St has both the edge on offense and defense..and that edge comes by way of Balance...And, they also have the edge on special teams as well...Special teams, is so overlooked by almost everyone...But when you play Ohio St, you best know that they have been winning games with their Defense..Playing smash mouth football...and will score with Special teams play....These are the components of this Buckeye team, which has helped put their offense in position to score and their Special teams to win games...

This has been the steady recipe the Buckeyes used alot in the past...However, these are new form of Buckeyes form Ohio St....New because they now have their own X-Factor QB in Smith....who eventhough is having a solid year...ranking in the top 10 nationally in some areas....many have overlooked him and his ability to be a big play maker, as the Big Ten was filled with other QBs, who took alot of the spotlight away from him...In addition, his own defense as well overshawdowed his play as well...Whatever the case my be though, make no doubt about it...that this maybe the Buckeyes of ofld on Defense....but, they are surely not the same Buckeyes on offense....No way, no how...and along with QB Smith is another stud in WR Ginn...You talk about burners, well take a good look at one of the best in the nation in Ginn....

Bottom line here, is that the defense although still held to high not relied on like the past to have to win games for them...No, not with these skilled players now providing this solid team with balance on both sides of the ball...

The Irish surely has a solid passing game and a very solid coach....but take a good look at all the other solid passing attacks and you will see that they all are deficient in other areas....and for the Irish, its in their running game on offense...and also their suspect secondary on defense....And this is where opponents, like Ohio St, with their solid defense and balanced attack will be able to make them feel their void, no doubt....There is to much value in having a solid defense...but their is even more value having a team who is also balanced, not only on defense...but also on offense as well.

And again, dont forget the Special teams as well...When teams enjoy this kind of play from their team...they become hard to beat, and as I have stated many times before...good teams dont rely on just one aspect of their team or on a particular player to carry the load or win games for them....The Buckeyes dont...and this is another reason why Quinn and his solid WRs are so important to their success today...But, its going to be a hard task to overcome this defense...which held Texas and Penn St in check, eventhough coming up short...Remember, those two teams are rated above these Buckeyes, while ND is not..and there is a reason why they are not...

Heres a question...If you cant run the ball...which is something Charlie knows he must do....but cant against a defense that is built to stop the run....Can ND's passing attack be enough to carry the load for them?...And also, will their defense that is ranked near the bottom at stopping the pass themselves able to hold the Buckeyes own solid WRs from lighting them up as well?.....Well, I say they will get their yards on offense...but in the end, it will be Ohio Sts balance...on both sides of the ball that wiill be the big difference in this one today....Buckeyes not fancy or pretty...but that is how good solid teams wins games...Check your history and you will see a huge list of teams just like them, on it...GO BUCKEYES!


You see this was my only GOY play for the entire season....and that is how it should be...Best play that comes up once a year....My highest rated play is this play for 10 Units...

I see you have GOY's every week....LOL....Now a Game of a Century...LOL....and its for 50 Units....50 Units....

Why do you insist on using Tout Hype Titles for your plays...and also big Unit Values as well....LOL..

I think you dont hate TOUTs at all...I think you wish you could be one that is why you follow in their posting methods....cause it also brings you attention, you need, huh...LOL.

But, just like I had no idea that WV ran a spread attack on offense....or that they ran a unique 3-3-5 defense either....Like I said, aint all about speed and that is not the most important thing either...Plus, this is a team dont take one guy who is fast and use it to represent a teams speed....Your trying to cover yourself by grabbing anything you can, huh...Georgia was outplayed and didnt take WV seriously and they got caught by this..and not having faced a team like this also helped keep WV's edge as far as, what and how they ran their plays and schemes one step ahead of Georgia who couldnt figure them out completely...But, if they had another quarter...they might have been able to....But only 4 quarters in FB and thats it...

Now tell us the reasons why you use TOUT Hype Titles and Unrealistic Unit Sizes for your plays?????????????/

And remember...its about execution, with speed, athleticism, along with alot of other things that gives one team an edge over the other...Not just speed, dummy...Like I said this is FB not a track meet...

Sep 20, 2004
Tokens said:
" its roots of norm chows system"


i promised that i would not bash anymore, so the only thing i have left to say is:missingte :missingte :missingte :missingte

Yeah, Norm Chows offensive you know what I am referring to?....Or are you just trying to be a funny kid...and simply using it as a way to run away and hide from answering the question...

Your not fooling anyone with your act....

New member
Nov 6, 2004
hey CC...not to change the subject but saw you post and wanted to say hello....are you watching this orange bowl....or is that a stupid question....great fricking game especially when you have the doggie +10

godd luck my friend


Sep 20, 2004
nytewalker6 said:
hey CC...not to change the subject but saw you post and wanted to say hello....are you watching this orange bowl....or is that a stupid question....great fricking game especially when you have the doggie +10

godd luck my friend


Whats up Nyte....

The funny thing believe it or that sometimes I spend so much time capping these games out...I really dont care or have a need to watch the game...I think it has to do with me being confident in my projections that its like I take all the drama and excitement out of it...You know, its like I know how it should end or how I expect to end....and when the game is following path like this one is, then more I wont watch it.......I have the TV on though...but only look up really when Mike (annoucer) starts to raise his voice...And then I start to watch alittle, until them fuckin Zebras start bringing out their laundry or FG kicker is going to kick make an attempt..

Which btw,...he just missed again..Shit!

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Co-Captain said:
Whats up Nyte....

The funny thing believe it or that sometimes I spend so much time capping these games out...I really dont care or have a need to watch the game...I think it has to do with me being confident in my projections that its like I take all the drama and excitement out of it...You know, its like I know how it should end or how I expect to end....and when the game is following path like this one is, then more I wont watch it.......I have the TV on though...but only look up really when Mike (annoucer) starts to raise his voice...And then I start to watch alittle, until them fuckin Zebras start bringing out their laundry or FG kicker is going to kick make an attempt..

Which btw,...he just missed again..Shit!

co-captian, why do you choose to hi-jack another posters thread with your endless and seemingly self-absorbed post, just stay out of his thread if the title or language used offends you. I am not taking sides just making an observation.

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