Good for them, i am sure the Oklahoma fans would want new everthingIn the deal they made the city of Seattle retains the name, the logo, the colors, etc etc.
Good for them, i am sure the Oklahoma fans would want new everthing
The Browns did the same thing in the hopes of getting a team back there, Seattle will never get an NBA franchise again
Vancouver has a better shot than them
First and foremost I blame David Stern. He is a big giant steaming pile of dogshit. Then I blame Bennett who at the start claimed he would try to keep the team in Seattle only to have emails pop up soon after explaining how the team was Oklahoma City bound (he's a bold faced fucking liar and probably plays poker with Journeyman and 5-Star).
In this poker game, no money changes hands. Nice.
i sense some anger kb... okc hognuts leader in the clubhouse
stern is a motherfucking moneygrubbing sob
i dont give a shit about the sonics but the public shouldn't have to pay for a stadium
to basically take a team away from a city is messed up but this isn't even his worst movement
one and done is RETARDED i hope brandon jennings goes to europe and shows up the jew