I'm not a huge Lebron fan...But he hasn't filled 4 business bankruptcies and stiffled many working folks.
Well, you obviously only read unilateral slime jobs on Trump and watch a lot of fake news. However, no matter how thin the pancake, there is always two sides. You provided one, so I'll provide the other. Many wealthy business owners file bankruptcies for many reasons. Trump did it to fuck over banks that were trying to fuck him over. And most of the people he refused to pay were unions hacks who pulled shit like padding contracts, over billing, phantom employees on the payroll, and delivering substandard work. You're talking about a man who has billions of dollars in construction contracts, employing tens of thousands of workers, and yeah, some are going to bitch, that's life. I've had contractors try to pull shit on me only to back down the second I tell them let's let a judge figure it out for us. In hindsight, I'd say every contractor tried to pull some sort of shit after signing that I wouldn't budge on. A few years ago, I hired one company to widen out a section of my lake and make it deeper and he quoted me $7k. 1 week later I had a massive pile of dirt next to my lake and he said, I need $14k more to finish, I didn't include this, didn't know about that, blah, blah, blah. Long story short, he finished for $7.7k. Don't even get me started on the shit my pool contractor tried and failed to pull. Unethical workers/contractors looking to steal, cut corners, and pad expenses is what happened to Trump, too, and he didn't let any of them get away with any of it. How many people took him to court and won? Far fewer than the number who took him to court and lost.