From P.A.
This is a smart move for the Yankees. Nady gives the lineup a boost with Matsui and Posada out and unlikely to return. Even if Posada comes back, his shoulder problem clearly was hampering his hitting.
Nady can play left field, allowing Damon to DH. Marte slides into the bullpen, giving the Yankees what is right now the best unit in the league.
Tabata, while only 20, has not hit for power and was a discipline problem this season. Ohlendorf is a No. 5 starter type or a set-up man. Coke has pitched well the last two seasons but you have to give up something to get something.
Neither Coke or Kontos were among the team’s A-list prospects, although Coke was moving up fast.
Getting Nady also serves as a hedge to letting Abreu leave as a free agent. I don’t see the downside to this move.