My prediction for sports and corona hoax

Dec 11, 2006
I'm posting from my room sealed inside an another sealed room waiting on news from the's like wearing two condoms and 5 masks everyday at all times.
Rush was pretty funny at times....where'd he go?

Shub is that you?

Are you guys so freaked out by Covid II that you want people to lose their jobs for being unvaxed?

And you do know that we are experiencing worker shortages in this country already that are fking with the supply chain and adding a significant issue to the list that is causing runaway inflation, right?

Dec 13, 2007
Are you guys so freaked out by Covid II that you want people to lose their jobs for being unvaxed?

And you do know that we are experiencing worker shortages in this country already that are fking with the supply chain and adding a significant issue to the list that is causing runaway inflation, right?

Not at all...My life is exactly like it was before but less hassle turns out... covid works well if you don't really like the general population and dislike public social obligations ..I can't tell you how many times I've done social situations because of business or not wanting to hurt someone's wife feelings.

It's been dreamy..we've had good friends here all summer and that is about all I need or want.

BTW think bigger on supply chain its global.

Sep 21, 2004
Are you guys so freaked out by Covid II that you want people to lose their jobs for being unvaxed?

And you do know that we are experiencing worker shortages in this country already that are fking with the supply chain and adding a significant issue to the list that is causing runaway inflation, right?

Not at all afraid of Covid. I behaved when the shit broke out in the spring of 2020 here in NYC. Now I'm fully vaxxed and confident, I won't be going to the hospital or dying due to Covid. I've always been a believer of science and the health community. They're looking out for us and the world. There is no hoax or conspiracy going on as some believe. I'm up and about and living my life. Life is an experience not to be missed.
Dec 11, 2006
Not at all...My life is exactly like it was before but less hassle turns out... covid works well if you don't really like the general population and dislike public social obligations ..I can't tell you how many times I've done social situations because of business or not wanting to hurt someone's wife feelings.

It's been dreamy..we've had good friends here all summer and that is about all I need or want.

BTW think bigger on supply chain its global.

Not at all afraid of Covid. I behaved when the shit broke out in the spring of 2020 here in NYC. Now I'm fully vaxxed and confident, I won't be going to the hospital or dying due to Covid. I've always been a believer of science and the health community. They're looking out for us and the world. There is no hoax or conspiracy going on as some believe. I'm up and about and living my life. Life is an experience not to be missed.

Cool. Two guys unafraid of Covid II like me. I am vaxxed but it turns out that the impervious shield we were expecting from the vax just isn't there. Despite vaccination I can catch Covid II and I can spread Covid II.

But neither of you responded to my question about people being forced out of their careers for not electing to be vaxxed. Restaurants? OK. Public indoor venues? OK But jobs? My job is not at risk. But my heart bleeds for anyone vested in a good job who is faced with the very real prospect of losing it (and often accumulated benefits) if they don't get vaxxed. If Covid II were the smallpox where 30% of the population died and others were left permanently maimed and blind. Or if it was polio were those who had it were permanently deformed (and yes the evidence of the devastation of polio was visible in almost every neighborhood). OK Get vaxxed.

But Covid II? If you are very old or have a compromised immune system, watch out. Take safe personal precautions. But, please, let the rest of us move about freely. Being cut from your job for resisting the vax is way too draconian for me. It is overreach on steroids. And I don't like living in a society that would fk with people's ability to take care of themselves and their families over a threat that has been blown way out of proportion.

Rant over.

Aug 4, 2013
Ones employer has the right to do as they please the workplace is not a democracy. As far as inflation-being on a fixed income I’m kinda rooting for a government shut down a rescission will curb that real fast. The market will crash and effect all those millionaire senators and congressmen hard. I sold all my stock recently when buying a house but a crash and I’ll be back in at bargain prices lol. Damn three run homer son of bitch need under.

Sep 21, 2004
Cool. Two guys unafraid of Covid II like me. I am vaxxed but it turns out that the impervious shield we were expecting from the vax just isn't there. Despite vaccination I can catch Covid II and I can spread Covid II.

But neither of you responded to my question about people being forced out of their careers for not electing to be vaxxed. Restaurants? OK. Public indoor venues? OK But jobs? My job is not at risk. But my heart bleeds for anyone vested in a good job who is faced with the very real prospect of losing it (and often accumulated benefits)
I believed in pro choice with the vaccines in the belief that we would get to 70-75% in which we would accomplish herd immunity by end of summertime. Never did I imagine that anti vaxxers and vaccine hesitancy would be so incredibly high. We have to rid ourselves of the pandemic and get on with our lives fully unlimited and get our economy truly flowing. The educating and bribing wasn't working anymore. Patience has run out. Therefore mandates. Not much different from the Patriot Act or Texas new anti abortion law. Hate to see people lose their jobs but due to politics and false BS narratives they have been duped into believing the vaccine is dangerous and harmful. I fully believe if Trump had remained President then we would have reached herd immunity. We have to move forward, well at least some people in this country.

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