First off DEC, I have respect for you. I doubt I could last 12 hours on this thing. You or anyone that could do this for more than a day is one tough customer.
This is from the link up top. I have some observations and questions about each of these detox symptoms.
1. Cravings — I have only known one or two people to be hungry on this cleanse. Drinking more lemonade or water handles that. I have, however, observed that people on the cleanse crave what they are detoxifying. Proof that this is true is that the cravings usually go away the next morning with bowel movements. You can crave anything when detoxifying, but most likely you will experience cravings for the most toxic foods, such as pizza, hamburgers, barbeque ribs, etc.
Most toxic foods? I suppose if you get your food from a trash bin from Hanford it might be toxic, otherwise these are just foods humans have been eating for thousands of years. What is so toxic about ribs?
2. Tiredness — When your body fights toxins, whether from detoxifying or an infection, it diverts energy into healing and away from the energy you use to work and play. On my first 20 day cleanse, I was not tired except on the fifteenth day. The next morning, I experienced heat in my bowel movements, an indication that acidic toxins were being eliminated. I also lost all sense of tiredness.
Basically this "cleanse" deprives a person of the essential nutrients required for the body to operate. Hence, tiredness. Heat in the bowl movements? I wonder if drinking lots of pepper water has anything to do with that?
3. Irritability — This includes the desire to "just chew something solid."
Irritable from starving? I think that has someting to do with a survival instinct. But I could be wrong.
4. Physical aches, pains, nausea, vomiting, etc. — These are the most severe reactions and only occur where a person is severely toxic, only a small percentage of people experience these. Fortunately, these have gone away after only a day or two in every case I have heard about.
Severly toxic? Like glow in the dark toxic? Seems like aches and pains could be your body eating it's own muscle and cartlidge in an atttempt to stay alive. The pain is a signal to go hunt and chow down.
5. Hot bowel movements — Your body wastes are acidic and when you eliminate the most toxic ones, they actually feel anywhere from warm to burning. This experience is very infrequent, but worth mentioning because hot bowel movements after a day of heavy detox symptoms will confirm that you just eliminated significant toxins.
What about the human body is not acidic? Can't say I ever heard of someone being alkaline, but I ain't one of them learned folk. Again with the hot poo. Cayenne pepper is damn hot. Seems like consuming a bunch of cayenne pepper could lead to the burn.