I will never be banned. Ever.
You have been though and will be gone in 2 weeks. It's gonna be a celebration and you will fall into a deep depression
Believe me...if Trump loses, you will long for good ol' "Sheriff Joe days"...believe me.
Not that I didn't warn you, but you are getting a sneak preview of what's to come, troll....believe me.
Poker fraud vitard: Psych ward, here I come!
There is no such thing as good ol' sheriff Joe days.
But dont worry....I will take each troll out of here by ban bet or knockout and Vitterd Nation will be the only one standing. A year away from your trolling cancerous nonsense will be the greatest Nation victory of all time.
If you had a time machine.....you'd go back and erase that bet. It's gonna kill you not posting here.
Hey stupid, I didn't make the bet, festeringZit did. I was just an "add on" to get a broke lying weasel like you to accept a bet. Nothing less, nothing more.
This forum IS your life. It would be absolutely hilarious to see how long you could stay on the sidelines before losing your mind having to create yet ANOTHER handle.
"No, I didn't have any previous handles. I just stumbled across this forum in 2010 and began posting like a madman and bumping threads from years before my time!" - poker fraud vitturd ointer:
Ummmm. I'm up 14 dimes in baseball with yet another winner last night.
You losers up until 2am talking about me. Lmao. Now you guys are dead asleep. Boss next to his cousin and centaur next to his list of log in names here.
6:30 gym.....5 times a week. You don't even like to drive past a gym.
Full of shit! Just stop while you are so far behind. Do you read? You were clowning me for being here yet you were posting your lies till 1.18 am I am sure you were back here in less than 8 hours posting. Do you see the hypocrisy? Think
lmao. 5days a week. You spend your day following me. While you're sleeping and trolling....I'm working out.
Your fat ass can hardly breathe.
Wow your weak attempt at insults almost made me forget that you have been on here since the second you got up and you are currently involved in the first ten threads on here and had a weak attempt at trying to clown me for being here all the time.
Youre here for me. If you don't troll me.....we don't communicate. Think about that
you trolled me all day yesterday....slept....woke up and came right here to troll me again. That Sheriff Joe/Acebb type stuff
As mentioned above this is a professional courtesy notice requesting that you should contact me and offer a settlement before I contact the State Board of Accountancy and other organizations to pursue action against you. I may be willing to consider a settlement and sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding your misconduct . You have until May 15th to contact me.
Sounds like an attempt at extortion to me.
THIS always wrong, ethically challenged fraud is asking if someone else is honest about anything? ointer:ointer:ointer:ointer:ointer:ointer:ointer:ointer:bawawawawawawawawawawaawawwwawawawawawawawa
loser taking another beating, having a great weekend at Borgata, is he honest about anything?