I feel sorry for him because he wants attention but can't pick his nose.
Anyways, he's a stiff and if he had stiffed me, I would have found out where he lived and paid someone $500 to get my $100 back. He lucked out in that The General is a nice guy.
Since I see him losing so much - AND thinking he knows his business when he doesn't, I have tried to help him out. He was making some plays on bad lines that were 100% PUBLIC plays, and I tried to point out that he may be mistaken.
Counting today, it would have been the third time it has happened - but losers will always be losers because he liked the play even more, he said.
People think the loudmouths that advertise their plays and toot their own horns are the ones that make money
and Tony seems to portray the same image. I bet you the biggest players on RX probably never post their plays on a regular basis - and they sure as hell don't play EVERY sport. Geez.
60% Tony? How about just hitting 50% on the RX monitored thread?