You can ask me anything cous. No i didn't meet Doc on a leftwing kook site. If this is a site that strives for the truth like Olberman then i would hardly call it a kook site. Most of these so called kook sites and guys like Olberman are feared by some of you righties because the truth stings and it is hard for a guys like you to deal with it. Now find me the lie. I can't stay here all night. Oh yes i gamble.Let me guess Doc and You met on some leftwing kook site and he called in some backup since he was getting killed over here on a gambling website.
Are you a gambler??????????????????????
Sorry zitty there are a lot of us that have some common sense. We just want the most corrupt administration in our lifetime out of the way. Now zitty if you are one of the last spokes on the wheel who think these thieves have the countries best interest at heart i will say a prayer for you even tho im not a religious man.Thor is just a ghost for Doc. Now he's getting really desperate.