My bad luck continues - Seven Palms


New member
Sep 21, 1999
I've played at 7palms off and on over the past 4 years or so, they pay but low limits of late so I don't play there now. "5 innings" next to these lines was really obvious on the site though.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jake:

It always makes me unhappy when a client tries to use this forum to mislead people by coming in and only telling part of the story. Here is the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth.

Burned joined our book based on another poster's recommendation. He has pointed out that on our home page, AND ONLY THE HOMEPAGE, it stated we offered 4 1/2 inning lines, that is true. HOWEVER, all season long we have offered 5 inning lines. The text had been posted incorrectly.

When logging in and placing your wagers on our 1st 5 innings, clients can clearly see the title of the bet. It states:

1st 5 innings
1st Half Col -180
Clev +160

That is exactly how it reads when a client enters his bets.

The only spot that said 4 1/2 inning lines was on one spot on the home page. On every single betting option for the 1st 5 innings, the test "1st 5 innings" was clearly visible. The client made a wager and lost the wager in the bottom of the 5th inning.

After I received the client's complaint, I verified the text problem, fixed the text, and informed CS to give the client his bet back and a $50 help bonus. The clerk misinformed the client, telling him he would get his bet, his winnings, and his $50 help bonus. Within minutes I was on the phone with the client thanking him for pointing out the text error on our side, informing him I understood why he felt he should not lose his bet, and then returning his lost monies to him.

Burned literally started pretending to cry. Promising and swearing he would never do it again. Apologizing for trying to beat the rollover requirements for his bonus. I told him he did not need to apologize. What he bets at other books is his own deal. When he realized his fake crying was not going to get him anywhere, he started to get angry and say we stole $800 from him. Then he threatened to post. I told him it was his choice, but please post all the facts. He did not, so I am here doing it for him.

IMHO, here are the facts:

Client saw 4 1/2 innings offered on the homepage.
Client registered, never asking about the first half lines.
Client made a wager, by his own admission, ignoring the 1st 5 innings text at the top of the wager.
Client lost the wager, but points out text error.
Client receives losing wager back to his balance and $50 help bonus for pointing out the text error.

We have always dealt fairly with all our clients. I think that in this situation, we have done so again.

Seaurchin, I am surprised you have not heard of us. We have been around for quite a few years. Give us a try and I assure you that you will be more than satisfied.


Dodgy??? Please explain why you feel this way.


This seems like it could be false advertising to me. 4.5 innings sounds a whole lot better than 5 innings doesn't it?? I tried to look at the lines on your website but got a big runaround regarding why I could not see them. First your rep tells me that I need an acct. to see the lines, then he says that 7 Palms is "working on" the NBA line and that is why I can't see it. But he has to make sure, so he sticks me on hold for ten minutes. Jake, no offense to you personally, but THAT is a sh*t book that you are running there guy.

Your web presence sucks also. I have never heard of your book. After reading your post, I still don't know your phone #, nothing. I try to find you on and can't find you there. I try and nothing comes up. That url is available and you don't even own it. I finally find you on the 4th page of a dogpile search.

I could tell by my telephone conversation that your staff is trained well. To answer a simple question takes ten full minutes--just like every sh*t book out there. Your manager said that he was not even aware of the fact that you were advertising 4.5 runs on the homepage.

I would never play at 7 Palms, not in 100 years..too many reputable books out there to bee posting up with a sh*t book where nothing but dolts run the place.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am getting hell for this post above.

Sorry if the posting above seems a bit inflammatory, guy. That is how I feel after I see false advertising, and the "Manager" has no clue about how long the false advertising occurred for. When I learned that the lines are not available for viewing, it makes me wonder how a new player would know that you actually have 5 inning lines (and not 4.5) PRIOR to sending his dough to you.

The fact that you aren't even hanging a # for tomorrow's NBA FINALS game speaks volumes. Maybe I am just way out in right field, but these seem like good things to take into consideration. Good Luck

[This message was edited by hamneggs on June 18, 2003 at 04:49 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Client saw 4 1/2 innings offered on the homepage. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How long did you have this up on your homepage?

Do you ever visit your homepage? If so, how often?

Sorry guy, but I dunno your shop and this sounds like false advertising. I could see a hypotheticaL that would not look pretty. I don't care if you are under the umbrella of Sportbet or not. I just saw WWTS pull a major scam job, so nothing surprises me any more. Good Luck

New member
Oct 29, 2001
I see two things here, a guy trying to take advantage of an opportunity and a book trying to mislead it's would be customers. This could all be resolved with either honest people working at these sportsbooks (which is not going to happen, just human nature) or if these books actually hired web proffesionals to make a decent website for them that is clear and concise and actually easy to navigate through.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The name of the sportsbook is IBETCASINO.COM and they are affiliated with SPORTBET.COM. The General Manager, "Jake," posts on this forum under "Jake"

This is going to sound very crazy, but I assure you that I have this on tape

Client's account information is incorrect on internet sportsbetting account

Apparently there was a computer gliche

Client has also made a deposit, his wagers contingent on clearance of deposit

Client wins with wagers, roughly $1K

Client seeks to gain clarification regarding clearance of deposit and status of wagers

Sportsbook describes status of wagers and deposit to client in ambiguous terms

Client requests clarification regarding PRECISE status of deposit/wagers IN WRITING

Client has posted LINK regarding the matter without alluding to the name of the shop or providing any "dead giveaway" hints as to who the shop is.

Sportsbook Rep, who claims to be MGR of Cust Service, tells client that client must FIRST post that situation has been "resolved" PRIOR to providing client with written confirmation regarding status of account.

Client insists that situation that situation has not been resolved until adequate written confirmation re status has been received

Sportsbook Rep insists that situation has been resolved and tells client that he needs client to post that it has been resolved

It is my opinion that one should never be forced to compromise his 1st Amendment rights in exchange for the status of his account. Sportsbook claims that it has a right to force client to post an update regarding situation, even though sportsbook has not been mentioned, sportsbook frequently posts on forum, and sportsbook has failed to post any information in the thread at all.

Today it appears as though sportsbook has taken action against client for failure to post (speak) in accordance with Sportsbook's instructions

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