I am glad that you are on the same side as me for 2 out of 3 of my plays. Toms played pretty well today against Poulter, who made it deep into the Brackets last year, and was a tough draw for a 15th seed. Toms will not dominate tommorow, but I believe he will get it done. BOL
I too believe that Tiger is a LOCK for tommorow. So here is an idea, why not parlay everyone of your plays tommorow with Tiger. Let me know what ya think. I will prolly do this myself, with all your plays, with the exception of Olaza.
I am glad that you are on the same side as me for 2 out of 3 of my plays. Toms played pretty well today against Poulter, who made it deep into the Brackets last year, and was a tough draw for a 15th seed. Toms will not dominate tommorow, but I believe he will get it done. BOL
I too believe that Tiger is a LOCK for tommorow. So here is an idea, why not parlay everyone of your plays tommorow with Tiger. Let me know what ya think. I will prolly do this myself, with all your plays, with the exception of Olaza.