How did you get from my comment to rationalize mein kampf?
A Christian following the New Testament is 50% different than a mooslem following the Kooran and you're trying to lump them together. Don't act like you didn't get caught fucking up there. Or unless you would like the role of defending the kooran vs the NT in terms of morality and its value in The West? Read my signature shun, the West Is The Best.
Huh? I'm not lumping them together. My comment didn't touch on the merits of Christianity or Islam. I was simply making a comment about the hypocrisy of people, in this case 919, who get upset at negative comments about Islam and then respond by mocking Christianity.
Because Islam is an insult to all religions. It's a how to book of conquest mixed in with spirituality. I say mock away. If you have the moral high ground then please do exploit it. That's how you win hearts and minds, no?
You were referencing Zit no?
No, I was referring to 919.
I thought his reaction was pretty funny. In general, most liberals hate when Islam is mocked but love to mock Christianity. He couldn't help himself. He had to throw the Flying Spaghetti Monster line in there. Although I would think he sees belief in Islam and Christianity to be equally ridiculous, there is zero chance he would mock Islam in the same manner.