Liberalism does suck
And it is very likely directly or indirectly responsible for this attack
How do you equate someone saying "liberalism sucks" to you starting shit talking about Trump and fighting with posters in here? Trump doesn't have anything to do with Germany and isn't the president of this country yet.
You're a sad, pathetic, clown and I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of posters organize a boycott of this forum soon to get you banned kind of like you did to free AKPhidolt
I got it.....blaming liberals is cool.....blaming trump isn't. Great argument you got here. They start it....they get punched back. And trolls like Zit and Joe....always punch first. I just punch harder.
Youve been banned from multiple sites. You threatened to leave here because you got warned about trolling and now you spew racist garbage.
You should start the boycott and take all your ghosts with you.
i exposed your hypocrisy.