Most Likely To Get KNIFED in VEGAS


New member
Sep 21, 2004
this from another crook


Posts: 2913
Joined: Jul 2000
Sunday, March 18, 2001 8:36 AM

You have a business going that still
allows you to be in the industry.
Someone I consider a good friend Johnny DeMarco - gave me a great piece of
advice once. He said you can make great money in this industry without having to gamble your own money. Let others gamble
for you.
Focus on your business and making it
grow. You can still be in the arena you
love, without doing something that you
obviously feel you can't control.

You have my email. If you ever want to
talk, just say the word. It's the least
I can do for you hooking up with

New member
Sep 21, 2004
does it get any better
you have a sniveling coward getting atta boys from >>> bird brain a cheap whore and johnny demarco

waht a country

New member
Sep 21, 2004
more fun stuff


Posts: 1924
Joined: Nov 2000
Monday, March 19, 2001 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Sports Book With Balls:
This person has ruined it for alot of people out there. Look no further then Antigua where he is banned from playing at the books there. He originally tried his little scam of putting up a site for small Bonus Betting account promising tons of traffic, then the banner disappears once hes lost account in less than two days. We got not one person sent to us by this person. At one book he was playing with his own money, so they thought. Turns out he was using 21 different credit cards to bet with which tells me he was not only supplying picks to unsuspecting players but going as far as to bet with there own money. How anyone can be dumb enough to supply credit card information to this man is beyond my train of thought, but when he started losing, the players all disputed the charges. These are the types of scammers we do not need playing off shore and thought I should pass this along. Some of us are not falling for his HOLIER THAN THOU persona he portrays both here and on the phone. Like any good scam artist, he thrives on the vulnerabilities of others.

In my defence I started this thread not to be portrayed as HOLIER THAN THOU...I started it because I wanted to be honest and admit to my wrongs...WHAT I WONT ADMIT to though is 21 credit card nonsense and other nonsense you have spouted off

-You call yourself Sportsbook with Balls hmmmmm not familiar with that book you must be a SCAM BOOK OTHERWISE IF YOU truely HAD balls AS YOU SAY YOU WOULD POST AS SPORTSBOOK A or whatever your REAL name is!

- I am not allowed to play at books in ANTIGUA??? your source is VERY misinformed I play at WSEX all the time NO CREDIT CARD DEPOSITS either. TRUE I AM BANNED from Carib ONLY because I played at WSEX and they did not have western union so I used to transfer money to Carib and then cash out via Western Union...That my friend IS THE ONLY REASON I am banned from Carib.

-I DONT EVEN KNOW 10 people with credit cards let alone 21 and EVERY credit card I ever used WAS NEVER charged back.

-I know who you are and this shows me how much of a COWARD you are. I email you after you flame me in a forum with your made up AMERICAN name and mention an individuals name and you like a coward you make up a moniker Sportsbook with Balls too funny

-This supposed Credit Card fraud is a serious allegation and the only book I ever used a CC at was NASA so being the puzzle expert that I am as well as part time con artist as you depicted, It only solidifies my guesses as to who you are.

- I will not allow you to spread half truths and lies about me no matter how "ambiguously"(that is the word you like to use) they are or not.

- I hit ROCK BOTTOM and have no reason to lie but yet YOU my friend have a lot of reasons to


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Posts: 1924
Joined: Nov 2000
Monday, December 10, 2001 1:14 AM

Originally posted by sportman:
BP: Sorry to see all this...What the heck happened? I just did a quick search and can't find anything related to this scoop.
Last I knew you were TEARING it up..ON FIRE...
What the heck is going on?

sportman check the date some dude brought it up from a long time ago..yes I have been on fire as of late but now that I have my huge roll I have started middling and scalping to maintain it and am doing well


New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> posted June 17, 2003 02:17 PM
does it get any better
you have a sniveling coward getting atta boys from >>> bird brain a cheap whore and johnny demarco

waht a country


ROTFLMFAO. Only in the Internet. This might be better than Sick Gambler's remarkable transformation from life long loser to genius scalper/middler. You got to love the Internet. It is like a playground for adults.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

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