MORON alerts ?


Nov 11, 2007
Don't put Savage1, the Libtard #1 lol
Yes I am a libtard all right, such a libtard in fact that I spent 34 years in my professional career in a government job which among

other things involved investigating welfare fraud and providing documentation to the Bureau of Special Investigation that would

in turn prosecute to the full extent of the law recipients who perpetrated the fraud!!

Nov 11, 2007
Your buddy fell down and couldn't get up yesterday ?
So what the fuck does that prove?

I am 78 and will soon be 79.

I am in very good shape physically speaking!!

That said, I went for a ride on my electric bike yesterday on a beautiful and hot day.

I have a usual route I take which involves an occasional turn.

To cut to t the chase, when I was making one of the turns, I hadn't fully stopped the bike and lost control of the bike briefly

and almost fell down before recovering.

By your logic, I shouldn't go for bike rides anymore because it will only get worse!!

As I said in the other thread, you are now on permanent ignore as I don't waste my time with clueless riff raffs!!

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
To much hate rwjr
Narrow it down to 1 like me

Jun 4, 2018
I am 78 and will soon be 79.

I am in very good shape physically speaking!!

That said, I went for a ride on my electric bike yesterday on a beautiful and hot day.

I have a usual route I take which involves an occasional turn.

To cut to t the chase, when I was making one of the turns, I hadn't fully stopped the bike and lost control of the bike briefly

and almost fell down before recovering.

By your logic, I shouldn't go for bike rides anymore because it will only get worse!!
U might want 2 ? about putting training wheels on your scooter for balance ...... That'll help u keep upright & may prevent any future accidents

? Thinking of your safety & ride safely @savage1

Nov 11, 2007
U might want 2 ? about putting training wheels on your scooter for balance ...... That'll help u keep upright & may prevent any future accidents

? Thinking of your safety & ride safely @savage1
Actually, I no longer ride a scooter(moped) as I sold it last year for the simple reason that I was/am in full realization that my sense of

overall balance is not as good as it once was and riding in traffic at speeds up to 40-45 mph could be risky!!

I also gave up jogging last year because of lower back pain.

At that point I bought a beautiful pedal assist/electric bike and simply rode it in a track-like oval near a local landfill where there are

no virtually no cars and simply go back and forth for about 40 or so minutes while listening to talk shows on mini radio

which I place in my shirt pocket with earbuds!!

On beautiful and hot days like yesterday, I am in seventh heaven!!

Again the slight stumble on my bike yesterday was arre and simply because I didn't slow down quite enough before negotiating my


The entire point here is that while I consider myself worlds above Joe Biden both physically and mentally and I think he should

not run in 2024, lots of things can and will happen to EVERYONE on occasion for older folks which didn't happen

when they are younger!!

Obviously, the manner in which aging manifests itself varies from person to person.

In my case the arthritis in my lower back has gotten a bit worse as has my acid reflux and hearing and that's it.

I will take that over heart problems, strokes, dementia, etc. 24/7/365!!

ps thanks for the suggestion of training wheels.

However, when it gets to that point, I will realize that I will confine my exercise to walking, which I do currently especially in the winter

(indoor walking)when the cold weather pretty much precludes riding a bike!!

Jun 4, 2018
Actually, I no longer ride a scooter(moped) as I sold it last year for the simple reason that I was/am in full realization that my sense of

overall balance is not as good as it once was and riding in traffic at speeds up to 40-45 mph could be risky!!

I also gave up jogging last year because of lower back pain.

At that point I bought a beautiful pedal assist/electric bike and simply rode it in a track-like oval near a local landfill where there are

no virtually no cars and simply go back and forth for about 40 or so minutes while listening to talk shows on mini radio

which I place in my shirt pocket with earbuds!!

On beautiful and hot days like yesterday, I am in seventh heaven!!

Again the slight stumble on my bike yesterday was arre and simply because I didn't slow down quite enough before negotiating my


The entire point here is that while I consider myself worlds above Joe Biden both physically and mentally and I think he should

not run in 2024, lots of things can and will happen to EVERYONE on occasion for older folks which didn't happen

when they are younger!!

Obviously, the manner in which aging manifests itself varies from person to person.

In my case the arthritis in my lower back has gotten a bit worse as has my acid reflux and hearing and that's it.

I will take that over heart problems, strokes, dementia, etc. 24/7/365!!

ps thanks for the suggestion of training wheels.

However, when it gets to that point, I will realize that I will confine my exercise to walking, which I do currently especially in the winter

(indoor walking)when the cold weather pretty much precludes riding a bike!!
Nice 2 hear your more Physically & Mentally " Sharper " than President Joe Biden ?

I didn't mean Training Wheels as an insult or anything just something like back wheels 2 support bike balance better ?

I knew an older gentleman years ago in DownTown Davenport , Iowa & whenever he would see me ...... No matter where it was , wether on the street , at a store , at the library ...... Just wherever we happened to bump into each other he would yell " Robert , your my friend " waving at me & I'd either wave back at him or I'd go talk 2 him if I wasn't going anywhere in particular .

He used 2 ride a bike alot & one day he was involved in an accident while riding & fell , he later passed away from injuries .

It was strange , after his death for sometime whenever I was in downtown Davenport I swear I would hear ? his voice yelling " Robert , your my friend " out of nowhere once in awhile ...... even though I knew that he had passed away .
Eventually I stopped hearing what sounded like him calling 2 me .

Nov 11, 2007
Nice 2 hear your more Physically & Mentally " Sharper " than President Joe Biden ?

I didn't mean Training Wheels as an insult or anything just something like back wheels 2 support bike balance better ?

I knew an older gentleman years ago in DownTown Davenport , Iowa & whenever he would see me ...... No matter where it was , wether on the street , at a store , at the library ...... Just wherever we happened to bump into each other he would yell " Robert , your my friend " waving at me & I'd either wave back at him or I'd go talk 2 him if I wasn't going anywhere in particular .

He used 2 ride a bike alot & one day he was involved in an accident while riding & fell , he later passed away from injuries .

It was strange , after his death for sometime whenever I was in downtown Davenport I swear I would hear ? his voice yelling " Robert , your my friend " out of nowhere once in awhile ...... even though I knew that he had passed away .
Eventually I stopped hearing what sounded like him calling 2 me .
Nice story-thanks for sharing!!

Actually with my pedal-assist ebike while it is possible I could get into an accident it is extremely unlikely

as my route as I think I said previously is an oval-shaped road where it is rare to see more than one car during my back-

and-forth 40-minute or so ride.

I also have a rearview mirror on the bike so that when I pedal I can see what is behind me and approaching if there happens to

be a car.

As I stated or implied, when I need to turn around at the end of the road and go back to starting point and vice-versa, I usually

just brake the bike first rather than negotiate the turn while bike is still moving to prevent falling off although at this point

anyways, the chance of that happening is rare in spite of the mishap I described a few days ago.

If and when I lose my balance to the point where I can't control the motion of the bike at all, I will simply discontinue its use

and stick to walking!

In all honesty, as I really start to get up there in years, if I need anything, it won't be a training wheel but more likely a walking

cane because of arthritis in my lower back.

I shudder at the thought of a wheelchair someday and my wife pushing it but you never know!!

Re: Joe Biden, as a person just two years younger, I would be lying if I said he should be serving as anything under than a grandpa

at this point.

Just watching and listening to him speak gives me the creeps because it is so obvious that he just isn't there so to speak and going


I sure hope his wife or someone else convinces him to step down before the 2024 Election as the Party needs someone

who is much better in control of his mental and physical faculties!!

For that matter and not to get into the politics of it, imo neither Trump nor anyone in his age range should be running for POTUS.

It is one thing for someone like Warren Buffett at his age to do his thing and make money-it is entirely different to try to run

the country with all of the pressure and inherent decisions that need to be made.

The polling data shows that the American Public agrees with me, namely that they don't want Biden or Trump to be the candidates.

There are lots of different reasons for this, but age in itself is a big one and especially so as the overwhelming number of people

in the country are much younger and want people a bit younger that they can relate to.

That's it-thanks to you and anyone else who read this, and everyone enjoy their weekend!!

Dec 27, 2022
Go goggle some more winning tickets so you can post after the games are over.
Says the dumb cuck who DOESN'T POST PICKS, DOESN'T POST SLIPS. Pay attention you dumb cuck, I posted giants for 1000 and a few others before the game started in addition to my picks.

Once again, keep embarassing yourself. Time for you to get to dinner at the rehab center? :arrowhead :arrowhead :arrowhead

Apr 18, 2019
Updated record.
Thursday 6/15 MLB 4-3 +2.52. Season 433-417 -78.72

Friday 6/16 MLB 9-5 +11.03. Season 442-422 -67.69
Didn’t post 6/17

Sunday 6/18 MLB 6-6 -.62. Season 448-428 -68.31

Monday 6/19 MLB 6-4 +1.05. Season 454-432 -67.26

Tuesday 6/20 MLB 6-9 -8.46. Season 460-441 -75.72

Dec 27, 2022
HA! that's all this mother fucker has...a fake record keeping of my plays.

Time to get OFF MY NUTS, CUCK BOY.

Where are YOUR PLAYS again, Mr Rehab? :arrowhead :arrowhead :arrowhead

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