I like that list and would also add IC and 3G. Both solid but streaky sometimes.
In a perfect world one would be able to get on the train/service ONLY when he is hot and get off at the exact moment when he goes cold.
Unfortunately life is not like that meaning that if someone is say on a 10-1 run, he can go 0-4 the next day.
In short, handicapping streaks are not like say an illness where one GRADUALLY gets better or worse-it can and does happen suddenly
and without warning.
I distinctly remember an online chat I had with the REAL Animal a number of years back, (The Real Animal who is and who has always
been a very decent capper over time.)
During the conversation he said something spot-on, which I fully agree with, namely that when one is using a service which is not
doing well and decides to switch to another capper who has been hot, in many cases, that will fail for the simple reason
that right at the time the person gives up on the cold capper, he will get hot, and conversely the capper who he switches to will go cold.
That is not only the nature of handicapping services but to the bigger game of life itself!!!