Below are The Whale's picks for you today based on a $1,000 bankroll. If you prefer to bet on only 1 or a few games a day, then just take the picks with the highest win amounts:
Best Bet of the Day to Win $175
430pm 19 Anaheim Ducks -115
Super Platinums to Win $150
4pm 531 Memphis -4
7pm 901 New Mexico +14.5
6pm 897 TCU +6
Two team parlay bet $80
430pm 19 Anaheim Ducks -115
4pm 531 Memphis -4
Two team parlay bet $70
7pm 901 New Mexico +14.5
6pm 897 TCU +6
Round Robin 3's and a 4 for $12 a way for $60
430pm 19 Anaheim Ducks -115
4pm 531 Memphis -4
7pm 901 New Mexico +14.5
6pm 897 TCU +6