

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Somebody get off your ass and clean up the litterbox that the NBA forum has turned into. Shit is a joke.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005

And lately NBA forum is not the only place filled with attention whores and drivel.

Too much time in offshore forum and not enough time policing other forums.


Rx Wizard
Sep 21, 2004
Rx business plan, and related expenditures, lately seems to focus less on gambling/capping and more on politics/book relations. The later I can at least see the relevancy, but this place is fast losing its focus on what is important to the average sports gambler, IMO. Thats ok, there are still places in the offshore world which still cater to the demographic groups most sought after by the books.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

There are some users that do post immaturely and for that I am sorry but there is also a censorship issue involved. Some of you who have been here a while may be dissappointed with The Rx. and it's moderators for letting posters start threads that you find offensive, unfortunately there is not a lot we can do other than try to move the so called attention whore threads here to the Rubber Room.

Personally if I were that upset by a few threads during the NBA playoffs I would try to find someplace more in lines with what I am looking for in a gambling forum.

Ppeter - That not correct. Sure we are trying to clean up the Politics forum and yes we do need to keep positive relations with sportsbooks but the bottom line has always been to provide information to our posters.

Dwoofdaddy - I doubt if we could ever do anything to make you happy.


New member
Oct 21, 2004
Wil--so you're sayin Skisnraj should look for a better gambilng forum? Not getting your logic here...

I'm a big fan of this place but attention whoring has gotten out of control. I don't want to seek out other places cause this is the first one i've been a part of, can't really beileve you'd suggest Skins look elsewhere.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I am only saying if I was that sensitive to a few new posters getting fired up on an NBA playoff Sunday I would not use this kind of forum for entertainment. From what I could see yesterday is was a single poster (trek) getting a little out of hand and a few others getting into it with him. To call the entire NBA forum a litterbox is unfair to dozens of solid NBA posters who have been posting there all season.

We do have a report a post icon at the bottom of all posts that people can use to report threads or posts they find offensive.

When you have new posters there are bound to be some that seek attention - the moderators try to keep it contained as much as possible without getting into censorship. The line is sometimes not so clear.

If the attention whoring as you call it bothers you so much try using the report function - it can only help.

-- Report a post icon..


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005

I appreciate that the poli forum is no longer romper room. Point is, and was made by Skins via this thread, the regular posters here should not have to come calling for your help when the forums become litterboxes.

Its yours and other mods responsibility to ensure flaming & bashing are not excessive in the forums.

You appear as if you are doing us some type of huge favor for doing what is partly your job to do...maintain the forums.

Now that you know my thoughts, instead of putting words in my mouth, thanks almighty Mr. Wilheim for your efforts & cooperation to help make this site the best it can be.

Have a great week.


New member
Jul 20, 2002

Thanks for letting me know what my job is. My point is the NBA Forum is not today or was not a litterbox yesterday, there were a few threads by a poster who registered two weeks ago that could have been considered over the top. They are all here in the Rubber Room.

Don't flatter yourself any favors I do are not for you in particular.


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Not flattering myself at all.

Also, not "telling" you anything. Seems safe to assume the head moderator is somewhat responsible for maintaining the forums.

If its not, accept my apology.

Thanks for again talking down to a regular poster...seems to be a special skill of yours.

I enjoy and have enjoyed this site for what it is and the other posters.

If you dont appreciate regular posters letting you know their thoughts...good enough.

Myself and others I know who own businesses or work in a management capacity, encourage and appreciate their regular customers informing them "how things" are going.

Im finished...not going to get into a posting war with you, since it will only find me banned and I dont want such.

Enjoy your day.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Thanks for again talking down to a regular poster...seems to be a special skill of yours.

Am I supposed to yes sir and no sir to you everytime you have a bitch. No one complains more on this site than you do..


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Wil, give me and others here a break.

Save the sarcasm of yes sir and no sir for someone who wants your sarcasm.

Most here wont say anything you dont approve, and you maybe should consider appreciating others suggestions if they do so in a respectable manner.

I dont want or need anything from you or RX except keep the nonsense in forums to a reasonable level. You know damn well how to interpret "reasonable".

Well, you no longer have to worry about me "complaining", for I wont be unless a thread I spend several minutes typing is hijacked or spammed.

In case you havent noticed, alot of solid and respectable posters are leaving here & posting at other competing sports forums. Of course RX is still top shelf, but that could change if regular RX posters like Skinsraj grow tired of the nonsense and leave RX.

Have you ever wondered why? Do you care? Rather than labeling people as complainers, consider some RX regulars are trying to assist yourself and other mods maintain this place as a decent place to post.

Maybe you would prefer to only have a few thousand posters who only enter free contests and otherwise contribute nothing at RX.

He is no longer here, but anytime I saw a tout soliciting in the sports forums with tout bullshit, I would message a particular moderator via AOL IM and the tout would be sent to site promo forum.

From this point forward, I will no longer do such.

I feel the ice getting thinner under my feet here, so Im quitting while I am able to remain a poster.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Well, you no longer have to worry about me "complaining", for I wont be unless a thread I spend several minutes typing is hijacked or spammed.

Fine with me. I get a certain sense of Deja Vu from this whole argument with you somehow.

Go figure..

New member
Oct 4, 2005
daw, if this gets you this worked up, you need to get out of the house and get a life


Nov 1, 2004
It sucks when 2 posters that a guy thinks are cool get into a fight, I just don't know what to think.


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
all this drama I think I'm going to get a steak and cheese sub.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
what's up with this drama.
raj, stop stirring up trouble, some people are actually taking you seriously.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Just saw these messages...

Wil, yes, I don't like attention whores and having 25 worthless threads in the NBA forum, but you seem to have misunderstood the point of me creating this thread: there was a ton of garbage in the NBA forum that had gone unnoticed by the mods for an extended period of time. I'm not saying you should censor posters; in fact, the only thing I expect from the mods is to move inappropriate threads to the RR in a timely fashion. That was my only problem yesterday.

The fact that the mods ended up moving about five threads after I got your attention only proves my point that there was a ton of garbage in the NBA forum yesterday that needed to be moved. So I don't understand the whole me being sensitive thing? The threads yesterday didn't even have anything to do with attention whoring...they were just trash threads, and I was only looking out for the interests of the RX. But oh well.

As for the Report a Post feature, I started using it yesterday, but regardless, it shouldn't take hours or a warning from another poster before they notice that crap. I think the mods here do a good job, don't get me wrong...but lately a lot more threads have seemed to slip through the cracks.

As for calling the entire NBA forum a litterbox, I was referring only to don't need to tell me about the quality of the NBA forum throughout the entire year, as I was in there more than most. But when as many as five threads on the front page were deemend RR-worthy by the mods, that only proves my point.

Juice, I'm not trying to stir up fact, just the opposite. I've ignored the attention whores and minded my own business. Yesterday, I was only trying to help the RX, as the NBA forum had seemingly lost its way. But I guess from now on I'll refrain from attempting to do anything helpful, as it apparently only causes problems.

Oh well, not my problem I guess.

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