*MNF Plays of the Day*


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ok, voices from a innocent bystander! I've been on the RX forum for about a year, post VERY seldom as you can see but read them all! Kodiak, I don't think he was busting ur balls about how you pick or how much money you made. If you scroll back up to the first reply, he said that you weren't 3-5, that's all. He didn't say you suck, or anything.. I'm speaking for him and myself, I don't want someone to go 0-4 like you did yesterday, if you did go 3-5 then correct me and I'll stand as corrected but if you went 0-4, don't say you were 3-5 to better urself. Why do that? You were 0-4, I don't want someone saying they were something they weren't.. and I'm not talking about what you have done in the past or what you did in week 1, 2 or 3... talking about you were 0-4 and said 3-5.. NOW with that being said, good job so far this year & BOL to you tonight and next week! :toast:

Nov 20, 2000
Kodiak7 said:
I'm Done Unitl This Non-play Posting Loser Is Banned! I'm All Done At The Rx.. I Don't Need The Hassle Of Seeing This Guy When I Can post At Other Sites And Through My Email...

This Guy Has Issues And He Is In The Wrong Posting Crap In Any Of My Threads.... I Stay Within The Rules Here....

Until He Is Gone I'm Done At the Rx...


see above

I never come on here and say look at me for going 5-0 / 6-1 / 7-2.... I respond to assholes like this guy that say crap in my thread... all of my numbers are accurate PERIOD!
Jul 22, 2005
Kodiak7 said:
I'm Done Unitl This Non-play Posting Loser Is Banned! I'm All Done At The Rx.. I Don't Need The Hassle Of Seeing This Guy When I Can post At Other Sites And Through My Email...

This Guy Has Issues And He Is In The Wrong Posting Crap In Any Of My Threads.... I Stay Within The Rules Here....

Until He Is Gone I'm Done At the Rx...


wow thats a bold statement, i guess we have to reach into the old pocket book.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
See this: I don't know Helluh or you Kodiak, but why want him banned? makes no sense.. ban him for what? Telling you not to say you were 3-5 when you were 0-4? Get a grip dude! I followed ur picks this year, followed a few yesterday as well and it's not a pleasant site to lose, come on & see you talking this 3-5 stuff... I didn't get those 3 winners, only the 4 losers! :monsters-

Dr. Is IN
Nov 1, 2004
This is a POST from a regular RX'er....KODIAK is a good capper, Hellah when he does post is also a good capper...very good at college FB...Kodiak good at all sports...NOW all Hellah was doing IMO was pointing out the obvious....Kodiak you may very well have been 3-5 on Sunday, BUT here at the RX you were 0-4...end of story Guys no pissing matches move on please....GL to both of you

New member
Apr 10, 2005
i do not post winners in the football forum, i do not bash ppl, i do not favor one side or the other here, and i do not see a 3-5 record, i do see a 0-4 record....kod, you started this thread saying ..." ok, well 3-5 yesterday......you were not 3-5, you were 0-4, i dont understand why you are getting upset and refuse to post anymore.....all this guy is saying is you are not being 100% accurate....0 winners posted + 4 losers posted = 0 wins, 4 losses...not 3 wins and 5 losses....for myself, whenever i get the itch to bet a football game, you are 1 of the 4 or 5 guys i look at.....just curious, if your public plays were 0-4 yesterday, you must have a good reason for stating that you went 3-5...if you could tell us this reason it will clear up alot....

bol. maxxx

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Kodiak, stay on message and stay with your record for Rx. posted plays only and you will be able to avoid this kind of criticisim.

Best of luck to all, wil..

New member
Aug 22, 2005
obviously if the dude is touting he can't post all his plays on here. that would be unfair to the patrons who donated the $$$$. what do you care if he says he went 3-5 in his nfl card and only posted 0-4 plays, if the dude was lying don't you think one of his $$$ customers would come on here and tell you??? why knock a dude that is a proven winner....

last question: if a stock costs a $100 to buy and you knew it would cash out higher than the original purchase, with the potential of a 40%-50% return on your investment would you buy it??? just asking


Nov 20, 2000
first off this guy has been pissing in my threads for 2 days.. not just this one.. secondly I never talk about my winnig days here I never mention my released plays to the email crowd either.. This dick though comes in and busts balls, see other threads, after my first NFL losing day this year... I released KC winner friday / SD WINNER / OAKLAND WINNER yesterday.. yes I lost the 4 freebies here and I'm sorry.. But let it be known that my plays have hit 62% this season and over 67% here.......... Hellah was wrong... I stay wuithin the rules here, always have...

not worth it to me to continue on here when people like this clown post.. WHERE WAS HE WHEN I WAS 13-2 over 3 weeks????? ITS BS....


"Come back with your shield - or on it"
Sep 8, 2005
i dont think he was around before because your record was correct. now it is not, so he called you on it. your fighting a losing battle. but it does make for great comedy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i was wrong to call you out on posting past winners?

your fucked up man....you just love attention...its sick...

you posted 4 NFL plays that all lost...then you come in here and say you were 3-5

Green Bay

In college...you posted


you went 2-3

then you come in with this bullshit about winning all these other games when you CLEARLY only posted THOSE 5 games!

I dont care if your a good capper..I dont care if your the greatest capper in the fucking galaxy....but YOU posted 4 plays in the NFL...NOT 8....you posted 5 GAMES IN NCAA...not 13!!

if you dont understand that...then you need your head checked

WHERE WAS HE WHEN I WAS 13-2 over 3 weeks

i was right HERE! i didnt say shit cuz you didnt post any dumb shit...so go fuck yourself

New member
Oct 21, 2002
Kodiak7 said:
I'm Done Unitl This Non-play Posting Loser Is Banned! I'm All Done At The Rx.. I Don't Need The Hassle Of Seeing This Guy When I Can post At Other Sites And Through My Email...

This Guy Has Issues And He Is In The Wrong Posting Crap In Any Of My Threads.... I Stay Within The Rules Here....

Until He Is Gone I'm Done At the Rx...

What a baby. If you have a problem with some one pointing out an error between your posted record and your fantasy record.... see ya.
Same shit different year.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
milzey said:
seriously, 3rd shift for KINKOS is not a network engineer...

the guy has won more than he's lost so i don't understand how you could fade him at all...

i dont like a lot of his plays thats why i bet em...im the public and hes the best capper...even though he had an off day on his plays in the nfl still up on the week overall with college and up huge on the year...keep fading playa:icon_conf

Hellah is a network engineer @ xerox.

Bear, why not post your "other" plays a few minutes after kickoffs, so then we are able to see your great record??? Instead you have been posting 75% weeks, but forum posts are much lower % and then get upset when people question in your threads.

I'm + on the season, but I certainly would be willing to flip you a few bucks per week if you could provide a few extra winners.

Best of luck to ya.

Nov 20, 2000

and all i ever said was my released plays were this and this.. WHICH they were...

once again I'm signing off.. good luck to you all I'm sure you'll be able to find my plays if you want them...

and woff.. MY FORUM POSTS WERE over 75% winners coming into this week the last 4... I never mentioned that either...

and yes I went 0-4 here yesterday... 3-5 overall on the week in nfl... BOTH ARE ACCURATE


Throwin' Bows
Oct 17, 2005
I am going to get a little ballzy here and hope you don't want me banner too kodiak but we don't care if you went 13-2 or 150-4 it makes no differance. We know you are a good capper an NO ONE is arguing that, not even this guy. All we are saying is if you went 0-4 here say it don't say 3-5. Its not that hard of a concept to understand. I mean if you want to be a baby and threaten to never post here... in my opinion that would be a good thing because its one less dishonest capper posting a bullshit record. If you would have posted those three winners here you can say 3-5 when posting on this forum. BUT YOU DIDNT. Everyone here that best your plays lost on all 4 games you posted. How about you man up and admit to the 0-4 here and stop talking about "where were these guys when I did this thing and that thing" because we don't care where they were. ALL ANYONE IS TRYING TO SAY IS YOU WENT 0-4 HERE SO STOP SAYING 3-5! I mean grasp the concept and hold on to it and if you have to write it down on a post it and slap it on your forehead because it is complete BS to post a false record like that I don't care if you went 20-0 somewhere else. WE DIDNT SEE IT we saw 0-4 so get over it and grow up or "I am never going to post here until you are banned." (Now doesnt that sound stupid... it should and I wouldn't ever say somethign like that and mean it because its flat out immature.)

Nov 20, 2000
i went 0-4 yesterday here.. and 15-5 the last 20 before that..

there you go...

I will not post when people that don't even post plays come into my threads two straight days and talk shit after bad days .. NOT WORTH IT!


Throwin' Bows
Oct 17, 2005
Thank you. You just gained much more respect in my book! I didn't mean to dog on you as I really value your plays but just had to get the point accross! Best of luck to you!

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