MLB moves All Star game out of Atlanta


Sep 21, 2004
I also watched a sizeable portion of the hearings conducted in maybe five different states.

Completely as Serbone said, the evidence came in reams. Sworn testimony after sworn testimony. Statistics experts and common citizens. The whole spectrum.

Could someone tell me what common citizens, many of them Democrats and Independents by their own testimony, have to gain by testifying in public about the fraud they witnessed?

But few took the time to watch and listen.

The BIG LIE is that there as a ton of evidence of election improprieties. The sad truth if you are interested in free and fair elections is that few took the time to listen to the evidence, including the courts.

.003% that's the amount of voter fraud in our elections in the past 30 years. That's better than dying from Covid if you're under 50.

Sep 21, 2004
According to who? And how did they come up with that number?

Did you watch the hearings?

NY Times. I don't watch OAN or Newsmax at all. Big time fake news.
Dec 11, 2006
NY Times. I don't watch OAN or Newsmax at all. Big time fake news.

Come on carlito. They filmed testimony. No edits. Testimony from beginning of hearings 'till the end. The testimony your accepted media hid from you.

Please explain to me how broadcasting actual testimony is "fake news"?

And I'll ask again, how did the NY times come up with that number?

Sep 21, 2004
Come on carlito. They filmed testimony. No edits. Testimony from beginning of hearings 'till the end. The testimony your accepted media hid from you.

Please explain to me how broadcasting actual testimony is "fake news"?

And I'll ask again, how did the NY times come up with that number?

My final conclusion of the election was rigged is long gone especially when it was disproven time and time again in the courts by judges selected by Trump and by many Republicans. The recounts. Trump has his opportunity to prove it he couldn't. Trump is a con artist, big time bullshitter all his life and stiffer. I read the statistic and accepted it by the Times. They're reputable and a standard of excellence. Don't read it all the time as it's deep and lengthy. I'll respond later have some personal business that needs my immediate attention.

Sep 17, 2010
How about that FOX has an ounce of journalistic integrity as opposed to your creepy outlandish ultra right conspiracy theory and fact twisting OAN and Newsmax. There was no voter fraud. The BIG LIE that was originally concocted by Trump in 2015 in the RNC against Cruz which he eventually won so he filed it away for future use. Then got it ready for Hillary in 2016 but again he surprisingly won and filed it away for future use. Which he finally played in 2020 and created deeper division and challenged Democracy. He had his chance with his fabulous lawyers SIdney Powell and Giuliani to prove it in the courts and no evidence whatsoever. Instead it got these states to get their voter suppression agenda rolling. Man you are gullible did you get fleeced by Don the Con for the recurring donation payments too?

OK Cooper.
OAN and NewsMax showed the hearings (not Trump), that is what I am talking about, not the OAN/NewsMax comments.
I just lost respect for you if you go that far you obviously did not see the hearings.
I did see the hearings, 16-20 hours or so, not every minute.
I was stunned.
I look at all sources, including CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, et al.
To say there is no evidence is a complete lie.
The left globalist socialist "Democrats" control everything, somehow, so this arguement is moot, anyway, IMO, we will be a one party country officially, soon, we have been for years but did not know it.
Enjoy your tax increases, soaring inflation, terrible-quality-and-accessibility-Medicare for all, property value crash, stock market crash, increase in crime violent (open borders), increase in deadly optiods (open borders), cash & gold comphiscation, gun comphiscation... et al.
I recommend you move to California (one party Dem state) and it will be quicker to get it over with, or just take this one at a time.

Aug 4, 2013
OK Cooper.
OAN and NewsMax showed the hearings (not Trump), that is what I am talking about, not the OAN/NewsMax comments.
I just lost respect for you if you go that far you obviously did not see the hearings.
I did see the hearings, 16-20 hours or so, not every minute.
I was stunned.
I look at all sources, including CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, et al.
To say there is no evidence is a complete lie.
The left globalist socialist "Democrats" control everything, somehow, so this arguement is moot, anyway, IMO, we will be a one party country officially, soon, we have been for years but did not know it.
Enjoy your tax increases, soaring inflation, terrible-quality-and-accessibility-Medicare for all, property value crash, stock market crash, increase in crime violent (open borders), increase in deadly optiods (open borders), cash & gold comphiscation, gun comphiscation... et al.
I recommend you move to California (one party Dem state) and it will be quicker to get it over with, or just take this one at a time.
You ever get out of the house? I swear all you political hacks are chasing your tails I too would love to change the world but I don’t know what to do so I’ll leave it up to you good luck chasing your tails lol

Sep 17, 2010
You ever get out of the house? I swear all you political hacks are chasing your tails I too would love to change the world but I don’t know what to do so I’ll leave it up to you good luck chasing your tails lol

Recorded some, a few went well into into the evening, some of it I was able to watch while working.
4 hearings, 2 days per hearing, 8-10 hours per day, that is a lot I did not watch it all of course.
How can dozens & dozens of common folk witnesses say they observed foul play, explain the details (exact times and locations), name names (on the affidavits), with penalty of perjury? If you saw it you would understand my insistence on the fact that it should have been investigated*.

*some ass clown says there is a miniature hangman's noose in the building he stores his race car, the next day, 15 FBI agents were there

Aug 4, 2013
Well I really don’t want to waste my time with such things and I’m retired. But I bore really easy that’s why I bet sports I need action not into reality shows all though was talking with a buddy yesterday and reminiscing about how our poker games back in the 90’s would of been a million dollar idea had we recorded them we were cracking up talking about it. Anyway hope someday someone like say Trump raises some money and hires the private sector to investigates the fraud and all your dreams come true

Aug 4, 2013
street smarts 2019 just nailed red Sox under ff and game for those not boycotting I suggest you get on his wagon! Next up Marlins over 7 -123
Again for those of you not boycotting this guy is a cash cow

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
OK Cooper.
OAN and NewsMax showed the hearings (not Trump), that is what I am talking about, not the OAN/NewsMax comments.
I just lost respect for you if you go that far you obviously did not see the hearings.
I did see the hearings, 16-20 hours or so, not every minute.
I was stunned.
I look at all sources, including CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, et al.
To say there is no evidence is a complete lie.
The left globalist socialist "Democrats" control everything, somehow, so this arguement is moot, anyway, IMO, we will be a one party country officially, soon, we have been for years but did not know it.
Enjoy your tax increases, soaring inflation, terrible-quality-and-accessibility-Medicare for all, property value crash, stock market crash, increase in crime violent (open borders), increase in deadly optiods (open borders), cash & gold comphiscation, gun comphiscation... et al.
I recommend you move to California (one party Dem state) and it will be quicker to get it over with, or just take this one at a time.

I wouldn't bother with these far left (toe the company line liberal talking points ) head in the sand types.... They actually don't know the difference between no evidence and the court refusing to look at the evidence.... let them be ... delusional and ignorant is all it is..

Jun 4, 2018
@cyberspace ...... no I didn't make up that AUGUSTA was being pressured & is considering a move , that was FACT , as evidenced by the AUGUSTA tournament director going on television to talk about it . Wether they actually do move the MASTERS or not it's another thing

Sep 21, 2004
OK Cooper.
OAN and NewsMax showed the hearings (not Trump), that is what I am talking about, not the OAN/NewsMax comments.
I just lost respect for you if you go that far you obviously did not see the hearings.
I did see the hearings, 16-20 hours or so, not every minute.
I was stunned.
I look at all sources, including CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, et al.
To say there is no evidence is a complete lie.
The left globalist socialist "Democrats" control everything, somehow, so this arguement is moot, anyway, IMO, we will be a one party country officially, soon, we have been for years but did not know it.
Enjoy your tax increases, soaring inflation, terrible-quality-and-accessibility-Medicare for all, property value crash, stock market crash, increase in crime violent (open borders), increase in deadly optiods (open borders), cash & gold comphiscation, gun comphiscation... et al.
I recommend you move to California (one party Dem state) and it will be quicker to get it over with, or just take this one at a time.

So dramatic Hannity. Too bad you don't make the money he does in brainwashing the dumb and small minded who tune in. I stated before I did not watch the hearings. Was not interested and read and seen enough on that issue. Sorry don't like Cooper or CNN. Prefer MSNBC with former Republicans Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough. You know the Republicans that are pro Democracy and not shady and crooked like citizen Trump. Watch Fox for Chris Wallace and their prime time hours sometimes for shock and laughs at the misinformation they spew. The Republican party is self destructing as they put all their eggs into Trumpism, the loony conspiracy theorists, QAnon and the white supremacists.

Sep 21, 2004
@cyberspace ...... no I didn't make up that AUGUSTA was being pressured & is considering a move , that was FACT , as evidenced by the AUGUSTA tournament director going on television to talk about it .

RW is correct.

Jul 23, 2020
What do you read and news outlet do you watch Love?

I try to have a well rounded news lineup. Here's my usual news night. If I'm home.

6pm local ABC or CBS news

After that the national CBS or ABC news

Late night local Fox news

DVR Tucker Carlson

As you can see, I get all angles. Left and Right. And I can tell you this, NOTHING is more dishonest than the MSM. That's obviously not counting openly partisan networks like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Those are all on a whole different level of dishonest.

Sep 21, 2004
I try to have a well rounded news lineup. Here's my usual news night. If I'm home.

6pm local ABC or CBS news

After that the national CBS or ABC news

Late night local Fox news

DVR Tucker Carlson I like what you wrote except this... I too believe in balance and most importantly keeping an open mind on things/people.

As you can see, I get all angles. Left and Right. And I can tell you this, NOTHING is more dishonest than the MSM. That's obviously not counting openly partisan networks like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Those are all on a whole different level of dishonest.

I'm not extreme. I consider myself moderate and always thinking about country over party. And follow the facts.

Jul 23, 2020
And follow the facts.

Harder than ever these days. Facts are constantly being twisted to fit narratives. Facts are being hidden that don't fit a certain narrative. Dissenting opinions of experts are being silenced. Etc.

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