Mike Postle Poker Cheat Needs a Face Punch. Guys like this are the scum of the earth

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Postle Files to Dismiss Cordeiro Lawsuit in Nevada[/h]
By Jennifer Newell
June 24th, 2020 | Last updated on June 24th, 2020

Home » Poker News » Postle Files to Dismiss Cordeiro Lawsuit in Nevada


One lawsuit against Michael Postle was recently dismissed in California, but the one in Nevada is just moving along.
Numerous poker players – approximately 90 plaintiffs plus many others in the poker community – accused Postle of cheating in poker games that were livestreamed on the internet from Stones Gambling Hall in Northern California. According to the lawsuits, Postle and an unnamed cohort at Stones worked together to allow Postle to see the hole cards of his opponents, thus winning hands at a nearly-impossible rate.
The majority of those plaintiffs were involved in the case against Postle, Stones, and Stones’ tournament director Justin Kuraitis. The judge in that case ultimately dismissed all charges against the defendants earlier this month.
Meanwhile, however, as the plaintiffs likely prepare an amended complaint in the California case, Postle faces the one plaintiff – Marle Cordeiro – in Nevada.
[h=2]Same Story, Different Lawsuit[/h]The basics of the formal allegations against Postle are the same in both cases. Hours and hours of footage show proof – at least to most educated poker players – that Postle used some type of inappropriate method by which to make decisions in poker hands.
Other aspects of the California and Nevada lawsuits also lined up. In both cases, Postle tried to evade being served with the official civil complaints. In both cases, the judges had to authorize an alternative method of notification because Postle would not accept documents. Both times, Postle was forced to accept that he was being sued.
Now, in the Nevada case, Postle filed a motion to dismiss, just as he did in the previous case. This time, however, he actually hired an attorney instead of asking one to ghostwrite his motions.
[h=2]Recalling Actions by Postle[/h]Marle Cordeiro filed her lawsuit against Postle three months into 2020, approximately six months after the California suit. She filed her case in Nevada because of her residency there.
Cordeiro’s case alleged that Postle lured her to play in the Stones Live cash games in September 2019, and she did travel to Northern California to play. It was during those games that she claims he cheated. She detailed five causes of action in her court filing:
–1. Violation of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) by using wire transmissions to cheat
–2. Fraud for falsely claiming to be an honest player
–3. Negligent misrepresentation by claiming Stones games were honest
–4. Negligence per se by devising a scheme by which defraud by means of false pretenses
–5. Negligence per se for violating the California Penal Code regarding cheating in a gambling game
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As mentioned, Postle tried to avoid accepting the paperwork regarding the case, but the judge authorized alternative methods of notification. Cordeiro’s attorney, Mac VerStandig, served Postle via those methods on May 19.
[h=2]Postle Files Motion to Dismiss[/h]Last week, Postle and his Nevada attorneys at Maier Gutierrez & Associates filed a motion to dismiss for “lack of personal jurisdiction, or, in the alternative, based on forum non conveniens.” Essentially, this is a way of saying that another court – one in California – would be better suited to hear the case.
The motion claims that the Nevada court has no personal jurisdiction over Postle because he is a resident of California, does not have “continuous and systematic contacts with Nevada,” and did not direct any activities toward Nevada related to Cordeiro’s allegations.
Postle also claims that the Nevada lawsuit, which he says is nearly identical and was filed by the same attorney as represented plaintiffs in the California case, is an attempt to “forum shop.” This is a legal term meaning that the plaintiff chose the court that would most likely rule in her favor or has favorable laws for her case.
The defendant claimed that the Nevada case would be “burdensome” for Postle.
With that, Postle filed for the dismissal due to Nevada not having a lawful personal jurisdiction over him. And if that isn’t good enough for the judge, he filed the “alternative” claim of forum non conveniens.
And just for kicks, Postle attached a copy of the California case dismissal as a “supplemental notice of related case.”
[h=2]Next Steps?[/h]VerStandig will likely file a response to the motion to dismiss, arguing for Cordeiro against the points in Postle’s motion. The court will likely receive this response next week or in the first days of July.
After that, Postle and his attorneys may submit a response to that response. After that, the judge may hear oral arguments on the motion to dismiss and then issue a ruling.


Sep 21, 2004
Did you listen to Postle on the Mike Matosow podcast? Basically said he is simply the best poker player ever but he doesn't get to play a lot because his kids come first. So that's why people think he cheated because they simply don't know that he is the best in the world.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Gotta think this one will get thrown out too.
This fucker gonna skate legally, but karma and/or some pissed off enemy will get him in the end.

Sep 21, 2004
Gotta think this one will get thrown out too.
This fucker gonna skate legally, but karma and/or some pissed off enemy will get him in the end.

It's sad too. Because anyone with any basic poker knowledge knows that there is't even a tenth of a percentage chance that he won legit. So painfully obvious that he was being feed the hole cards.

Even the commentators changed his name to Mike Apostle because of how heavenly he played.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
It's sad too. Because anyone with any basic poker knowledge knows that there is't even a tenth of a percentage chance that he won legit. So painfully obvious that he was being feed the hole cards.

Even the commentators changed his name to Mike Apostle because of how heavenly he played.

Agreed but gotta have solid proof
Sep 21, 2004
[ Seems like casino wouldn't be settling these lawsuits unless they realized there was indeed cheating going on. ]

Most Plaintiffs Accept Settlement In Lawsuit Surrounding Mike Postle's Alleged Poker Cheating

Of The 88 Plaintiffs, 60 Accepted An Undisclosed Settlement, Remaining Will Have To Move Forward With New Legal Representation
by Card Player News Team | Published: Sep 10, 2020

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Mike Postle

The majority of plaintiffs in the lawsuit surrounding the Mike Postle cheating allegations have accepted a settlement.In a Sept. 9 court filing, it was revealed that 60 of the 88 plaintiffs will be accepting an undisclosed settlement. Judge William B. Shubb of the Eastern District of California filed a notice of partial settlement and stipulation to set date for motion to withdraw, extend time to file second amended complaint, and vacate status conference and status conference report deadline.

“First, in the above-captioned case, Defendants King’s Casino and Kuraitis have settled with the plaintiffs set forth in Exhibit A,” wrote Shubb. “The Settlement Agreement has been executed by the settling parties.”

Postle himself was left off the defendants list as Shubb dismissed the charges against him in June, much to the dismay of those who saw and compiled the evidence against him. Despite temporarily escaping legal trouble, Postle remains a pariah in the poker world.

This left Stones Gambling Hall Tournament Director Justin Kuraitis, who was in charge of the live-streamed poker games where Postle went on infamous heater where he reportedly won upwards of $250,000 in $1-$3 and $2-$5 no-limit hold’em cash games, and the casino’s ownership group as the lawsuit’s sole defendants.

According to the filing, settling parties will file stipulations and orders of dismissal no later than Sept. 18.
On the final three pages of the filing, Shubb lists the plaintiffs who accepted a settlement. One of the most notable plaintiffs left off that list was Veronica Brill, the former employee of the Sacramento-area cardroom that made the allegations public.

Based on the erratic nature of Postle’s play combined with the infrequency of a losing session, Brill, along with many other high-profile poker pros, believed that Postle had access to the hole cards of his opponents. Despite several promising theories as to how the cheating may have occured, none of them could be substantiated, which ultimately led to the dismissal of the case.

If Brill and the 28 other plaintiffs that did not accept a settlement move forward, they will do so without gambling attorney Mac VerStandig. VerStandig informed the court that he would be stepping down as counsel for the plaintiffs.

“Third, Plaintiffs’ counsel have advised the non-settling Plaintiffs that they will seek to withdraw as counsel,” wrote Shubb in the filing. “No non-settling Plaintiff has indicated an objection to withdrawal by Plaintiffs’ counsel, although a number have simply been non-responsive to counsels’ entreaties.”
VerStandig and his team have until Sept. 11 to file a motion to withdraw. Non-settling plaintiffs will have 20 days after the court rules on the Motion to Withdraw as Counsel to file a second amended complaint and keep the legal battle going.
Sep 21, 2004
[ Unreal what a total douche this guy is. ]

Mike Postle Launches $330million Defamation Lawsuit Against Brill, Negreanu, Ingram and Others

Andrew Burnett,1 week The lawsuit is aimed at almost every single well-known person who has publicly commented or investigated elements of Postle’s alleged wrongdoing.For those not specifically named, ourselves included perhaps, the lawsuit appends ‘Does 1 through 1000’ as defendants.
As Witteles explained in a follow-up tweet, that is “a legal mechanism to avoid some statute of limitations issues by adding people on later.”
The shock announcement may explain why the various pro-Postle Twitter accounts – including Justin Kuraitis, his anonymous PokerHeroes1 account, and the RounderLife magazine account that allegedly once employed Postle - have been close to silent this past week, as we reported recently.
It is also quite possible that Justin Kuraitis will soon launch a similar defamation lawsuit.
The Stones Gambling Hall poker director was accused, and recently ‘cleared’ in a settlement of the lawsuit, of being the inside man helping Postle to cheat the livestreamed cash game.
Postle’s lawsuit is seeking redress on the following seven points, with a ‘demand for jury trial’:

  • Defamation – libel per se
  • Defamation – slander per se
  • Trade libel
  • False light
  • Intentional interference with Prospective Economic Advantage
  • Unfair competition
  • Intentional infliction of emotional distress
Although most defamation lawsuits are settled out of court, if there is no agreement or summary judgment, then the jury trial route is usually preferred for the claimant, as any damages awarded are almost always much higher.

If it does go to trial, then those accused by Postle will have to prove the truth of whatever statements or material they produced, if any, that were defamatory.
Truth is the ultimate defence in such cases, and it could easily backfire on Postle if a jury were to finally hear and see the mountains of evidence piled against him.
Unlike a criminal court, the civil court generally requires a lesser burden of proof, which could work both ways in Postlegate.
The list of those named as defendants is a high-profile, who’s-who of the Postlegate investigation

Sep 21, 2004

The defendants include ESPN as well as prominent poker industry names such as Veronica Brill, Joey Ingram, Todd Witteles, Daniel Negreanu, and NBA executive Haralabos Voulgaris.

Sep 21, 2004
Stole. Plantiffs couldn't prove it and now he is going on the offensive.

Watch him make a profit off of this. He truly has nothing to lose at this point.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Mike Postle Granted Second Continuance in $330 Million Libel Case[/h][FONT=&quot]Haley Hintze,[/FONT][FONT=&quot]14 hours ago

A California Superior Court judge has granted a second continuation to accused poker cheat Mike Postle in his $330 million libel case against a dozen of his most prominent online accusers. Postle, of Sacramento, California, received a 33-day continuation on Thursday, buying him additional time to bring on replacement counsel for his high-profile lawsuit.

Postle claimed in a statement in an online hearing before presiding judge Shama H. Mesiwala that it may be a couple of weeks before he would have replacement counsel. When pressed, Postle claimed to be waiting until “next week” on a decision from an unspecified law firm as to whether it would represent him. Postle also asserted that he was seeking a continuance of up to 120 days to allow the unnamed law firm to come up to speed and to allow additional discovery in the case to occur.

Attorneys for two of the case’s 12 defendants, Veronica Brill and Todd Witteles, were on hand to argue that if any second continuance was granted, it should be of a far shorter duration. Judge Mesiwala herself noted the highly unusual circumstances, declaring:

“It’s pretty rare that you can come to court and just ask for a continuance. It’s usually done on what we call an ex parte calendar. So even the fact that I’m entertaining this now is pretty unusual.”
<b style="box-sizing: border-box;"><b style="box-sizing: border-box;">Nonetheless, the judge granted Postle his shorter-than-hoped-for continuance, with the next hearing scheduled for April 20, 2021. Judge Mesiwala also declared that granting an anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) motion already filed by Witteles and Brill would be a “draconian” solution, despite multiple deficiencies to date in Postle’s legal complaint.

In a countering argument, in one of only a couple of mildly heated moments in what was generally a brief and congenial hearing, Brill attorney Marc Randazza argued that California law demanded an anti-SLAPP motion be ruled upon in 30 days, one continuance had already been granted, and it was also draconian for the case’s defendants to perpetually have a “$300 million lawsuit” hanging over their heads. Judge Mesiwala noted the validity of that argument yet still chose the middle road, granting Postle the time extension but forcing him to move quickly before the next court date.

Postle has represented himself since his original attorney filed a motion to be recused from the case in December, with that motion being granted in January. One point not brought by the judge or by either side was that Postle, in his filing for the second continuation, claimed that his first attorney, Steven T. Rowe, had dropped out of the lawsuit over a lack of experience in online-defamation litigation. However, Rowe cited Postle’s lack of communication and a breach of attorney/client contract in filing his successful recusal motion.

Perhaps the most heated assertion came from Randazza when he stated:

"This complaint was filed as a public relations stunt."
Judge Mesiwala quickly intervened and officially announced her ruling. She had already released a preliminary ruling on Wednesday essentially announcing the second continuance would be granted, but she was disappointed by the two sides not being able to agree on the continuance’s length before the hearing began.

The other appearing defense attorney, Eric Benzamochan (for Witteles), complained that Postle continued to dawdle in hiring an attorney but had already retained a PR firm. Though not confirmed directly in court, the remark appeared to relate a Tweet made by defendant Brill on Wednesday. In Postle’s motion for the second continuation, he wrote:

"Plaintiff has just retained an organization specializing in internet based First Amendment and defamation issues…"
Brill, likely after learning of Mesiwala’s preliminary ruling the day before, Tweeted this:
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" title="Twitter Tweet" src="https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?creatorScreenName=PokerTube&dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1372361054135545857&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pokertube.com%2Farticle%2Fmike-postle-granted-second-continuance-in-330-million-libel-case&siteScreenName=PokerTube&theme=light&widgetsVersion=e1ffbdb%3A1614796141937&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1372361054135545857" style="box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 269px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;"></iframe>
Neither Postle nor the HONR Network has rebutted Brill’s claim to date, while Benzamochan also referenced an exhibit -- as yet publicly unseen -- filed into the case by Postle on February 28th. Benzamochan did not specify the exhibit’s contents or creator.

No trial date has been set in the case. Attorneys for 10 of the 12 defendants, including such prominent entities as ESPN and PokerNews, have not even bothered to appear; according to Witteles’ anti-SLAPP motion, none of the defendants were even properly notified -- in legal terms -- of the $330 million lawsuit’s filing.



Jun 4, 2015
Seems like he would be best buds with the stiffs here at rx like red eye

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
veronica brill is a ****, she deserved to be cheated
Sep 21, 2004
<section class="article__content-holder" style="box-sizing: inherit; max-height: 1e+06px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Literata, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">[h=1]Todd Witteles to Receive $27K Judgment from Mike Postle in Anti-SLAPP Ruling[/h]</section><section class="flex flex-jc--sb article-info article-info--lg" style="box-sizing: inherit; max-height: 1e+06px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; font-family: Lato, Times, Baskerville, Georgia, serif; margin-bottom: 35px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 16px;"><svg class="svg-icon svg-icon--user"><use xlink:href="#icon-user"></use></svg>ByHALEY HINTZE
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<svg class="svg-icon svg-icon--comment"><use xlink:href="#icon-comment"></use></svg>4

</section>Todd Witteles, the owner of the PokerFraudAlert online forums, will receive a judgment for nearly $27,000 in attorney’s fees and court costs from Mike Postle for being forced to defend himself against a defamation lawsuit filed by Postle in late 2020. The judgment comes after Witteles and his attorney, Eric Bensamochan, filed an “anti-SLAPP” (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) motion against Postle that sought to have Postle’s $330 million lawsuit declared as frivolous.
Todd Witteles won a judgment worth nearly $27,000 from alleged poker cheat Mike Postle, who claimed he was defamed by a poster on Witteles’ PokerFraudAlert forums. (Image: Twitter/ToddWitteles)
Presiding California Superior Court Judge Shama H. Mesiwala ruled in favor of Witteles, who filed his claims for legal expenses five weeks ago. CardsChat News obtained advance notice of the scheduling docket for tomorrow’s (May 12) ruling in the case, which was moved forward from an initially scheduled May 20 date and which contains a minute order detailing tomorrow’s ruling.
Judge Mesiwala will grant Witteles $26,982 in damages, though that is reduced from the $43,314.50 Witteles initially sought. Postle dropped his lawsuit against Witteles, Veronica Brill, and 10 other defendants on April 1, 2021, after failing to secure counsel willing to represent him and his claims. By voluntarily dismissing his case, Postle made himself liable for anti-SLAPP claims under California law. The minute order noted that Postle filed no opposition to Witteles’ damages claim.
[h=2]First Amendment win for poker forum[/h]In her ruling, Judge Mesiwala affirmed First Amendment-based freedom of speech while also noting Postle’s extreme claims regarding Witteles and his PFA forum. “Plaintiff’s claims,” wrote Judge Mesiwala, “arose from a few phrases contained in a single post by defendant on a website on the issue of plaintiff’s alleged cheating at online poker games. Defendant has established that [the] Internet post and the phrases therein were not only fully protected by the First Amendment, but also concerned matters of public interest, including ‘consumer information affecting a large number of persons.'”
Judge Mesiwala added, “Therefore, the allegations fall squarely within the definition of a SLAPP suit.” Mesiwala also noted that Postle dropped his claims just before a court hearing where Witteles’ anti-SLAPP motion was to be addressed. Mesiwala wrote, “The voluntary dismissal of a complaint before the hearing on an anti-SLAPP motion creates a presumption that the defendant is the prevailing party on the anti-SLAPP motion.”
[h=2]Damages reduced from amount Witteles originally sought[/h]While ruling in Witteles’ favor, Judge Mesiwala did reduce the total amount now owed by Postle in court-related costs. The judge allowed most of the billing fees requested by Witteles’ counsel Bensamochan to stand, but reduced the number of hours billed (at $695 per hour) in connection with creating the anti-SLAPP motion, calling that portion “excessive and unnecessary.”
As a result, the judge subtracted $16,332.50 from Witteles’ anti-SLAPP claim, leaving the final total at $26,982. The minute order took effect immediately, meaning Postle already owes Witteles that sum, though collecting the judgment is a separate process. The ruling in Witteles’ favor comes months after he and his attorney once offered not to pursue Postle for such damages if Postle voluntarily dropped Witteles from the case’s list of defendants; Postle declined the offer.
Witteles’ attorney, Bensamochan, offered a brief statement to CardsChat News. “Mr. Witteles is pleased that the court has found him to be the prevailing party for purposes of awarding attorney fees,” said Bensamochan. “While we are disappointed that the court cut the fee request down, it is something that falls directly within the court’s purview and discretion, and [we] will accept the reduced fee award without additional argument. Mr. Witteles intends on vigorously pursuing the monies now owed to him by Mr. Postle.”
A similar ruling is expected in the coming days on a parallel anti-SLAPP motion filed against Postle by Brill and her attorney, Marc J. Randazza. That matter is scheduled to be ruled upon on May 19.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Judge in Postle Case Rules for Witteles Attorney Fees[/h]
By Jennifer Newell
May 13th, 2021 | Last updated on May 13th, 2021

Home » Poker News » Judge in Postle Case Rules for Witteles Attorney Fees



Evidently, a person cannot simply file a massive lawsuit against a list of people and companies and then drop it without consequence. So is the lesson learned by Michael Postle.
That is an oversimplification of the most recent court processes involving the former poker pro, of course. It is also an assumption that he learned a lesson, as he appears to still be living in a world in which he thinks consequences are only for those who admit wrongdoing.
Further, the case is not yet over, as this week’s ruling against Postle will be followed by another one next week, likely resulting in the same outcome. All of it will leave Postle with a court order to pay the legal fees – tens of thousands of dollars – for two of the people he tried to sue for defamation.
[h=2]Who is Mike Postle?[/h]For those unfamiliar with the origins of this case, we provided a refresher timeline here.
Mike Postle was once a poker pro who either cheated to win money in livestreamed poker games at Stone Gambling Hall in California or was the most intuitive and winningest player in the game’s history. The court actually did not rule on that, exactly, only that there was not enough court-recognizable proof to determine that Postle cheated. So, the poker community only has mounds of evidence upon which to rely.
Postle, who denied all wrongdoing and claimed to have been victimized by the allegations, sued everyone. He named several people who were outspoken critics of Postle and companies that he believed tarnished his name, not to mention up to one thousand people or entities to be named later, all in a lawsuit asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
However, he ghosted his original attorney in the case and then, unable to find another attorney to follow through, Postle dropped the entire thing.
[h=2]Not That Simple[/h]Clearly with no legal advice whatsoever, Postle seemed to believe he could just abandon the case and be done with it.
Two of the people named in Postle’s defamation lawsuit – Veronica Brill and Todd Witteles – countered the claims against them with anti-SLAPP motions. These were claims that the referenced speech in Postle’s lawsuit protected by California law. The motions claimed free speech rights but also that any references made to Postle were a matter of public interest. Further, Postle was unlikely to win the case.
When the plaintiff drops a case against someone claiming SLAPP protection, the defendant becomes the prevailing party. In effect, Brill and Witteles won their motions.
The court doesn’t necessarily allow that plaintiff to simply walk away after forcing defendants to defend themselves.
Witteles sought $43,314.50 in attorney fees pertaining to Eric Bensamochan’s representation in the case. Brill sought $961.91 in legal costs, $67,777.50 in attorney fees for representation by Marc Randazza. And an extra $10,000 for Randazza’s fees should Postle file an opposition.
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[h=2]May 12 Ruling Against Postle[/h]Judge Shama Mesiwala issued her ruling on May 12 regarding Witteles’ motion for legal fees. She wrote several interesting notes in her tentative ruling:
-Postle’s claims of defamation and libel against Witteles “arose from a few phrases contained in a single post by defendant on a website…” On the basis of the First Amendment and the pubic interest in the matter, this fell “squarely within the definition of a SLAPP suit.”
-Postle dismissed his case on April 1, and the court dropped the anti-SLAPP motion on April 20 without prejudice. Since the motion was pending when Postle filed his dismissal, the defendant was automatically the prevailing party.
-Postle filed no opposition to this presumption that Witteles prevailed.
-Bensamochan’s claim of spending 43 hours on the case was “excessive and unnecessary given the nature and complexity of the allegations of the FAC and the anti-SLAPP motion itself.” Mesiwala subtracted 23.5 hours of time from the invoice. In addition, the billing of a half-hour to reserve the hearing date at $695 per hour “is clearly unreasonable.”
Mesiwala did the math and decided to award a total of $26,982, due from Postle effective immediately.
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[h=2]Postle Appears in Virtual Hearing[/h]On May 12, Mesiwala hosted a virtual hearing in the Sacramento Superior Court’s personal YouTube meeting room with Bensamochan and Postle.
Postle’s statements to the court were…errr…interesting.
-“I apologize for not having legal counsel. There’s been a number of issues regarding that, and I didn’t understand that I could file a formal response to Mr. Bensamochan.”
-“After I dropped the case on the first, due to some doxing issues by other counsel, I ended up going out of town, so I wasn’t able to respond formally to the court in time.”
-“What I’m asking for is to maybe take a closer look at the fees due to my issues with hiring counsel. At no time did I serve Mr. Witteles. I didn’t compel him to hire an attorney.” He claims his original attorney only filed the case to stop the statute of limitations from running out. Of the defendants he sued, Postle said, “They definitely took it upon themselves to do as much as possible hurt me in this situation.”
-“The defamation campaign against me is so extensive. It’s ongoing. It’s absolutely not protected.”
-About Witteles, Postle said, “He’s presented himself as an authority in the industry. He’s even been referenced by 60 Minutes, the Washington Post, as an expert.”
-More about Witteles: “There’s been no level of care in his claims.”
-Witteles’ statements about Postle “incited this social media frenzy against me.”
-Assuming Postle referred to the people he sued here: “The fact that they have taken it upon themselves to hire an attorney when they didn’t need to… I never served anyone. They, themselves, pushed the case, where I never publicized anything, I never publicized the filing, yet they have taken it upon themselves to really push this in the public eye and gaining attention for anything related to this.”
-On still being called a cheater: “I guess I just wanted to be able to bring that to your attention and answer any questions you might have in regards to that.”
Judge Mesiwala’s facial expressions during the entire time Postle spoke were notable.
She then pointed out that Postle did file the defamation suit against people who reasonably then retained counsel, and he then dismissed the lawsuit voluntarily. She reiterated the law pertaining to this motion and hearing and asked if Postle had any legal basis for opposing the payment of the fees.
Postle responded, “No, I do not.”
Mesiwala then asked if Bensamochan had a response. He said that he appreciated the court’s willingness to address “the brightest red candy apple herrings that have been put out there.” He noted that they’re not relevant to the hearing. He also disagreed with her choice to cut the fees when deciding the award, but he admitted it was within the court’s discretion to do so.
Postle then took the opportunity to complain further. He blamed defendants’ attorneys for not giving him enough time to sufficiently respond. Apropos of nothing, he blamed the judge for a confusing ruling, whatever that might have been.
-“The financial issues that are surrounding this is a result of being a victim of an endless amount of online harassment, doxing including by opposing counsel on one side.”
-“I can’t make a living due to the death threats, threats of violence, not just against me but my daughter as well.”
Mesiwala stopped him, asked him to narrow his response to the issue at hand. Postle said he thought the amount of the ruling seemed excessive and the attorney’s fees seemed “egregious” and “overinflated.” The judge then affirmed the tentative ruling.
Since Postle had clearly done no research into anything, despite Google being a free resource, his arguments to Mesiwala were irrelevant. He rambled and did not coherently compile an argument, choosing rather to complain about being a victim.
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[h=2]May 19 Ruling Pending[/h]The next hearing will address Brill’s motion for financial compensation. It is set for May 19.
In the meantime, Brill’s attorney filed a notice of non-opposition to Brill’s motion for costs and attorneys’ fees on May 10. This seemed to be merely a formality to note that Postle had filed no motion to oppose the anti-SLAPP motion or the fee request to the court. Postle had 30 days to respond to the latter and did not do so. The crux of the notice was to ask the court to grant the fee motion without next week’s hearing.
The court has yet to rule on this. However, in absence of a written ruling, the parties will appear in a virtual hearing next on May 19.
There is no reason to believe that Mesiwala will rule any differently than in Witteles’ motion, with the exception of the amount of money requested.


Sep 21, 2001
I doubt this guy has more than 10K - don't know the laws in CA but it's probably useless trying to collect
Sep 21, 2004
I doubt this guy has more than 10K - don't know the laws in CA but it's probably useless trying to collect

Veronica and her lawyers have been attempting to collect the $55k from Postle. In the US legal system, winning a civil case and enforcing the results are two different matters (see the Goldmans vs OJ for example).

Postle has been claiming he is busto and has no money, so the lawyers have filed an involuntary bankruptcy procedure, in an attempt for force him to declare bankruptcy to get a bankruptcy trustee to liquidate his assets to pay the $55k. He has multiple other debts as well, according to his latest filing.

As of last week, Postle was granted a 1 month extension to file a brief to oppose the involuntary bankruptcy procedure.


Oct 21, 2005
Veronica is annoying as fuck, IMO.

I know Marle Cordeiro was after him for while, she is cute wouldn’t mind fucking her.

They all need to move on, they won’t get shit out if it.

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