Mic Drop


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
It is a fact of life in our country today that there are people who live to be offended. They’re called Progressives. They are offended by Confederate statues and the Confederate Flag, by monuments that they say celebrate white supremacy and colonialism, by Trump supporters, by Trump himself, and by those who refuse to get on their knees and grovel before Black Lives Matter.

Well, I am not one of them, and I’ve got a big revelation for them.

Here are ten things for which I will never apologize, and I don’t give sour owl shit if you’re offended by any of them:

1. I’m white – I was born white and I don’t feel guilty about slavery, segregation, the Trail of Tears or the treatment of Chinese railroad workers – because (now get this) I didn’t have anything to do with any of these.

I’m no more responsible for these injustices than the Indian of today is responsible for the Black Hole of Calcutta.

The idea of racial guilt is absurd. White privilege and white supremacy is a myth. Where is the White Miss America Contest, White History Month and White Entertainment Television? Where are the white-only colleges and universities, white-only dating sites or white-only bars and restaurants? Where are the quotas and set-asides for Caucasians?

Do we need to address these things? To some degree, yes, but not by rioting, tearing down statues, looting and destroying businesses, changing names of sports teams and products. We can and should address these things with civility and dialogue by all concerned.

2. I love America – I believe in American exceptionalism. America pioneered representative government guided by a written constitution.

We fought a war with 620,000 dead to end slavery.

We defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan and liberated the death camps.

We saved Europe from tyranny, twice, in the 20th century and then, with American investment, innovation, resourcefulness and generosity, rebuilt the economies of 17 nations of Europe and the nation of Japan.

Our arms kept communism from conquering the world. Our factories and workshops produced a flood of inventions and products that benefited humanity.

We built the greatest most respected medical system in the world and earned more Nobel Prizes in Medicine than any other nation on earth by a factor of ten!

What country has done as much – especially in 244 years, a relative hiccup in time?

3. I’m a Christian – I love God and his son Jesus Christ. I am proud of my faith, but I do not wear it on my sleeve.

I respect all religions. I also believe in the State of Israel. Modern Israel is a miracle and a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Israel is a beleaguered outpost of civilization in a savage region and a bulwark against the forces of darkness.

The next time your physician gives you a shot of penicillin, look up who discovered this miracle drug.

4. My heroes include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt – Washington and Lincoln were indispensable men.

Washington defeated the greatest army on earth and led our country for the first quarter-century of its existence.

Lincoln saved the Union, abolished slavery and inspired generations with his rhetoric.

The Declaration of Independence flames with the eloquence of Thomas Jefferson, arguably the most intelligent man to ever serve as President of the United States.

Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans, represented the pioneer spirit.

Teddy Roosevelt led the charge into the 20th century, the American Century.

Together, they gave us a country so free that malcontents like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib can dump on it without fear of reprisal.

Indeed, if you listen to all the complaints voiced from all the liberal/progressive democrats and communists like NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio, you are hard pressed to understand why there are so few people leaving our country! It is harder still to understand why, with all of our so called “problems”, millions of people from around the world want to come here!

5. I support our Police, and I believe police officers are generally decent/honorable men and women who are doing a difficult, dangerous, often thankless job – You couldn’t pay me enough today to do it. Besides risking their lives every time they go to work, they bear the added burden of listening to insults shouted at them by spoiled, ungrateful people many of whom are wet behind their ears and probably still wearing diapers.

Police today have become the punching bag for the nation and, sadly, they receive little or no respect or support from their superiors and the gaggle of incompetent democratic mayors around the country. And, like our military, they are all that stands between us and the abyss.

When the Twin Towers were attacked in New York City on 9/11, we were reminded by liberals to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few. Yet today, mobs are willing to judge all police by the actions of a few police. Explain that one to me.

Defunding the police because of a few "bad apples" is just plain STUPID because the end result will be more crime. If you find that difficult to comprehend, just check the crime statistics for these liberal democratic controlled cities: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Newark, Trenton and check out the number of shootings and stabbings on any given weekend! You would think these cities are in a war zone.

6. I support the Second Amendment, and I own weapons – It’s one of the reasons why Japan thought long and hard about attacking us. It’s a major reason why we’ll never have a Holocaust here. Europe has had the divine right of kings, religious persecution, Communism and Nazism. We have the Second Amendment.

The anarchy in our streets, coupled with calls to defund the police, only serve to underscore the need for civilian gun ownership.

7. Reparations are racial plunder. The idea of racial guilt is an obscenity from the dark recesses of 19th century European history – There’s no group in the world that hasn’t been oppressed at some point in time.

Will Denmark pay reparations to the English for the Danelaw? Will Mongols and Manchus compensate the Chinese? Will Japan compensate the Chinese for the Rape of Nanjing? How about the English and the Irish, the Mongols and the Russians, the Cossacks and Jews? Will bi-racial Barack Obama take money out of one pocket and put it in another?

8 There are only two genders. Deal with it – Gender is determined at birth by your DNA. Just as you can’t change your DNA, you can’t change your sex. You should not be able to force others to participate in your fantasy. Reality isn’t hateful.

9. I support President Trump and will vote for him in November, 2020 – The president loves this country. He really does have Israel’s back. Who else is strong enough to stand up to China and Iran?

Unlike almost everyone else in Washington, as a businessman, he understands finance and the market economy.

He's giving us judges who deliberate instead of legislate. And he has the guts not to be liked.

Prior to COVID-19, President Trump built the greatest most prosperous economy in the world and he gave power back to the people.

He understands that we are a people who happen to have a government, not the other way around, and this American experiment in which government derives its just power from the consent of the governed is still the most unique, treasured and progressive form of government in the history of mankind.

10. You have a right to disagree with me, but you do not have a right to try to silence me – Being offended doesn’t trump the First Amendment.

Attacking statues and assaulting those with different values is the kind of thing we saw in Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia.

Generations of Americans died for freedom of speech, not freedom to suppress speech.

To say you’re offended is merely an attempt to prioritize your feelings above everyone and everything else. It’s not an argument, but a call to end discussion – an admission of intellectual impotence.

Being offended isn’t a mark of virtue; it’s a sign that you’re a big, blubbering baby who will throw a tantrum if you can’t get your way. Wagging fingers and shouting obscenities at me is just plain disrespectful, and might get you a punch in the nose.

Sadly, that is what we see today with liberals and progressives.

They do not maintain a dialogue, they respond with insults and attacks, and that is fundamentally because they have not done their homework, are poorly educated, lack historical perspective and context and have no inclination or desire to reason.

We have the right to disagree... but what I see taking place in our country today is simply not right from any reasonable perspective.

Many in politics have lost their sanity for political reasons. I heard AOC state this morning that the Riots and looting are taking place because of the pandemic.. people don't have food, so they have to riot. Does anyone believe this dribble? For what food were they looking at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Macys, Gucci, Louis Vuitton , etc.?

I may be wrong, but I would bet that the Reverend Martin Luther King is looking down from Heaven at all the rioting looting, black on black killing, BLM and saying to himself, "I can’t believe I died for this."

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The man speaks for many of us, and NOT for just white Americans, but for all Americans that truly appreciate all the greatness this country has accomplished, and can continue to accomplish and the opportunities it offers to everyone

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
This is really great stuff. For me, some things stand out as particularly great:

It is a fact of life in our country today that there are people who live to be offended. They’re called Progressives. They are offended by Confederate statues and the Confederate Flag, by monuments that they say celebrate white supremacy and colonialism, by Trump supporters, by Trump himself, and by those who refuse to get on their knees and grovel before Black Lives Matter.[/quote[

I find it so hilarious how these progressives get so easily offending at everything. They get offended when people refuse to get on their knees, then they get offended when people do take a knee.

1. I’m white – I was born white and I don’t feel guilty about slavery, segregation, the Trail of Tears or the treatment of Chinese railroad workers – because (now get this) I didn’t have anything to do with any of these.

This is a really great point, and I'm very glad the author made it about his own feelings, because his feelings are very important. Any white person who had nothing to do with those things should not feel guilty about them. They should feel innocent.

The idea of racial guilt is absurd. White privilege and white supremacy is a myth. Where is the White Miss America Contest, White History Month and White Entertainment Television? Where are the white-only colleges and universities, white-only dating sites or white-only bars and restaurants? Where are the quotas and set-asides for Caucasians?

These are some great questions. Privilege and supremacy is defined as having a History Month, television station, and educational institution devoted to a specific skin color. For example, there are colleges that are over 90% black, there are no colleges that are over 90% white anywhere in America. Therefore white privilege does not exist.

Do we need to address these things? To some degree, yes, but not by rioting, tearing down statues, looting and destroying businesses, changing names of sports teams and products. We can and should address these things with civility and dialogue by all concerned.

Absolutely true. It is wrong to change the name of a sports team or a product in an uncivilized manner. Also, if any members of a group do any rioting, looting, business destroying, or statue tearing down, it is important to focus on them and see the entire group as being completely unconcerned with civility and dialogue. For example, there are some Americans who believe Black Lives Matter (while many others believe Black Lives Don't Matter). Some of those people who believe Black Lives Matter have done some looting and rioting, therefore we should treat everyone who believes Black Lives Matter as a rioter and looter, and cannot be considered peaceful. Only people who believe Black Lives Don't Matter can be considered peaceful, as people in that group do act uncivilized.

5. I support our Police, and I believe police officers are generally decent/honorable men and women who are doing a difficult, dangerous, often thankless job – You couldn’t pay me enough today to do it. Besides risking their lives every time they go to work, they bear the added burden of listening to insults shouted at them by spoiled, ungrateful people many of whom are wet behind their ears and probably still wearing diapers.

Police today have become the punching bag for the nation and, sadly, they receive little or no respect or support from their superiors and the gaggle of incompetent democratic mayors around the country. And, like our military, they are all that stands between us and the abyss.

When the Twin Towers were attacked in New York City on 9/11, we were reminded by liberals to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few. Yet today, mobs are willing to judge all police by the actions of a few police. Explain that one to me.

Defunding the police because of a few "bad apples" is just plain STUPID because the end result will be more crime. If you find that difficult to comprehend, just check the crime statistics for these liberal democratic controlled cities: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Newark, Trenton and check out the number of shootings and stabbings on any given weekend! You would think these cities are in a war zone.[/quote]

This is really great, we should never judge a group of people by the actions of a few. Police have a dangerous job. That's why it is always ok if they ever use violence to make America more dangerous for others.

6. I support the Second Amendment, and I own weapons – It’s one of the reasons why Japan thought long and hard about attacking us. It’s a major reason why we’ll never have a Holocaust here. Europe has had the divine right of kings, religious persecution, Communism and Nazism. We have the Second Amendment.

The anarchy in our streets, coupled with calls to defund the police, only serve to underscore the need for civilian gun ownership.

Great point. The right to own guns is why our streets are safe and are not like a warzone.

8 There are only two genders. Deal with it – Gender is determined at birth by your DNA. Just as you can’t change your DNA, you can’t change your sex. You should not be able to force others to participate in your fantasy. Reality isn’t hateful.

Very true. This is a very important issue. Anyone who thinks their gender can be changed is wrong and should be forced to participate in correct gender determination.

9. I support President Trump and will vote for him in November, 2020 – The president loves this country. He really does have Israel’s back. Who else is strong enough to stand up to China and Iran?

Prior to COVID-19, President Trump built the greatest most prosperous economy in the world and he gave power back to the people.

Everyone in America should support Trump and should vote for him in November. But this is one of the most important reasons why: because the American economy right now is the best the world has every seen.

He understands that we are a people who happen to have a government, not the other way around, and this American experiment in which government derives its just power from the consent of the governed is still the most unique, treasured and progressive form of government in the history of mankind.

Everyone in American government works for the American people, that is why our country and our government is so great.

Jan 13, 2019
This guy is right on the money. It is too bad that so many people today do not have any common sense.

Jan 13, 2019
This is really great stuff. For me, some things stand out as particularly great:

When the Twin Towers were attacked in New York City on 9/11, we were reminded by liberals to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few. Yet today, mobs are willing to judge all police by the actions of a few police. Explain that one to me.

Defunding the police because of a few "bad apples" is just plain STUPID because the end result will be more crime. If you find that difficult to comprehend, just check the crime statistics for these liberal democratic controlled cities: New York, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, St. Louis, Newark, Trenton and check out the number of shootings and stabbings on any given weekend! You would think these cities are in a war zone.

This is really great, we should never judge a group of people by the actions of a few. Police have a dangerous job. That's why it is always ok if they ever use violence to make America more dangerous for others.

Great point. The right to own guns is why our streets are safe and are not like a warzone.

Very true. This is a very important issue. Anyone who thinks their gender can be changed is wrong and should be forced to participate in correct gender determination.

Everyone in America should support Trump and should vote for him in November. But this is one of the most important reasons why: because the American economy right now is the best the world has every seen.

Everyone in American government works for the American people, that is why our country and our government is so great.[/QUOTE]

LOL at the leftard dimwit that is trying to be condescending!

Nov 17, 2004

This is really great, we should never judge a group of people by the actions of a few.

Couldn't the same be said by judging all Blacks by the actions of BLM? We have over 328 million people in this country (over 40 million are Black). Both sides of the aisle can be brainwashed into narratives pushed by the media.

I'm pretty darn sure across the board, no nationalities support looting and vandelism.
Dec 3, 2017
This Black Lives Matter constant chant will hurt their cause FAR MORE than taking a knee before a game. I'm anything but a white supremist, but this offends me and many people that are not radical thinkers.

Nov 17, 2004
This Black Lives Matter constant chant will hurt their cause FAR MORE than taking a knee before a game. I'm anything but a white supremist, but this offends me and many people that are not radical thinkers.

I'm not sure what your definition of "many" is, but I'm pretty sure most polls show the majority of pretty much all races have some support for the movement. More people than you think really aren't that concerned about a "knee". But I can't think of anyone I know that is behind violence, looting, and vandalism. That will do far more damage to their cause.




Nov 17, 2004
I'd also go on to say that the "knee" thing that Kaepernick got started is analogous to what's going on with the board right now and how there are certain posters that just can't help but take the click bait. The best thing to do with a troll is ignore them, but so many simply could not.
Dec 3, 2017
To me "the words simply sound insulting". You can treat people like you want to be treated without yelling something in their face. It sounds like a low level of education at best!

Nov 17, 2004
And one more while I'm at it about painting people with broad strokes....


Looking at the extremes, there are practically the same about of Blacks that think BLM won't have much impact at all as the ones that say it will be very impactful (myself being in the former category). The middle column (somewhat) is pretty close to what all nationalities are saying.

Sep 20, 2017
Couldn't the same be said by judging all Blacks by the actions of BLM? We have over 328 million people in this country (over 40 million are Black). Both sides of the aisle can be brainwashed into narratives pushed by the media.

I'm pretty darn sure across the board, no nationalities support looting and vandelism.

They have some power. And minorities are always able to push for racial policies for their benefit and advocate for themselves. White people should always shut up and let the country(which they are mostly responsible for building) go to hell and change just because other groups are here. We can all be Americans they say....But they never seem to push for things that benefit Americans just specific to their group.

Life is Good
Nov 21, 1999
3. I’m a Christian – I love God and his son Jesus Christ. I am proud of my faith, but I do not wear it on my sleeve.

I respect all religions. I also believe in the State of Israel. Modern Israel is a miracle and a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Israel is a beleaguered outpost of civilization in a savage region and a bulwark against the forces of darkness.

Matthew 22:35-37

One of them, an expert in religious law, tried to trap him with this question: "Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind'. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself'. The entire law and all of the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments."

If you follow these simple rules, the rest falls into place.


Nov 17, 2004
They have some power. And minorities are always able to push for racial policies for their benefit and advocate for themselves. White people should always shut up and let the country(which they are mostly responsible for building) go to hell and change just because other groups are here. We can all be Americans they say....But they never seem to push for things that benefit Americans just specific to their group.

Again, generic statemen's and the painting of groups with broad strokes. Sorry, not into the "they" stuff. How many people would you say these protesters comprise as a percentage of the overall population? And I guess you think the polls I posted are incorrect?

Sep 20, 2017
Deflect what? Every racial policy for 50 years has been about minorities. Don't tell me they are not advocating for themselves as a group

Nov 17, 2004
Deflect what? Every racial policy for 50 years has been about minorities. Don't tell me they are not advocating for themselves as a group

As stated in the previous posts that you are choosing to ignore, people representing BLM are actually a small percentage of the overall population (and the percentage of Blacks). The majority of all nationalities appear to support theor cause, but it's highly unlikely you'll find many supporting violence, looting, or vandelism. Pretty much the same amount of Blacks think their cause will be very effective as not very effective. And the majority of all races think it will be "somewhat" effective (the percentage of Blacks in that category are in line with that). Not much more to say on it or how people like you seem to want to paint people with broad strokes (which in and of itself is a form of prejudice). Ironically, I thought you were the guy that didn't care for the term "nazi" (or do I have you mistaken with someone else?).

Ignore this post if you like also.

Sep 20, 2017
As stated in the previous posts that you are choosing to ignore, people representing BLM are actually a small percentage of the overall population (and the percentage of Blacks). The majority of all nationalities appear to support theor cause, but it's highly unlikely you'll find many supporting violence, looting, or vandelism. Pretty much the same amount of Blacks think their cause will be very effective as not very effective. And the majority of all races think it will be "somewhat" effective (the percentage of Blacks in that category are in line with that). Not much more to say on it or how people like you seem to want to paint people with broad strokes (which in and of itself is a form of prejudice). Ironically, I thought you were the guy that didn't care for the term "nazi" (or do I have you mistaken with someone else?).

Ignore this post if you like also.

1. You don't have to support BLM to support racial policies or advocate for your group
2. Show me the mainstream white groups advocating for white people and the support they get. Is it anywhere near that? Where are the recent racial policies specific to benefit white people? Don't tell me minoprities aren't getting a push for themselves. I don't want to hear NOT ALL

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