+9999 You have officially won the internet.
Buzz was Old, upon that day and the faggot harassing him was Whiny, horribly and mindnumbingly Whiny. Amazing that Buzz lasted as long as he did, made it that long before cold cocking that faggot.
When he did though?
He delivered a very good connecting blow.
Big Ups Massive Respect to The Old Man.
What have we learned from this?
"Don't Fuck with Astronauts." and "Try to not Piss Off an Astronaut".
Forty-six years ago today, Apollo 11 delivered the first humans to walk on a celestial body besides the Earth. On July 20th, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin each spent over two hours on the surface of the Moon gathering samples. Collecting 47.5 pounds (21.5 kg) of rocks that day made both men instant, worldwide heroes.
But despite the fact that we can literally shine lasers on the pieces of spacecraft we left on the Moon and see the reflections, there are those who doubt humans ever made footprints up there in the regolith.
In honor of the historic first steps on the Moon, let’s all remember what happened when film maker and conspiracy theorist Bart Sibrel confronted Buzz Aldrin, demanding he swear on a Bible that he walked on the Moon.
My guess is that calling a man who literally sat atop a controlled explosion to explore the unfathomable abyss “a coward, and a liar, and a thief” had something to do with this:
In the news
Buzz Aldrin's first Facebook Live session remembers Apollo 11<cite>CNET</cite> - 17 hours ago
In 1969, Neil Armstrong and
Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the surface ...
Buzz Aldrin Verified account
Astronaut, Apollo XI and Gemini 12; Doctorate from MIT in astronautics, Korean War veteran Architect of Cycling Pathways to Mars